March 6, 2006, - 9:44 am

Pro-Terrorism Movies A Total Bust @ the Oscars

Even though the , George Clooney, and the leftist woman from the “” (one of several “White People, Bad” movies winning Oscars) all won Oscars at last night’s Academy Awards, there was good news.
All the terrorism-sympathizing movies were a bust. “”–zero Oscars. Nothing for Steven Shlemielberg. Nada. “”–zero Oscars.
And on top of that, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences capitulated to the truth. Although “Paradise Now” was originally nominated as being from “Palestine”–and Arab and Muslim groups fought hard to keep that false appellation–Will Smith introduced it as “From the Palestinian Territories, Paradise Now.” (It should be “Paradise Now – Israel,” since it was filmed in Israel, funded in large part by the idiotic, defeatist Israeli government, and the stars and director are Israeli Arabs carrying Israeli passports.)

Shlemielberg, Pro-Terrorist Movies Got Zip at 2006 Oscars

In other words, Islamic terrorists lost . . . many, many times, last night. That’s a huge, welcome surprise from politically correct Hollywood.

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7 Responses

Hollyhood needs to work on fixin’ the fight fo’
next year’s Oscar winning song.If it doesn’t toss
some affirmative action Eminem’s way about life in a watt baw trailer park ‘hood,the music biz could be levelled with never before heard charges of racism and “music” marketted mostly to watt folks that only mocks “black culture”.

jaywilton on March 6, 2006 at 10:16 am

Although Brokeback Mountain did not win best Picture, Hollywood celebrated alternative lifestyles with its award in the documentary category.

Jon Swift on March 6, 2006 at 11:11 am

Too bad “Sophie Scholl” The Final Days” did not win.
“Munich” – a colossal bore – tanked at the box office and will go down with Spielberg’s “1941” as one of his worst ever.

Ripper on March 6, 2006 at 12:40 pm

Nice hypocrisy. The same UN that created Israel in 1948 called for Palestinian state in the same resolution (and many other resolutions after that). If Israel doesn’t recognize Palestinian, there is no reason why Hamas, a Palestinian group, should recognize Israel. Don’t whine about that again.

Amir on March 6, 2006 at 12:58 pm

Amir you mmagnificently ignorant Arab hiding behind a Hebrew name- the Arabs rejected the concept of “Palestine” back in 1947.

Ripper on March 6, 2006 at 3:10 pm

Hollywood shows their true colors after all.
They can spout their commie lib pathos all they want, but now that the box office is plummeting they decided not to go all the way with the homo awards. Typical do as I say and not as I do libs.
It’s great to see that we can stop the lefty agenda by speaking out and not spending money on the current junk.
And, can someone explain the Hollywood press gushing over George Looney? He’s an average looking guy, he’s a terrible actor, he’s a dolt, and his films usually aren’t profitable. I didn’t see the stupid show, but I read his pitiful attempt to portray himself as a martyr for the left. Yes, George, you are truly suffering for art.

The_Man on March 6, 2006 at 11:20 pm

AMIR;The same U.N. that works with arabs at every turn.As ISRAEL at every turn,is trying to only live.Blow me Amir.

danny on March 11, 2006 at 7:25 pm

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