October 12, 2009, - 5:32 pm

Would You Vote for a Fat Guy? Is Weight a Fair Campaign Issue?: The Christie-Corzine Race

By Debbie Schlussel

If I lived and was registered to vote in New Jersey, I’d definitely vote for Chris Christie over shameless uber-liberal Governor Jon Corzine in the gubernatorial race, even if Christie really isn’t the ideal, perfect candidate.

One of those imperfections is his girth.  Christie is, to put it bluntly, fat.  And not just slightly chubby.  He’s chunky, BIG-time.  And his bald opponent, Corzine, has made an issue of it. Here’s the ad.

As I’ve noted before, when I see someone that overweight, I see someone who’s lazy, sloppy, and undisciplined.  It’s like, how did you let yourself go that much?  And if you don’t care enough about yourself to curb that, how do we know you’ll care much about taxpayers?  Or, on the flip side, it could mean you are so dedicated to your job and the people, you haven’t made the time to keep fit and watch your caloric intake.  It can go both ways.

In contrast, as I’ve noted before on this site, we now have the most fitness-obsessed couple in the White House.  They’re probably the most physically fit Mr. and Mrs. in the White House ever.  And look at the results–the worst President since Jimmy Carter (and he’ll soon surpass that), and the most arrogant, smug, lording-it-over-you First Lady ever.  If weight/fitness and fitness for office had a correlation, I’d say the Obamas prove we need a fat guy who is married to the fruit of  his chubby chasing occupying the Oval Office.  And there’ve been other recent fitness-obsessed White House occupants who stank.  George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter were all big on running, with the younger Bush pursuing biking when his docs told him he could no longer run.  And don’t forget Bill Clinton who jogged . . . to the next Egg McMuffin and Big Mac.  I’ve written a lot about how the most fitness-obsessed politicians weren’t exactly the greatest.

Here in Michigan, we had three terms of a disgustingly, morbidly obese liberal Republican as Governor, John Engler. This man was a pig. His wife had triplets, but it looked like he was the one who was having three babies. And it still looks like it.  A grotesque vision, he was as wide as he was tall. Engler raised the gas tax and didn’t do much for Michigan. But he lucked out in heading Michigan at a good time.

Now, we have thin as a rail liberal Democrat Jennifer Granholm, who is an avid runner. And Michigan is in the worst economic depression since the Depression. Ms. Thang has made matters worse by raising taxes, spending like crazy, and expanding Michigan government by leaps and bounds.

I’ve learned that while I can’t respect a really fat person, I can live with voting for them and it won’t have bearing on their personal performance, though they could die in office. I did not, however, ever vote for the phony Engler. I had to throw away my vote and cast it for the Libertarian. Not because he was huger than huge and the Chief of Corpulence, but because I knew the guy, he was a phony, a liberal, and a jerk. And I didn’t trust him.

So, is the ad against Chris Christie fair? Is his weight fair game? Or is it hitting below the belt (even if Christie’s girth hits at all points above, below, and behind his belt)? If I were the Republican and the Democrat was quite fat, yes, I’d make it an issue, in probably the same way that the Corzine team is doing. All is fair in love, war, and political campaigns . . . if you want to win.

Americans won’t vote for a fat guy for President (the last fattie they chose was William Howard Taft–the fattest President ever at 340 pounds on a 5’11” frame–and that was before the era of TV and photogenics). And, like me, they tend to look down and the calorically gifted . . . or is that, “differently digestive”?

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21 Responses

I’m thin. Keep in good shape but I’m not obsessed with fitness. Life’s not fair but men want thin women and women want muscular men. Big and wide and big, beautiful and wide went out of fashion a long time ago. Americans won’t vote for someone who needs to go to the Fat Farm.

NormanF on October 12, 2009 at 5:57 pm

The point of the ad was to show that Christie misused his authority. Do you want a governor who’s going to bend the rules for himself?

NB: That was the stated point of the ad. The other point was saying he’s fat. Thus, the part about “throwing his weight around” and showing a full shot of his giant waist. Come on. You know that. DS

Norman Blitzer on October 12, 2009 at 6:20 pm

    As opposed to one who worked at Goldman Sachs and is paying for his own seat?

    Sorrow01 on October 12, 2009 at 8:35 pm

      Corzine and Bloomberg are spending obscene amounts of money to win reelection. They both make me ill. They are two nannies. I already had one as a child – we don’t need another! And Corzine is corrupt.

      JulieJ on October 13, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    Norman, Corzine speeded without his seatbelt on and got into a serious accident. Rules for thee but not for him! Corzine is a phony – and he is bald to boot! Ugh! I met Christie at a NJ Right to Life dinner and he is a good guy. Your idol, Corzine, supports partial birth abortion. He is a monster.

    JulieJ on October 13, 2009 at 5:33 pm

I am tired of all this about weight and girth. I’d take Winston Churchill (the fat alcoholic) over Hitler (the skinny health food nut) any day. And frankly all of this govt/employer browbeating on the subject is starting to look quite tyrranical. If you can do your job, and you aren’t costing the company money for sick days and fat-related operations, it’s none of their business. Some of the skinniest people I know have terrible heart/cholesterol issues (heredity mainly), and the athletic ones are all heading for joint replacements when they’re older.

Sioux on October 12, 2009 at 6:44 pm

John Edwards was a marathon runner; made the cover of Runners World and look at how he disgraced himself, apart from his lousy politics.

There can be psychological reasons for obesity also, which might not affect performance. At least a fat guy is less likely to get involved in all the sexual scandals that Clinton, Sanford, etc. got involved in. If they have good politics and a good record, that’s good enough for me.

Little Al on October 12, 2009 at 6:46 pm

Hey Blitzer, don’t you remember the biggest law-bending event of them all– when Corzine had his State Troopers speeding on the NJ Turnpike? They crashed and it was revealed that Corzine wasn’t even wearing a seatbelt.

Skinny and fit does not equal healthy. Keep that in mind, all you health nuts. Actually, all these fitness nuts seem self-absorbed. Plus, all that vomitting.

One of the greatest presidents, Grover Cleveland, was fat.

lexi on October 12, 2009 at 7:22 pm

Being a big fat slob didn’t stop democrats for voting for Ted Kennedy over and over again I seem to recall.

George NYC on October 12, 2009 at 8:49 pm

Why are we all so obsessed with weight?
A person is never defined by their size.
They have a lot more important qualities to consider!

TurnAround on October 12, 2009 at 8:56 pm

I would vote a fat Rush Limbaugh over a thin KING HUSSEIN OBAMA any day.

CaliforniaScreaming on October 12, 2009 at 10:31 pm

Not a big issue as he is overweight but not ridiculously so.

adam on October 12, 2009 at 10:50 pm

Yes, I’d vote for an Obese person in a heart beat if he was a conservative and God fearing. I see it this way, a person who is obsessed with weight of others is because of SELF LOVE and condemnation of others.

Daryl on October 13, 2009 at 6:17 am

Well, not to go off topic, but New Jersey’s largest paper, The Newark Star Ledger has endorsed NEITHER CORZINE OR CHRISTIE! They endorse the Independent Candidate Chris Daggett


“The newspaper’s decision is less a rejection of Gov. Jon Corzine and Republican Chris Christie than a repudiation of the parties they represent, both of which have forfeited any claim to the trust and confidence of the people of New Jersey. They share responsibility for the state’s current plight.

Only by breaking the hold of the Democratic and Republican mandarins on the governor’s office and putting a rein on their power will the state have any hope for the kind of change needed to halt its downward economic, political and ethical spiral.

New Jersey needs radical change in Trenton. Neither of the major parties is likely to provide it. Daggett’s election would send shock waves through New Jersey’s ossified political system and, we believe, provide a start in a new direction.

It would signal the entrenched leadership of both parties — and the interest groups they regularly represent — that an ill-served and angry electorate demands something better.

Where the major parties have differed, their differences have been inconsequential. Where they’ve been the same, their similarities have been destructive.

They have contributed equally to gross overspending in Trenton by consistently pandering to the pay, pension and retirement policies demanded by powerful public employee unions. Democrats have financed the spree with tax hikes, Republicans with borrowed money, and both with pension-fund raids.

Christie’s game plan for dealing with a looming, record budget deficit of $8 billion has been a work in progress. After pledging for months to cut taxes deeply despite the budget red ink, he disclosed Friday in an interview with The Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran that he has put most of the tax reduction on the shelf until the economy begins to recover.

But he’d still lower income taxes on the state’s wealthiest households by roughly $1 billion and restore a portion of the nearly $600 billion in property tax rebates rescinded last year — a neat trick while still balancing the budget.

Christie’s principal claim on voter support is based on his record as U.S. Attorney for New Jersey — and it’s not without merit. The Star-Ledger opposed his appointment to that post originally, only to be pleasantly surprised as Christie surrounded himself with capable, qualified people and performed well.

But his sketchy budget plans and his relative lack of familiarity with the details of state government, as evidenced in debates and before The Star-Ledger editorial board, give us pause.

Corzine is an eminently decent and likable man, and not without achievement. We especially salute his unflagging commitment to state education and his success in changing the Abbott school aid formula to ensure that money intended to help poor children follows them whether or not they live in specific districts.

But his shortcomings as a leader are serious. They’ve become all too apparent in his dealings with public employee unions, an often unruly Legislature and a Democratic Party that is, at best, an ethically compromised ship and, at worst, harbors a corrupt crew.

The governor may be the nominal leader of his party but there’s mounting evidence its commanding figure is George Norcross, an unelected South Jersey political deal-maker who’s currently rearranging the Democratic leadership in the Senate and Assembly.

Corzine is the chaplain on a pirate ship, not really its captain.

Like Christie, neither Corzine nor Daggett has adequately explained how he’d tackle the vast budget deficit. All three, to some degree, are like Dickens’ hapless Wilkins Micawber, hoping “something will turn up.” But only Daggett has produced anything close to a coherent plan to cut property taxes. He’d chop them by up to $2,500 per homeowner — but only if their municipalities kept spending increases in line with the Consumer Price Index. In effect, he’d require local officials to choose between their union supporters and taxpaying voters. It’s not a panacea, but at least a start.

As for government experience, Daggett, who has a doctorate in education, has at least as much as his rivals, having worked for both Democratic and Republican governors and served as regional administrator of the federal Environmental Protection Agency. His mastery of detail is impressive.

The reservation one hears about Daggett among the surprising number who say they’d like to vote for him is that he can’t win. And, indeed, the ballot position assigned Daggett and other independents makes his task daunting. You’ll have to hunt to find him.

But the value of a vote is not limited to picking a winner. The real value lies in the signal it sends about what the voter believes is best for the city, county or state — not merely at the moment, but long-term.

We believe Daggett is best.”

But it leads me to wonder will this actually lead to people voting again for Corzine and his failed globalist banker policies (he bought the election last time round so to speak). However, things are coming out about Daggett, he may have actually worked for someone who served on the so-called 9/11 Commission, former NJ Faux GOP Governor with a faux British accent Tom Kean, who also is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations!

Looks to me no matter how NJ votes, IT’S STILL THE PUNCH LINE TO A JOKE!

Bob Porrazzo on October 13, 2009 at 6:34 am

    Corzine will bus in homeless people from Philly to vote for him. Watch.

    JulieJ on October 13, 2009 at 5:38 pm

I have one comment about this article. How can Obama be considered fit if he’s a smoker? That shows me he’s not concerned about the health of his lungs. To my knowledge, he hasn’t quit (maybe I’m wrong?) but smoking has always been a way to keep weight down.

Suzanne Quigley on October 13, 2009 at 10:02 am

I completely agree with Debbie’s statement about the “smug lording-it-over-you” first lady. I am slim due to eating less not because I exercise very much. I have noticed that adults who spend a great deal of time working out seem to be the most self centered and vain people I know. Good grief, all that effort and energy and they haven’t produced or accomplished anything. It’s all about how they look. How shallow can a person be?

BTW-I was a college athlete and spent a great deal of time working out, even to the point of passing out (just once!). And yes, it was a pretty self centered time in my life.

keepingthefaith on October 13, 2009 at 10:22 am

This is America, if a person wants to be fat and flabby they have every right to do so. If a person wants to adopt a strange religion, wear a tinfoil hat, become a vegan, or join PETA they have every right to do so. Those rights end only when their choice affects those around them. We should take pride in the fact that America is wealthy and secure enough, that we can afford to have some fatties running (or more likely driving around). The Lefties are the nanny-staters … let’s not follow them down that path.

Let’s not start judging people’s character by their body mass. If we go there, what would be next? Let’s just judge people by their actions and ideas (which will leave plenty to pass judgement on) and not by their looks, gender, hair color, etc etc.

Dont Tread On Me on October 13, 2009 at 11:19 am

    Hey ‘Tread On Me’, you are exactly right. The “nanny people” like to make lots of rules and laws for others but the nannys feel they don’t need to obey any laws. They are ‘above all’ running around with their collectives noses in the air. (Mostly Democrats) of course!!!)It’s disgusting. I’m all for good laws but let’s make sure they are applied to the nannys as well. Ted Kennedy was a perfect example of a nanny. Obama is even worse than Ted Kennedy. It’s so wonderful that we finally are rid of all the Kennedys in politics.

    Last word on January 26, 2013 at 12:36 pm

Seems that the media is very careful not to show Michelle’s lower half. While she has some semi-sculpted pipes, she still has black-girl back that competes with anything Hillary brought to the game and makes Laura look skinny by comparison.

DM6013 on October 13, 2009 at 1:43 pm

“I’d take Winston Churchill (the fat alcoholic) over Hitler (the skinny health food nut) any day.” – Sioux

Let’s not forget that Churchill’s predecessor, the infamously appeasing Neville Chamberlain, was also quite skinny, relatively speaking.

ConcernedPatriot on October 13, 2009 at 3:25 pm

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