October 27, 2009, - 3:00 pm

“This Is It” or “This Is S***”?: Tonight & Michael Jackson

By Debbie Schlussel

So, tonight I’m going to screen the much-hyped “This Is It.”  No, sadly, not the great classic pop song by Kenny Loggins with back-up vocals by the man with the sexiest male singing voice in contemporary music (Michael McDonald).  It’s the Michael Jackson movie that looks like it could be “This Is Sh**.”  I’ll find out, tonight, and try to post my review by Midnight, when the embargo lifts.

There’s way too much hype over this.  We have to be there by a half hour before the movie starts.  It’s like being forced to wait in line for Michael Jackson concert tickets, even though the dude is dead.  And, as we all know, if he were alive, there would be no line, and few would care.  We’ll see if it’s worth it, but in my experience, no movie is, especially a Michael Jackson movie.  Again, stay tuned for my review late tonight.  Boy, those adopted Jackson kids are gonna make some coin on this.  My fave part of this whole thing is scammer dad Joe Jackson alleging that there’s a double instead of Michael Jackson in the movie . . . an attempt to shake down the estate to keep him quiet.

I can’t wait until, “This Is It, Freddy v. Jason v. Joe Jackson and Germaine,   XCVII.”

Not This . . .

But This . . .


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5 Responses

Debbie, I like Kenny Loggins This is It and Michael McDonald, when he joined The Doobie Brothers, he added St. Louis soul to the group. Check out Takin It To The Streets or the 1980 Grammy winning super smash What a Fool Believes (co-written by Loggins!). When that song was done live, there is always an added bridge, like in this performance from The American Music Awards…


Bob Porrazzo on October 27, 2009 at 5:13 pm

MJ, the most overrated act in history. Who cares?

lexi on October 27, 2009 at 5:56 pm

I’m with ‘lexi’ on this score, but . . . the media’s mindless worship had more to do with MJ’s post-1985 USA for Africa/”We Are the World” output, in which he regularly put out music whose overall message was in line with the agenda of the liberal-left “One World” globalist elites (and meant for an internationalist audience) – in other words, woolly-headed, gooey-eyed and wobbly as you-know-where (rhymes with “bell”). Small wonder Debbie made the point in the past about how most MJ worshippers also hate America, and love soccer and Islamo-terrorists.

As for “This Is It” by Mr. Loggins – I go for that. I also dig his big hit with Jim Messina, “Your Mama Don’t Dance.”

ConcernedPatriot on October 27, 2009 at 6:16 pm

More losers complaining about a winner, MJ. Please give me a list Lexi and the other haters of your accomplishment in child rearing, music, business, vocals, and entertainment-whatever area your greatest work lies?????

Please stop being a hater on the greatest Entertainer that ever lived; Debbie S you don’t even deserve to attend the Premier you just a loser blogger with a poorly designed site. Go to hell you and rest of the haters on this site!

hateyoursite on October 27, 2009 at 11:13 pm

To me Micheal Jackson died atleast 15 years ago it just took this long for him to realize it, there was no way he would perform 50 shows in London, hell, even his sister Janet has a hard time completing a concert schedule probably due to the weight loss program she tries to adhere to. I once told my best friend who use to be a MJ deciple till molestation books appeared that MJ would never make it to 50 just due to what he did to his skin and the pain he must be both physically and psychologically, I was off by a few months.

seahawker on October 28, 2009 at 1:58 pm

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