October 14, 2009, - 4:43 pm

WIMPS, Intolerance: Reports Say Limbaugh Dropped by NFL Bid Group

By Debbie Schlussel

If ESPN’s report is true (tip:  reader Norman F), the group seeking to buy the St. Louis Rams NFL team–of which Rush Limbaugh was a minority investor–have decided to dump Rush, amid manufactured controversy by intolerant bigots who hate conservatism.


If that’s true, I’m very sorry to see it.  It’s a disturbing development, especially if reports are true that far-left “former” Nazi George Soros is also a part of the group, headed by St. Louis Blues owner Dave Checketts.

We’re truly in an age of intolerance–by leftists, Muslims, former hippies, minority groups, etc.  You can’t hold mainstream conservative American values in America and be a prominent voice for them without coming repeatedly under attack.  Apparently, a Nazi far-leftist, Soros, is more acceptable.

Hey, Rush, the silver lining is that, like Groucho Marx said, you wouldn’t want to be a member of this group that would admit you as a member. . . especially since we now know they’re wimps and likely include Soros.

I hope this–that Rush is being dumped–isn’t true.  But if it is, I’m sad for him because he’s dreamed of being involved with the NFL.  And I’m sad for us because it’s a sign of the ultra-nadir to which our country has sunk.


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85 Responses

Now he has incurred damages and can sue.
NY Times Co. v. Sullivan.
I see many Defendants with deep pockets.
Go get them Rush.

JSG on October 14, 2009 at 4:57 pm

Don’t be sad, because if it’s true, that will provide a lot of wood for the fire, and in a few years Rush might be able to buy a team on his own.

I am not really one of his fans, but he speaks many truths and is doing a great service for the country.

That he should be dropped because of his conservative views should inflame conservatives, libertarians, and all who value freedom.

Passionate activists: That’s what is needed to smash the brainless left, who would ultimately rob all our freedoms if allowed to proceed unchecked.

Michael p. Sakowski on October 14, 2009 at 4:59 pm

This is reverse discrimination, by the intolerant thugs on the left. Rev. Jackson, Sharpton, Matthews, Jackson Sheila Lee, Rick Sanchez etc.They all started their well orchestrated smear machine, to get Rush out of the running. These thugs have been exposed for what they are!
So much for freedom and liberty and capitalism. I hope Rush finds where the source of all the lies came from. Nice job Debbie for putting this topic out there.

Delta George

Delta George on October 14, 2009 at 5:34 pm

The NFL has every right to run their league the way they see fit. And if they have a problem with a radio actor who plays a song called “Barack the Magic Negro” and hopes that the President of The United States of America “fails,” they have every right to distance themselves from these theatrics.

Good for them. Limbaugh made his bed. He’ll lie in it.

Larry Berger on October 14, 2009 at 5:35 pm

    So, I guess you should lose out on various opportunities(employment or the right to invest) if you don’t support the next Republican in the White House. Also, that song you mention was inspired by Al Sharpton.

    sorrow01 on October 14, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    And what did you think when the “Reverend” Al Sharpton provoked an attack on a white owned store in Harlem resulting in about 7 deaths? Did you voice your disapproval, Larry?

    JulieJ on October 15, 2009 at 1:48 pm

Debbie, thanks for the hat tip. We see the Left dragging a political litmus test into a field where politics should be left behind. They’re the ones who scream about the 1950s anti-Communist blacklist and discrimination against Islamists. But here they are doing the very same thing to patriotic Americans that they decry.

I agree with you our country has sunk to an ultra-nadir like its never known before. Its sad but also liberating. Conservatives should not want to associate with those hate their guts.

NormanF on October 14, 2009 at 5:41 pm

Soros is Ozero’s puppetmaster. Rush is better off not being so closely associated with the POS.

The day may come when Rush can go solo and buy a team, but in the mean time he can do what so many others of us have:

Richard on October 14, 2009 at 5:48 pm

Hey Rush hater Barger, you evidently don’t listen to Rush because if you did you would know what you’re saying are leftist lies.

“Barack the Magic Negro” was not what he started and hoping that the President of The United States of America “fails,”was “hoping his policies fail.” You know that to be true.

But twisting the truth means nothing to Rush haters.

Nina on October 14, 2009 at 5:57 pm

Kind of shows you the similarities in mindset between liberals and totalitarianism. The differences are getting fewer and fewer by the day. Helps understand why liberals have supported totalitarians so often Stalinist Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. etc.

Little Al on October 14, 2009 at 6:02 pm

Situations like this will not go away anytime soon.

The cultures of victimization and dependence keep too many in office and make too much money for others.

Sam Adams on October 14, 2009 at 6:22 pm

If you notice, most major business persons and business owners keep their true political views to themselves. They may attend a political fundraiser or give money to the candidates of their choice, but that’s about it. Most of us don’t know the political views of the owners of the companies we work for and with good reason. Some of their views may be controversial to either their customers or their employees. For most businesses, controversy is bad business, both for sales and staff morale. For examnple, if you are a business owner and have negative feeling for a particular group of people, but that group comprises a sizable percentage of both your employees and your customer base, it’s probably best to keep your mouth shut about your views for the sake of your business and the people who work there. You have a greater responsibility than just your own feelings and views….

Rush Limbaugh wanted to be part owner of an NFL team and it is his right to pursue that goal. BUT….he makes his living blasting his political (and racial) views over syndicated radio for all the world to hear. And he has made some statements on-air that have come close to crossing the line of decency. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make him an ideal candidate for ownership of a multimillion dollar business. In a large business like and NFL franchise that has to satisfy both players, fans, and corporate sponsors, there are too many stakeholders and too much money at stake to bring in someone of such controversy as an owner.

I am surprised his name was released as part of the bid group. Given the controversy associated with his name, I would have thought he would have come in as a silent investor/partner. Does the NFL reguire all of the names that comprise the bid group be released to the public?

JibberJabber on October 14, 2009 at 6:48 pm

    And next you will tell us that Michael Vick really likes dogs!

    JulieJ on October 15, 2009 at 1:50 pm

From Nina — “Barack the Magic Negro” was not what he started and hoping that the President of The United States of America “fails,”was “hoping his policies fail.” You know that to be true.

No, Nina, he didn’t start the lovely “Barack the Magic Negro,” but he certainly aired it, and enjoyed doing so. And as for the President, he certainly said, “I don’t care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it.

Just read the transcript from his website:

Radio actor Limbaugh has every right to make bone-headed statements in his quest for ratings, which is all he’s after.
He’s got every right to demonize individuals and offend innocent folks. But likewise, the NFL has every right to distance themselves from Limbaugh. I, for one, am glad that they have.

Brenda Miller on October 14, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    “And as for the President, he certainly said, “I don’t care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.”

    So, if you oppose the policies of President Obama, you are an evil one, right? Should those old people be beaten up at town hall meetings if they are concerned about “Health Care Reform”, and how it will reduce their Medicare benefits? Or, are you just into calling them brown shirts and freaks? You do seem to have some rather totalitarian tendencies.

    Sorrow01 on October 14, 2009 at 10:11 pm

      Calling for the President to fail certainly doesn’t brand you as evil, but it will brand you as a polarizing figure. Equating the NFL to the “Bloods and Crips without weapons” will brand you as a demonizer. Airing a song called “Barack the Magic Negro” I don’t think will win you many friends in the African-American community, regardless what the song’s spurious origin was.

      Put that all together and the NFL has every right to tell this guy to take a hike. Limbaugh knows this. It’s why he said, today, about the Bloods and Crips quote, that he could’ve chosen better words. It’s a little bit too late for that. Words have consequences in a free market, and the NFL wants nothing to do with him, lest he sully their brand.

      Brenda Miller on October 14, 2009 at 11:00 pm

        Oh, yes: the NFL brand: the likes of Mike “I love animals” Vick! Way to go, NFL! Keep giving us those great role models. Also, OJ Simpson. Have I forgotten any other NFL killers?

        JulieJ on October 15, 2009 at 1:52 pm

If the NFL is now in the business of anti-capitalism, anti freedom of speech, and anti-conservatives, then they should also be against the NAZI, anti-semite Soros. Alas, if you’re pro Muslim, pro anti-Jew then well you’re welcome to the field-You’re in good company Brenda Miller. Here’s hoping that one day one of the current administrations policies will leave you excluded from something you may want.

wolf2012 on October 14, 2009 at 7:48 pm

Brenda, I hope KING HUSSEIN COBRAMA FAILS. His agenda is socialist, fascist, and Islamist. Liberals wanted Bush to fail on the war in Iraq, social security choice, his stance on abortion, his stance on the environment. Liberals hoped he failed, failed, failed.

CaliforniaScreaming on October 14, 2009 at 7:51 pm

    His agenda is socialist and fascist — all at the same time? Do you even know what those words mean?

    Brenda Miller on October 14, 2009 at 11:13 pm

      Being a typical liberal, and unable to add two and two, poor Brenda can’t comprehend that comment. And as stated many many times before “Barrack the Magic Negro” is a compiliation of words spoken by liberals (like you) in the media during Obama’s run for the presidency. Kinda hurts to have your own stupid comments come back to bite you in the ass, don’t it?

      theShadow on October 15, 2009 at 12:18 am

        Yes, Shadow, I’m sure the song isn’t racially tinged at all.

        Brenda Miller on October 15, 2009 at 10:14 am

      Brenda: National Socialism – was socialism! The Nazis actually were socialists. Then throw in a crypto-Islamist and you have B. Hussein Obama!

      JulieJ on October 15, 2009 at 1:54 pm

He was dropped because of the things he has said in the past. Those words have now come back to bite his rather large behind as his dream of owning an NFL have gone up in smoke. It will take a yes vote from 24 of the 32 owners to allow any group to buy the Rams and there wouldn’t be a single owner who would vote yes to a group that included Limbaugh for the very principle that conservatives claim to cherish – Capitalism. They wouldn’t want to see the value of their assets fall which would happen if Limbaugh was allowed into the club.

nahummer on October 14, 2009 at 8:08 pm

Debbie, you should see this from The radio Equalizer…


Fergie of the group The Black Eyed Peas, a bunch of fascist leftist goons, IS A PART OWNER OF THE MIAMI DOLPHINS! Also this meeting took place in the fascist enclave of Boston!

Bob Porrazzo on October 14, 2009 at 8:11 pm

Well jiibber jabber I could care less about the team sale except that if we aren’t going to sell stuff to people because of the backgrounds of people then we can also put all the convicted felons out of the league as well. After all they are role models for the youth and can be held to a higher standard. Only problem with that is that the players and coaches have been given so much room to be convicted felons for rape, assault, drugs and even witness to murder that we’d have no league left. 75% of the league are convicted felons. Everyone turns a blind eye to that. Hell they’re even celebrated like the Ravens Lewis. He didn’t snitch to the man about him witnessing the murder of a man outside that nightclub. He comes back to the starting position and a cheering crowd. Ray is really down for the cause.

Joe on October 14, 2009 at 8:15 pm

Wolf — It’s the incendiary and divisive rhetoric from your keyboard, in line with Limbaugh no doubt, that America has grown sick of, and of which the NFL wishes to distance themselves from. Name calling and finger pointing are all the rage on websites like this one, and Ms. Schlussel has every right to maintain a website that harbors folks with attitudes like yours, but a great majority of America finds it tiresome and especially anti-productive to good business and general welfare.

Brenda Miller on October 14, 2009 at 8:25 pm

    I did not know that you represented America. If you find this site so distasteful, why not go to the Daily Kos or Huffington Post? You can get your affirmation at those places.

    Sorrow01 on October 14, 2009 at 10:02 pm

Let me get this straight Rush is out but NFL sportscaster Keith Olbermann calls Michelle Malkin a “big mashed up bag of meat with lipstick” and he can keep his job?

CS: Please. I don’t feel sorry for Malkin. She’s a giant hypocrite on this. Her Hot Air site insults people’s looks, including my own, all day long, and she deletes the comments against her friends, like Mary Katharine Horse, leaving the others–like the ones against me–up. And she repeatedly defends and promotes Sam Adams Alliance and its anti-Semitic employee Emily Zanotti, who praised Muslim death, rape, and torture threats on my life. Michelle is a hypocrite. And she loves these attacks on her, since she gets to play the martyr with it. Remember, she wrote a whole book about it. We all get threats and insults. She believes the ones against her and her friends and the only ones worth condemning. Please read beyond Michelle’s “doth protesting too much.” DS

CaliforniaScreaming on October 14, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    “Mary Katherine HORSE.” That was nice. So, Malkin’s the hypocrite? I read your blog every day because you do a lot of reporting no one else bothers to do, but your grade school pettiness, particularly towards other women that you disagree with politically, diminishes you.

    Kelly on October 15, 2009 at 12:33 pm

Actually the NFL is going to be hurt by this controversy by refusing to sell a team to Limbaugh. This is the kind of behavior you would expect from a Banana Republic not the land of the Free.

BTW-Brenda Miller you do not speak for me or America. Just because you hate Rush Limbaugh does not give you the license to become the spokes hole for America with your hate Rush speech.Actually, it is people like you that are PC that make people sick.

ScottyDog on October 14, 2009 at 9:22 pm

    “Actually the NFL is going to be hurt by this controversy by refusing to sell a team to Limbaugh.”

    I think they’ll weather the storm.

    “This is the kind of behavior you would expect from a Banana Republic not the land of the Free.”

    So the NFL has no right to protect their property? That’s un-American to you?

    “Just because you hate Rush Limbaugh does not give you the license to become the spokes hole for America with your hate Rush speech.Actually, it is people like you that are PC that make people sick.”

    How eloquent.

    Brenda Miller on October 14, 2009 at 11:10 pm

People are trying to frame this as a free speech issue. It is not. Rush Limbaugh is not being arrested for what he said. But freedom of speech does not free you from the consequences of what you say. And Mr. Limbaugh is being punished by the NFL owners by exclusion from the “club”

The NFL owners are a cartel of White male billionaires, many of which are just as conservative or even more than Mr. Limbaugh. And like most cartels made up of superrich men, they don’t like anything that brings too much attention to themselves. Having an owner who is on the radio 15 hours a week causing controversy with provacative statements is NOT their cup of tea.

Do I believe Rush Limbaugh is a bigot? Yes I do. But does me believing so actually make him a bigot? Not at all…that’s just my opinion. But since there are thousands of people across the country who feel the same way I do, Mr. Limbaugh and his team’s bid was doomed from the start. As long as Mr. Limbaugh’s show and statements were “perceived” to be racially provacative, he became toxic to the cartel. In their minds, it’s bad enough that he’s a huge media figure…added controversy, and the deal was dead “Cartels” made up of billionaires do not like any controversy that affects their bottom line.

NFL Sunday Night ratings are up 30%. The NFL makes $11 Billion from television revenue alone. Do you think the NFL Cartel is going to put all of that on the line for another loose cannon? Al Davis and Jerry Jones are all they can stomach right now….
When I heard the statements of the NFL Commissioner, I knew he was acting as a mouthpiece for the NFL owners. If the NFL Cartel wanted Rush to join their ranks, you can bet you would have heard nothing from the commissioners office.

JibberJabber on October 14, 2009 at 10:31 pm

Wha? Talking about the majority of Americans finding things anti-productive (sic) to good business (sic)? The Obama coterie is certainly not pro-productive to good busines — socialist redistribution of income and taking over of business sectors by the bureaucratic and increasingly intolerant government.

Little Al on October 14, 2009 at 10:34 pm

One of the williams sisters threatens a line coach and plays in a tournament boycotting jews. Yet this sister gets to buy a share of the dolphins. What a bunch of hippocrites.

spaceship22 on October 14, 2009 at 11:25 pm

Absolutely outrageous. I hope Rush takes the money he would have spent on the Rams and uses it to sue and destroy the careers of all the smarmy, pathetic, brain-dead newsreaders who knowingly promoted lies about his commentary over the last few days. Maybe he can take Hymietown Jackson and Tawana Sharpton down with the others.

Anybody who thinks Limbaugh is a bigot or racist obviously doesn’t listen to him or does not have the intellectual capability to understand what he is saying, and most likely gets their info from Media Matters or some similar outfit. “Barack the Magic Negro” was the result of, and parody of, LIBERAL AFRICAN-AMERICAN commentary on the candidacy of Obama. And saying that he hopes the president fails is an obvious reference to the man’s policies, as Limbaugh, and millions of others, believe that the failure of Obama’s dumbass policies is better for the nation than his policies getting passed.

Of course, since folks on the left are so smart, I’m sure they already know this, and are just getting their undies in a bunch cuz getting their undies in a bunch has become a reflex action for the left.

Matt on October 14, 2009 at 11:48 pm

People are trying to turn this into yet another tired “leftie-Liberal” name-calling debate. That is so played out. Sometimes we have to step off of our ideological high horses and observe how folks several paygrades above us actually think. This is about business. It does not matter what I believe about Rush Limbaugh. I formed my opinion of him years before Pres.Obama came on the scene, so his recent “parodies” had no affect on my opinion of him. And other folks are rushing to defend Mr. Limbaugh and his views, as if that matters to the NFL ownership cartel. It does not matter any more than my views on Rush. But what does matter is what the NFL Cartel views as good or bad for their money and their product….and Rush ain’t it.

As far as Serena Williams getting small share of an team, she had ONE major meltdown. No one will hear from her the rest of year unless they follow tennis. And that’s the way the NFL Ownership cartel likes it. But Rush is on the air every day and seems to be generating controversy every week….not good in the view of the cartel.

Is President Obama bad for business? As much as I like him personally, I’m afaid so. There are ways he could have offered business incentives that would have created jobs and encouraged business to provide health insurance, but he is going in the opposite direction and I fear for small business in this country over the next few years. And his tax policy is…well…don’t get me started! That is neither liberal nor conservative, but real talk. And Rush Limbaugh was prevented from NFL ownership because as popular as he is, his perceived negatives and his visibility are too high to make it into the NFL Ownership fraternity. That is neither liberal or conservative, but real business.

JibberJabber on October 15, 2009 at 12:37 am

DOUBLE STANDARD-Dennis Rodman called white guy basketball great, Larry Bird over-rated, nothing was ever said. Obama has polarized this nation, and is making race worse than it was before he became president. I hope they are happy now.
Delta George

Delta George on October 15, 2009 at 2:45 am

I love the song BARACK THE MAGIC NEGRO. Obama need to run for president of Kenya. He has made America a mess and the plans to make America Islamomarxist will not work. Marxist weant to replace Christianity woth Islam and maintain Marxist ideas as both are compatible. WAKE UP AMERICA, THE TROJAN HORSE IS HERE AND HIS NAME IS OBAMA OR OSAMA IN SWAHILI.

BTILLY on October 15, 2009 at 5:05 am

JibberJabber is a pale white man who pretends to be black on online forums because it gets him increased attention.

DS_ROCKS! on October 15, 2009 at 7:12 am

Jib is a racist that likes to act as if he has a Grambling degree as he waxes on about how it’s okay for blacks to be racist and whites should be taken and put in their place. I don’t hear any blacks moaning about the justice bros shaking down people and corporations for millions over threatened boycotts. Didn’t see the justice bros speak out against black on white violence after any of the many murders of whites by their black murderers. Ever. Where is Tawany Brawly. Why do we even address sharpton as reverend? Why can Jay z a white hating black own part of the Nets? Ohhh because the fan base of the nba doesn’t find him to be offensive. Or Mark Cuban. The Redskins owner, players, coaches, players don’t get criticism for the racial slur of “Redskins”. The left has been out to get Rush for a while, this is just the latest.

Joe on October 15, 2009 at 8:50 am

Brenda Miller, “…but a great majority of America finds it tiresome and especially anti-productive to good business and general welfare.”

How has Limbaugh accumulated all his forturne if the “great majority” of America doesn’t care for him?

Maybe, the great majority of lefties find him tiresome, but his numbers speak differently and you are presumptuous, like most lefties who think they speak for everyone.

Air America or any lefty radio show, if they are still on the air, would kill their firstborn for Rush’s ratings.

Jeff_W on October 15, 2009 at 9:05 am

    Are you familiar with the radio business, Jeff? Let’s say, even on a good day, that Rush has 5-10,000,000 listeners, even that’s being overly generous. I’m talking about unique listeners, not accumulated listeners marking quarter hours in their Arbitron diaries over the entire span of his daily show, unique listeners. That’s less than 4-5% of the American public. 95% of America wants nothing to do with him.

    Brenda Miller on October 15, 2009 at 10:26 am

Let’s see, this is the Rams team that employs Leonard Little who killed a woman while driving drunk and has at least one other DUI.

Then, this is the team that drafted Lawrence Phillips #1 after his much publicized problems at Nebraska, such as dragging a woman by the hair down a flight of stairs among other things.

Not to mention, the NFL that employs an animal torturer, Michael Vick, and last year PacMan Jones, and Ray Lewis, and just way, way too many thugs to list.

And, we’re worried about Rush Limbaugh?

What a world!

Jeff_W on October 15, 2009 at 9:10 am

Sorry to keep going, but I forgot….

Rush Limbaugh is bad, but the abominable Keith Olbermann as an NFL anchor is fine and dandy? You want to hear some truly inflammable statements, check Olbermann, who I think is truly unhinged and insane.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, Phillips has since gotten a jail sentence for running over some kids with his car by driving into a crowd.

Jeff_W on October 15, 2009 at 9:14 am

I saw this same item on Newsmax but Debbie reported it first. It is a sad, sad, day in football. There is of course one way to find and that is to stay tuned to the Rush Limbaugh program. Just go to http://www.rushlimbaugh.com to find out where everyone can listen to him.

My only objection to his buying the St. Louis Rams was that it appeared like he was turning his back on his favorite the Pittsburgh Steelers. And George Soros should put on an Arrow Cross uniform!

Flatbush Bubby on October 15, 2009 at 10:11 am

Yeah, makes you want to have nothing to do with the NFL.. Love football,but just one more example of the BS we have to put up with. I want to apologize to my children and grandchildren for not fighting as hard as I should have years ago watching the left ruin the country.

sharon on October 15, 2009 at 10:22 am

“Barack the Magic Negro” was actually the title of an article written by a big lib journalist for the LA Times. The song is a parody not so much of President Obama but of the article. And Rush’s comments “I hope he fails” – when he first said he, he meant if Obama is leading us down a socialist, marxist, nanny-state path, then yes he hopes Obama fails. Now that we all KNOW exactly where Obama is taking the country – YES I HOPE HE FAILS. His statements about Donovan McNabb? Big deal. They weren’t racist. You have the sports media going ga-ga and wetting their pants over a black quarterback who was in every sense of the word, mediocre. They were giving him props simply because of his race because they didn’t want him to fail. And Rush simply pointed that out. If McNabb were white, the media wouldn’t give him the time of day. Why? Because he’s an average quarterback.

Janne on October 15, 2009 at 11:24 am

    We all know where Obama is taking us is right. To a Dow Jones over 10,000. Have you checked your 401(k) account? It’s worth much more today than it was 9 months ago. Today the news breaks that this week’s unemployment claims are the lowest in 9 months, coming in much lower than forecast.

    But you keep throwing around the socialist-marxist-nanny-state stuff.

    Brenda Miller on October 15, 2009 at 1:42 pm

      Obama is taking us straight to hell.

      JulieJ on October 15, 2009 at 3:57 pm

all of you are defending a drug addict and criminal

trevor on October 15, 2009 at 12:47 pm

    Oh, you mean Al Sharpton?

    JulieJ on October 15, 2009 at 3:41 pm


go post this truth on that football blog that gets millions of hits each month.

i did.

Bob S. on October 15, 2009 at 12:59 pm

This officially ends my watching even one more NFL game – the NFL has officially Jumped the Shark.

Just goes to prove, once again, that Blacks are FAR more racist than Whites are, and that,yes,BLACKS DO HAVE THE POWER TO BE RACIST, and must be destroyed for it,the same way Whites such as Al Campanis was. If there are racist rappers( Redundant,but must be stated )that own NBA,and other pro,and semi-pro, teams, their far sleazier,classless carcasses must also be ruined ,and booted out on their morbidly obese rear ends.

Enough with the claims that the Sharptons and Jacksons “don’t speak for most of the Black community”. It’s a flat-out LIE,the Race Gangsters ARE heroes among most Blacks,throughout the country( They’re practically,already building statues to the devils )since the overwhelming number of Black players,not only in the NFL,but the NBA,MLB,etc,etc, are in lock step with the childish mindset of the Sharptons,rappers,afro(phallo)centrists and similar racists – all of the childish “Kill Whitey” attitude crowd.Sharpton simply must be destroyed NOW.

Phineas on October 15, 2009 at 12:59 pm


What does Bill Clinton have to do with this discussion?

Rick on October 15, 2009 at 1:06 pm


ST. LOUIS — Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh is blaming others for being dropped from the group trying to buy the St. Louis Rams.

On his syndicated show Thursday, Limbaugh said he was approached by St. Louis Blues chairman Dave Checketts earlier this year about participating in a Rams bid.

He also said Checketts assured him his involvement as a minority investor had been vetted by the National Football League.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Colts owner Jim Irsay both expressed misgivings this week about Limbaugh’s involvement. Late Wednesday, Checketts said Limbaugh had been dropped from the bid.

Limbaugh says he believes he has been made an example by a players’ union seeking leverage in talks over a new collective bargaining agreement. And he says he believes what happened to him was an illustration of “Obama’s America on full display.”

Bob S. on October 15, 2009 at 1:24 pm

I hope that many people stop watching NFL games as as protest. What wimps these owners are!

JulieJ on October 15, 2009 at 1:46 pm


Alex on October 15, 2009 at 2:30 pm

@ Debra Miller

“We all know where Obama is taking us is right. To a Dow Jones over 10,000. Have you checked your 401(k) account? It’s worth much more today than it was 9 months ago. Today the news breaks that this week’s unemployment claims are the lowest in 9 months, coming in much lower than forecast.

But you keep throwing around the socialist-marxist-nanny-state stuff.”

He is taking us to an insecure, dollar devalued energy provider dependent third world state.

He is dismantling our intelligence capabilities and providing support and succor for our most virulent enemies.

He is bringing us to a socialized medicine system that mimics the failed systems of Canada and the UK.

He is undermining our total democratic system by insuring the victory of his cronies by enlisting corrupt organizations such as Acorn and his toadies, the SEIU. No Democrat has to worry about their constituents any more. They will get all the corrupt union votes and the phony votes produced by Acorn and the Black Panthers protected by the department of injustice.

All of his czars are radical Leftists of the most fanatical sort.

Your warped Liberal viewpoint is totally alert to a mild parody such as the Magic Negro but is totally insensitive to the current reality of minority rule and minority rights where white caucasian males are fair game for any slander and abuse.

The removal of Limbaugh is totally biased and unjust treatment based on PC distortion of fairness and deliberate misinterpretation of his comments to read racism into them. This is one more indication of the decline of fair play and the loss of the American way.

Facts Life on October 15, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    Total nonsense. Time to turn off Limbaugh and Fox and start considering legitimate news sources.

    Here’s my favorite line of yours:

    “Your warped Liberal viewpoint is totally alert to a mild parody such as the Magic Negro but is totally insensitive to the current reality of minority rule and minority rights where white caucasian males are fair game for any slander and abuse.”

    Oh, those poor white caucasian males. They just can’t get a break. You can’t be serious.

    Limbaugh himself, yesterday, said he could’ve chosen better words when he compared the league he wishes to be part involved with as “Bloods and Crips without weapons.”

    And you wonder why the NFL wants nothing to do with him.

    Brenda Miller on October 15, 2009 at 2:57 pm

      Ah, yes: Keith Overbite – “legitimate news source” – and the New York Slimes.

      JulieJ on October 15, 2009 at 3:43 pm

Steal $12 billion and give $6 billion to charity doesn’t make you a good guy.

how do you think soros got out of hungary to canada yet all the other jews in europe lost all their possesions to the nazis AND to the collaborators YET that traitor soros not only got out of the country but had enough money to become a capitalist. which takes a little more more than people make when earning $1 an hour that was the minimum wage when he got out. then he is able to pay off and buy his way into the usa. with which dead jews money that he stole did he start on his way to become a billionaire?

Bob S. on October 15, 2009 at 2:38 pm

We all know where Obama is taking us is right. To a Dow Jones over 10,000. Have you checked your 401(k) account? It’s worth much more today than it was 9 months ago. Today the news breaks that this week’s unemployment claims are the lowest in 9 months, coming in much lower than forecast.

But you keep throwing around the socialist-marxist-nanny-state stuff.

Brenda Miller on October 15, 2009 at 1:42 pm

You really are delusional Brenda. Please tell me where these jobs you talk about are being created?? Oh lets see maybe the government. Brenda are you a government employee?
401K had to go up they hit rock bottom they could not go down anymore when Kenya President Odumone is printing dollar bills faster than any other president combine in history. Hey and how about the price of housing now that Odumone and his pack idiots made sure every person who could rub 2 nickels together could get a loan from the Freddie and Sally where him and his pack of idiots help themselves to millions upon millions of dollars. So you keep on drinking the Kool-Aid especially when it takes Odumone 1000 US dollars for him to buy his pack of Kools in the near future my Sister!

Doug on October 15, 2009 at 3:04 pm

The only reason the Dow Jones is over 10,000 is because the dollar has weakened. In real terms, the Dow Jones is at about 7500 if you used the worth of a dollar a year ago. Look it up.

luagha on October 15, 2009 at 3:37 pm

@ Brenda Miller,

Typical Leftist response where you cherry pick the comment that you want to reply to and ignore all the other points. Why not try logic for a change?

What is your position the Sharpton and Jackson’s race baiting? Why hasn’t Sharpton been prosecuted for his Tawana Brawley fiasco and his instigation of the murder of a white Harlem businessman?

Facts of Life on October 15, 2009 at 3:40 pm

    I’m not defending Sharpton and Jackson – where do you get that? I will defend the NFL, and any other business that makes the choice to distance themselves from a polarizing radio actor. That’s their choice. That’s the free market at work.

    And Doug — where are the jobs being created? Infrastrucure, highways in Georgia and all up and down the east coast. Thousands upon thousands of teaching jobs in Los Angeles were saved with stimulus money. And today word comes that the weekly unemployment claim is the lowest its been in 9 months. The Dow is up, as is momentum on Wall Street. These are clear signs that the economy is on the mend.

    Brenda Miller on October 15, 2009 at 4:17 pm

Limbaugh claims that he just found out that the nazi snitch Soros was part of the group bidding to purchase the Rams. So it’s not inflammatory for not so Sharpton that Soros is still going to basically own part of the Rams, stacked with black players and staff. I’m waiting to hear from that fat sack. Since he helped elect B.O. I suppose all’s forgiven.

Joe on October 15, 2009 at 4:14 pm


Faulk could replace Limbaugh
Posted by Mike Florio on October 15, 2009 4:33 PM ET
With Rush Limbaugh out of the group Dave Checketts has formed to try to buy the St. Louis Rams, Adam Schefter of ESPN reports that Limbaugh’s role could be filled by former Rams running back Marshall Faulk.

The news makes us wonder why Faulk wasn’t part of the group in the first place.

It also makes us wonder whether he’d be permitted to have an on-air role at NFLN if he acquires an equity position in one of the league’s franchises.

Meanwhile, Limbaugh suggested during his Wednesday show that the primary owner in the Checketts group — that is, the person owning at least 30 percent of the franchise — would not be Checketts himself, and might be George Soros.

So stay tuned while all of this continued to get sorted out.

Bob S. on October 15, 2009 at 5:15 pm

I believe Rush didn’t suffer “damages” – his ratings likely improved following the Leftist attack.

The acceptance of fabrications as truth demonstrates the corruption of the media.

The worst hypocricy comes from the NFL itself – in the way they treat their own players – as discussed by Stephen Spuriel in National Review Online – far worse than being “hurt” by the words of a fat White guy.

And they don’t hesitate to hire known felons.

Give me a break.


Frank Z on October 15, 2009 at 5:27 pm

“Infrastrucure, highways in Georgia and all up and down the east coast. Thousands upon thousands of teaching jobs in Los Angeles were saved with stimulus money. And today word comes that the weekly unemployment claim is the lowest its been in 9 months. The Dow is up, as is momentum on Wall Street. These are clear signs that the economy is on the mend.”

All government jobs that will not add to the economy. How do you explain that we lost 750,000 jobs every month since Obama took the oath of office, Brenda? The unemployment claims were merely people giving up on finding any meaningful work.In case you haven’t heard, California is going bankrupt. The Tax Foundation rates California as #48 in the nation for business climate and has one of the highest unemployment rates since Obama took office.

Forty-two states lost jobs last month, up from 29 in July, with the biggest net payroll cuts coming in Texas, Michigan, Georgia and Ohio.

The Labor Department also reported Friday that 27 states saw their unemployment rates increase in August, and 14 states and Washington D.C., reported unemployment rates of 10 percent or above.
From November 2008 through June, the state lost at least 65,000 jobs each month, said Jerry Nickelsburg, a senior economist with the Anderson Forecast at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Still, only eight states added jobs in August on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to employer surveys used by the U.S. Labor Department. North Carolina added the most, with a gain of 7,000, followed by Montana with 5,100 and West Virginia with 2,800.

BTW-Nationally, the average bout of unemployment has reached 25 weeks, the longest since the end of World War II, and is likely to increase as the jobless rate goes higher. Most economists expect the national unemployment rate, now 9.7 percent, to top 10 percent before peaking next year.Nearly 52 percent of the nation’s unemployed have lost jobs permanently, either through layoffs or the end of temporary assignments, according to the Center for Labor Market Studies. That’s the largest share since the Labor Department began tracking that segment in 1994.

US employers have slashed nearly 6 million jobs over the past year, while the national unemployment rate has jumped 3.5 percentage points

Some recovery Brenda

ScottyDog on October 15, 2009 at 5:37 pm

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