February 22, 2006, - 12:16 pm

Me on Al-Jazeera Thursday Morning

Just got back from a TV taping. Today, it was something completely different than what I normally do. Usually, I do appearances on American cable networks and radio stations (like Monday when I was on West Virginia’s popular Jerry Waters Show on WVTS-AM and New Hampshire’s Gardner Goldsmith on WNTK-AM, or Friday when I did my regular bi-monthly appearance on San Francisco’s #1 morning show, the Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Show on KSFO-AM).
But this morning, I was on the belly of the beast, Al-Jazeera. That’s right, the Terrorist News Network. I have made my negative feelings and am frightened by its efforts to get a full-time English-language network in place. (My objections to Al-Jazeera’s new English efforts were .)
I was on the show, “Al-Kawalees.” I discussed my objections to Oscar nominee, “,” a Palestinian, anti-Semitic, pro-homicide bomber movie. I was on with the movie’s producer, Bero Beyer, who appeared from Amsterdam. The host was a woman at Al-Jazeera’s Doha, Qatar headquarters. It was a short segment and the questions were “interesting,” such as this one: “Why do the West and Jews object to portraying Palestinian terrorists as human beings, as in ?” No lie. That was the question.

My answer is that it’s obvious that terrorists are humans who need to eat and go to the bathroom like everyone else, but their activity is inhumane, and there is neither any excuse nor positive result from glorifying and showing sympathy for mass murderers (as this propaganda-filled Oscar nominee does), not to mention not showing a damn thing about their innocent victims who are blown to bits (when the homicide bomber detonates, the screen goes to white and silence, and the movie ends).
I also mentioned the blatant anti-Semitism in the movie echoing “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and the many lies in the movie about Israel not supporting a two-state solution (it has in 1937, 1947, 2000, and now). I said a lot more but this is the gist.
I’ve written about “Paradise Now” and .
The interesting thing is that while Mr. Beyer could apparently hear my answers, I did not have any interaction with him, and presumably he got to hear my answers and then respond afterward. I’m not sure.
For all of my Arabic and Muslim readers (and believe me, there are plenty; I get the hate-mail), the Al-Jazeera appearance on “Al-Kawalees” airs at 11:30am EST, Thursday (tomorrow).

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6 Responses

Actually, you can always check Arab news sites online: http://english.aljazeera.net http://www.aljazeera.com http://albawaba.com/ http://www.arabnews.com
BTW, they have hilarious cartoons at AJ and arabnews: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/0EE30E43-B137-417C-9FA4-E629E849E7DC.htm?strChannel={15CAF66D-C3A7-47C5-828E-D4815BED2E45}
As for communication problems, yes, there must be some 😉
006-02-22 The meaning of “frankness” http://inplainview.monitor.us.tt/comm.ME06.htm

InplainviewMonitor on February 22, 2006 at 2:38 pm

Cache is another film that attempts to put the “Stern” in Western.
An Algerian terrorizes this French talk show host and his family, yet is portrayed as the victim in the film!
A few years ago, Algerian fanatics raided an Algerian village and slit the throats of two little girls, four and two. This put them on my radar, just a few small lines of press, no one appeared to be paying attention. OK! I admit it, they’ve been on my radar for a long time, too bad the First Parachute Regiment wasn’t successful in their coup, that would have put the NO back into NATO.

code7 on February 22, 2006 at 2:41 pm

That’s quite brave of you to appear on Al-Jazeera. Can you see what heading they will give you when you are featured on “Al-Kawalees”…I’m sure “zionist…something or other” will be right up their ally.
Keep us up to date if you hear anything about reponses etc from “Al-Kawalees”….

Avatar on February 22, 2006 at 2:44 pm

Debbie, when Al-Jizzera gets done with whatever footage you shot with them, you probably won’t recognize the answers or the context your comments where made in. Heck, that happens in the American media as a default.
Congrats for breakin’ down their door. I am impressed.

P. Aaron on February 22, 2006 at 3:32 pm

It’s great that you were willing to do that. I can’t think of anyone more prepared to reveal the hypocrisy of the enemy.

CobraKai on February 22, 2006 at 9:41 pm

How about showing the Einsatzgruppen killers as “humans” as well?

Ripper on February 23, 2006 at 8:50 am

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