October 19, 2009, - 1:28 pm

Super: Proof That Gay Americans Are . . . [UPDATED]

By Debbie Schlussel


. . . NOT deeply affected by the economic recession (“Not that there’s anything wrong with that . . .“).  Ms. Nose knows:

On Saturday and Sunday crowds turned out in record numbers to attend this weekend’s auction of property from The Collection of Barbra Streisand conducted by Julien’s Auctions.


Junk: Queen of Nostrils’ Crap Sells for Big Bucks

The multi-award-winning international star, brought more than $600,000. Fans and collectors from around the world gathered at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California. The highlight (but not the highest selling piece) was the much anticipated extra “a” from Barbra Streisand that hung in her New York apartment for more than 30 years as a symbol of her removing the “a” from her original name “Barbara” (to Barbra) brought an astonishing price of $8,750, 43 times its pre-sale estimate of $200 – $300 selling to avid collector David Davis from New London, New Hampshire on the telephone. “If they paid $8,750 for one letter in her name, that means the remaining letters in her name are worth $131,250” said Martin Nolan, Executive Director of Julien’s Auctions.

Hmmm . . . I never knew whether or not she spelled her name with one “a” or two.  Nor did I care.  And I still don’t.  Making a big deal out of how she changed the spelling of her name?  Yet, another reason her initials are “BS” (in addition to snubbing Israel on its 60th Birthday because Israel is “no longer in vogue” with her fellow lefties).  Anyone who plunks down Nine Gs for something marking that is truly an idiot, indeed–millionaire or not.  Let me guess:  David Davis is also a fan of Liza Minelli, Donna Summer, “The Wizard of Oz,” Madonna, and is a potential suitor for retired Supreme Court Justice David Suter?

100% of the proceeds from the sale benefits “The Streisand Foundation” founded more than two decades ago by Barbra Streisand actress/singer/director/composer/activist/philanthropist to aid humanitarian causes worldwide. . . .

Other highlights include . . . a wig worn by Barbra Streisand in “On A Clear Day You Can See Forever sold for $3,500 and the matching nightgown sold for $3,750;  . .  . the original robe worn by Barbra in “The Way We Were” sold for $5,937.50; a set of 3 ceiling fans that hung in the home of “The Focker Family” in the film “Meet The Fockers” sold for $7,500 and a bright fuchsia pink costume worn by Barbra Streisand as Roz Focker in the film sold for $3,500; a dental cabinet bought by Ms. Streisand at the onset of her career at the age of 18 sold for $8,750.

Wow, talk about forking over gold for junk.  These Barbara-philes (or is that Barbra-philes, as I already forgot the one “a” / two “a” thing?) just took an IQ test.  And they failed.  Where’s Michael Moore to do a “documentary” questioning why they are entitled to fork over so much cash for such luxuries, as The Nose’s toothfloss and ceiling fans?

A century from now, when The Nose isn’t even a faint memory in history, anthropologists will look at this and wonder.  For now, one of Perez Hilton’s exes can brag:

See that ugly, dusty old fan?  It hung from the ceiling a stupid movie.

Oh, and by the way, this story truly is an illustration of how the recession really isn’t affecting gay America.  Think about it.  At least for gay men, the types of industries they are in are not the type that are deeply affecting America’s men–the biggest victims of job loss in this bad economy.  Construction and manual labor jobs are not typically where gay men flock.  Like women, I’d bet they aren’t affected jobwise nearly as much as men.  Not sure we can say the same for gay women, such as construction-oriented lesbians, since the construction industry is laying people off continuously, as are factories.

****  UPDATE:  So, I checked the Barbra Streisand Foundation tax forms, and it’s chock full of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to the usual leftist groups–pro-choice, environmentalist, etc.  Plus, she donated to Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push Coalition (I guess she enjoys being called a “Hymie”), Ralph Nader’s group, wacko guys with Ph.D.s (Union of Concerned Scientists), Media Matters, the ACLU, and moral equivalency terrorist summer camp Seeds of Peace.

Yup, that’s what the people buying Babs’ wigs, stupid signs, and ceiling fans are helping fund.

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12 Responses

I think those people who attended that auction should be subject to an income tax surcharge. They obviously have more money than they know what to do with.

Sorrow01 on October 19, 2009 at 1:54 pm

You are right about the article but one thing I can’t agree with is the notion of the Seinfeld’s Not that’s anything wrong with that. Yes, Debbie, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT!! Your blog entry makes the whole argument about why there is something wrong with that. HOMOSEXUALS have got into Hollyweird and Politics. I know an ex politician who tells me HOMOSEXUALS are crawling in every staff. They make it a point to be on staff. Even on Republican staffs. They are in the ear of all politicians and Hollyweird it is obvious. The MSM is also polluted with these sick twisted people. Sorry they mistake an anus for a vagina, but they have wrought more destruction on America than possibly any group in this country. So the HOMSOEXUALS portray Harvey Milk in a movie as some type of martyr and know all California schools kids will be indoctrinated in this perversion as Harvey Milk Day has been signed by effeminate Arnold. HOMOSEXUALS convince Hollyweird to pollute the masses with the movie, HOMOSEXUALS then convince MSM that it is the such a great movie with its awards and positive movie reviews, then HOMOSEXUALS convince politicians he should be honored with day in school, honoring him and now the people must honor this pervert with their child having to be educated about the HOMOSEXUAL lifestyle on this day. Now tell me, Not that there’s anything wrong with that?

CaliforniaScreaming on October 19, 2009 at 2:15 pm

Wow someone else who doesn’t like Barbra! We must be the only 2 in the World Deb. LOL

MK750 on October 19, 2009 at 3:53 pm

This hideous hag makes my skin crawl.
Papa, can you hear me? Yeeechhh.

lexi on October 19, 2009 at 4:44 pm

Proof That Gay Americans are….Fascist

The HOMOSEXUAL lobby is fighting to expose the names of those who signed a petition to stop domestic partnership rights. A case going before the United States Supreme Court will decide whether names and addresses of people who signed a petition for Referendum 71 will be exposed to the public. Signing a petition is a form of dissent protected by our First Amendment. Now the HOMOSEXUAL lobby has argued successfully to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals it isn’t protected in the guise of public disclosure. The case has lasting ramifications because signing a petition could lead to a compilation of an enemies list. Chilling dissent and free speech. Against Obama or sign a local Recall of an elected official and it becomes a de facto enemies list.



CaliforniaScreaming on October 19, 2009 at 6:37 pm

the gay left and the hollywerid scene plus the drugs are well in action. in every city, state and gov’t function.

lindapolver on October 19, 2009 at 8:28 pm

its not the gay teen or the quiet lesbian, its the miliant SOB’s who are trying to ruin the country.

and they are miliant but also so dumb like perez hilton to think obama will never give them what. this gay marriage thing?

and BS and her elk do own gay soceity and those moronic fashion mags, and the cnn style show and most of music.

one time I heard someone very credible say he cannot mention anything too anti gay in the music industry b/c of the “pink” hand.

lindapolver on October 19, 2009 at 8:37 pm

    Michael Savage I believe said that.

    Matthew on October 19, 2009 at 8:57 pm

What’s wrong with THE WIZARD OF OZ? Whatever you think of her politics, Liza Minelli is a fine actress.

Miranda Rose Smith on October 20, 2009 at 3:13 am

    You mean her mother Judy Garland

    Matthew on October 20, 2009 at 3:39 pm

Babs Streisand–QUEEN OF THE DUMB LEFTY JEWS! That’s all I need to say!

Bob Porrazzo on October 20, 2009 at 6:48 am

I have in my collection 2 Streisand LPs, probably her first 2,from her teen years. Once she grew up, and especially after marrying the Jon Peters creep, her musical taste disappeared up her a$$. Soon afterwards her brain did as well. She’s an embarrassment (brainwise and artwise) to this Jew. May she find herself in a suitable old-age home…..soon.

Not Ovenready on October 20, 2009 at 8:26 am

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