June 9, 2005, - 12:36 am

Warhol-Wannabes, Ted Koppel Honor Newly-released Terrorist

By Debbie Schlussel
Four Andy Warhol wannabes are portraying Islamic terrorist Ibrahim Parlak as a “Hero of Freedom,” in their twisted new works of “art.” PUH-LEEZE. This is no hero of freedom. Parlak is a terrorist, despite what the liberal glitterati, like film critic Roger Ebert may say in favor of him and against me in his film reviews. He was released only because he lucked out and drew ultra-liberal Jimmy Carter appointee, Judge Avern Cohn, to review his case. Cohn loves to reverse deportations of illegal immigrants (who paid off INS inspectors) and convinced a university not to drop its joint medical program with terror-host state, Syria. (“Stupid Judges & the Terrorists Who Love Them.”) And where was the balance on last night’s gushing Ted Koppel interview on “Nightline”? Only Parlak was interviewed (no-one from Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and Koppel lobbed plenty of softball questions his way. Not to mention, the sob-story background report by reporter Judy Muller – complete with Parlak’s gaggle of aging, sagging, Sixties liberal supporters. Next, look for Parlak to be on Oprah, where the are evident, and where Ebert’s wife is a producer.

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7 Responses

Green Tea

Green tea is the least processed of all the teas except for white tea.

Green Tea Blog on August 1, 2005 at 9:57 pm


Yet another Usher Blog on August 6, 2005 at 9:56 am

Funny Jokes

Funny Jokes on August 24, 2005 at 5:23 pm

Mikes Apartment

Kenya’s poverty ‘not a surprise’

Mikes Apartment on September 30, 2005 at 2:55 am

Boys First Time

New Orleans colleges face uncertain future

Boys First Time on September 30, 2005 at 4:05 am

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