February 17, 2006, - 5:32 pm

Syrian Hit List: Journalists Targeted for Death; Not a Peep from U.S. Media

Our favorite source of Lebanese news, Ya Libnan, reports that Syria has a hit list of journalists. Syria, on the State Dept. Terrorist List, has a target: Freedom of the Press. The country is targeting journalists critical of Syria.
You’d think journalists all over America would be outraged and would cover this extensively, as they have the less worthy stories of leftist, pan-Islamist journalist kidnapping or ABC Anchor Bob Woodruff’s injuries in Iraq. But you would be wrong. We had to go to a Lebanese site to find out about it.
Not a peep out of the Mainstream Media on Syria’s mafia-style plan to eliminate fellow journalists (with apologies to La Cosa Nostra for the comparison). Yet, whenever Syria raises the spectre of forcing Israel to “give back” (read: give UP, not back) the Golan Heights and Shebaa Farms to Syria, the U.S. media is all over it, like to food.

Al-Assad (The Lion): Syrian Leader Has Hit List for Journalists

Oh, we get it. Freedom of the Press is only important when it’s a tool against the West and in support of despotic Islamic regimes. Not when it’s the other way around.

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13 Responses

So, what about “freedom” of wiretapping?
Will internet calls kill wiretapping?

InplainviewMonitor on February 17, 2006 at 8:57 pm

In what way it si better or worse than endless semantic games? http://www.arabnews.com/cartoon/2006/02/18.jpg

InplainviewMonitor on February 17, 2006 at 9:12 pm

Bashar Assad aka “The Chinless Opthamalogist” needs to be sent packing back to London (where he was educated – why am I not surprised?)

Ripper on February 17, 2006 at 9:29 pm

I have a dream: http://caricatura.ru/parad/Sayenko/pic/5841.jpg

InplainviewMonitor on February 17, 2006 at 9:42 pm

Against the West has nothing to do with it. The American Main Stream Press are gutless wonders. The will hit anyone who does not hit back with bombs. Anyone who does hit back with violence however, they will either ignore, or side with.
A few prosecutions for sedition, and in some cases treason, would result less anti-Americanism on the Press’s part, as they only understand power. No idealism, no higher goals….they look out for their own skins and pocket books, period. It is long past time that they were held accountable.

paul on February 18, 2006 at 6:47 am

We need to get Eason Jordan involved here. I’m certain he could work things out with the Baathists.

rougman on February 18, 2006 at 10:39 am

Another story on this topic that was swept under the rug by most all of the media was the C-130 airplane that crashed in Iran last December full of Iranian journalists on their way to report on Military exercises. (yeah right)
Even the internal investigations showed a lot of discrepencies between official accounts and witness information. I remember witness accounts that day that said the tail section blew off the plane in mid air. Thats kinda weird, no? And another glaring detail that no one gave two thoughts to was the fact that Iran almost never reports on Military exercises (I seek out any story I can about Iran every day) yet for some unexplicable reason, the Iranians loaded some 60 journalists onto an old cargo plane… and it crashed after a failed take off.
I thought from the day it happened that this was a mass-hit of potentially “unhelpful” journalists.

mich-again on February 18, 2006 at 11:14 pm

[Another story on this topic that was swept under the rug by most all of the media was the C-130 airplane that crashed in Iran last December full of Iranian journalists on their way to report on Military exercises.]
Iranian planes are crap. What else is new?

InplainviewMonitor on February 19, 2006 at 10:28 am

InplainviewMonitor said:
“Iranian planes are crap. What else is new?”
The Iranians actually had the audacity to blame the C130 crash on the USA because our trade embargo with them includes spare parts for the American airplanes that were purchased before 1979.
But the circumstances surrounding that 7-Dec, 2005 crash are extremely suspicious. Over 60 journalists were herded onto a cargo plane to allegedly cover Naval exercises in Southern Iran. (how does a journalist cover naval exercises?) The plane crashed upon takeoff when according to witness reports, the tail section exploded. It struck an apartment building killing all the passengers and many on the ground as well.
I don’t know what really happened, but I found it odd that no one ever explored the possibility that it was a planned house-cleaning of journalists. If the same type of thing were to happen in the USA, every leftist media member would be howling that it was a conspiracy to kill journalists.

mich-again on February 19, 2006 at 4:00 pm

This is called cold war.
US: Iran is a dictatorship.
Iran: US is a big satan.
In the end, the meaning of both statements comes to f* your mother.

InplainviewMonitor on February 19, 2006 at 10:20 pm

Well of course. They can threaten to kill us, but we mustn’t speak lowly of them (like printing a certain caricature). I often wonder if suicide bombings became a daily exercise in America (as in Israel) would the media still remain silent? Probablly.

Tovya@ZionReport.com on February 20, 2006 at 1:50 am

[They can threaten to kill us, but we mustn’t speak lowly of them (like printing a certain caricature). I often wonder if suicide bombings became a daily exercise in America (as in Israel) would the media still remain silent? Probablly.]
Just in case you have not noticed, I am talking about things that actually happen, this has nothing to do with speculations on what should better do. As far as I am concerned, it is their business, not mine.
You want to scream and curse – do yourself a favour! I just point out that jets don’t fly on screams, what they need is cheap kerosene.

InplainviewMonitor on February 20, 2006 at 9:11 am

Not the first time.In the 70s, Dr. Selim Lawzi, the editor of an Islamic periodical,published in London, UK, that was critical of Syrian occupation of Lebanon, came home to Lebanon for his mother’s funeral. He was stopped at a Syrian check point and dissapeared. His severed hand was later sent to his family and his dismembered body was found afterward. yet The Arab American News published here in Dearborn, Michigan featured Hafez Assad in a heroic pose, on it’s cover as the “lion of Damascus”, because he refused to negotiate a peace treaty with Israel.

Tim on February 20, 2006 at 1:47 pm

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