March 2, 2006, - 3:49 pm

Bribes: What Federal Agents Got for Ignoring Illegal Immigration, Aiding NFL Billionaires

“Under Abu Moskowitz’s orders, I , and all I got was this lousy pin.” (Plus a goody bag.)

Bribe or Taxpayer Waste? Who Paid for This?:

Officially Licensed NFL ICE Super Bowl Trademark Police Pin

Yup. This is the bribe–along with goody bags full of NFL Super Bowl loot picked up from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Special Agent in Charge ‘s office–that federal ICE agents got for acting as the NFL’s Super Bowl Trademark Police force and ignoring their real duties. Moskowitz is the federal immigration and terrorism money laundering agent’s top official for Michigan and Ohio, the heart of Islamic America.
Agents tell us that–for all of the proclamations by blowhard Abu Moskowitz that counterfeit Super Bowl apparel is connected to terrorism and that arrests and trials would happen–not a single arrest was made, not a single fine assessed, and no trial will happen as a result. But a good time was had by all partying around–and with–celebs and NFL bigwigs at the Super Bowl. Your tax dollars at work.
But, more disturbing, it raises a few questions: The pin is an “officially licensed NFL product.” Who paid for the license and the pins? Your tax dollars? If not, does this count as a bribe by persons having business before ICE? According to the law, yes–these are gifts from “a prohibited source,” which the NFL and the Super Bowl Host Committee both are. Ditto for the “goody bags.”

Special Agent in Charge: ICE’s Abu Moskowitz

Accepted Free NFL Clothing Bribes, Then Gave Them to His Subordinate Agents

And Abu Moskowitz knows better. We’re told by agents that he purports to be 100% “by the book” and won’t accept free meals or allow them to do so, etc. (that is, when other ICE agents are around to see it). So he knows that accepting this free loot is wrong. And he’s used this to throw the book at fellow agents throughout his career–as a way for him to get ahead of them.
Time for the book to be thrown at him, since the distribution of these goods to all the agents under his hegemony means that he is an accessory and engaged in conspiracy in each incident of his agents accepting these goody bags (and the pins, if they weren’t paid for by tax dollars). If Moskowitz will accept good bags (and pins) from the NFL, who else will he accept gifts from? Muslims and Arabs with “business” before him and his agents? Like his buddy, “former” Islamic terrorist and FBI award revokee, ? A good bet. Has he already accepted such items from such sources? We’ve heard all kinds of rumors.
The problem is, the chick now running the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) for ICE is Abu Moskowitz’s buddy from his Arizona days, Traci Lembke. ICE agents all around the country have warned us how allegedly corrupt she is, using her position to cover up and stop all investigations into her friends. (It’s an abuse of power that jibes with reports we’ve gotten and evidence we’ve seen that Ms. Lembke has allowed Abu Moskowitz to obtain my cellphone records to find out which of his agents I know.) “Relationships” we’re told that Ms. Lembke has had on the job are, themselves, conduct unbecoming. And she violated the law by telling me there was an OPR “investigation” into Abu Moskowitz. . . if you can call it an investigation. So, who will investigate her “ethics”, now that she is the chief ethics “investigator”?

Who’s Watching the Watchers?: Traci Lembke is ICE’s “Ethics” Princess

Not surprisingly, ICE Princess has an apparent affirmative action program of hiring women to the top jobs in her agency. Look for her to hire the integrity-challenged Ms. Lembke, who is the acting director of ICE’s OPR office. Just like Myers, she’s VERY qualified for the job. NOT.
More details on what a federal employee may NOT accept:
18 U.S.C 201(b), 209 et seq., and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) regarding “STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH” provide that a federal “employee shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit or accept a gift”:

(1) From a prohibited source; or
(2) Given because of the employee’s official position.

Who is a prohibited source? 5 CFR 2635.203 provides this:

(d) Prohibited source means any person who:
(1) Is seeking official action by the employee’s agency;
(2) Does business or seeks to do business with the employee’s agency;
(3) Conducts activities regulated by the employee’s agency;
(4) Has interests that may be substantially affected by performance
nonperformance of the employee’s official duties; or
(5) Is an organization a majority of whose members are described in paragraphs (d) (1) through (4) of this section.

Clearly, Abu Moskowitz violated these sections by accepting the NFL goody bags (and probably, the pins). The NFL and Super Bowl Host Committee had and continue to have business before Abu Moskowitz. Very improper.

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2 Responses

Oops..WRONG link…i meant this one—

EminemsRevenge on March 2, 2006 at 5:43 pm

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