February 20, 2006, - 10:59 am

Why Did UAE Ban Michelle Malkin’s Site?

Why did the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ban Michelle Malkin’s site? Was it her just outrage about the ? Or was it her publishing of the Mohammed cartoons and her thorough exposition of the global Islamic violence in response to the cartoons?
Regardless of the reason, it’s yet another reason we can’t let them control our ports. If they’ll censor out her site from over there, what will they do when they are controlling vital points of entry and shipping here in America?
Not sure if they are censoring my site yet, but here’s an e-mail I got from a reader in UAE:

As usual, my daily dose of reality includes reading your own blog and that of Michelle Malkin. I presume that due to MM’s open support of Denmark the site has now been blocked by Etisalat, the govt. owned service provider in Dubai, UAE. C’est la vie!

****UPDATE: Uncle Tim’s Bargain Basement is right. This is costing Republicans. Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer have taken the lead against this absurdity, while Homeland Security’s is defending it (did so on all the Sunday shows).

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2 Responses

Who gives a crap whether it hurts Republicans? Does it hurt Americans? From what I can gather, it sure bears a risk of that, for little gain that I see apart from monetary for a few. This truly is an absurdity.

hqsbud on February 20, 2006 at 6:14 pm

If anyone needs a way around the UAE, like your reader who e-mailed in, Kokonut Pundits has a tip from a commenter at that blog:

tecpat81 on February 20, 2006 at 7:45 pm

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