February 16, 2006, - 11:17 pm

Muslims Dominate Missouri Truck Driving School; Raided by FBI

Are potential Islamic terrorists trying to get commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs) and hazardous materials hauling certificates? You bet, they are. In droves.
The latest, as reported by Kansas City media, is the South Central Career Center Truck Training Program in West Plains, Missouri, in South Central Missouri. A whopping 60% (SIXTY PERCENT!) of those who took a CDL test there from May 2004 to December 2005 had Mid-East names. Hello? . . .
And, as usual, your tax dollars probably paid the bill. That particular truck driver’s school is run by Missouri’s West Plains public school district, as part of vocational training. Watch the well-done, frightening video news report.
Fortunately, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (a fancy name for a group that hasn’t done much) raided the school, and the Missouri Highway Patrol has blocked the school from testing new students or issuing further licenses. Well, it’s about time. What took so long?

The school district has suspended the director of the truck school AND one of the CDL testers. Previous, similar investigations in other states, like Utah, have uncovered testers helping illegal aliens pass the test.
We’ve noted multiple times that two members of Detroit’s alleged Al-Qaeda cell also took CDL tests and tried to get HazMat hauling certificates. A tax-funded Arab welfare agency, dominated by Muslims, paid thousands in “job-training” money to get the men the lessons. When FBI agents raided the men’s apartment after 9/11, they found a pre-printed cheat sheet with answers to the test.

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18 Responses

Just curious, what are the safe professions for Muslims to take? As janitors, they could penetrate sensitive government and business sites.

InplainviewMonitor on February 17, 2006 at 2:08 am

Don’t worry Little Debbie your preznit will keep you safe. He gittin them over there so they won’t git you over here.

JMN on February 17, 2006 at 2:15 am

Oh, come on! Don’t be so critical of the JTTF. The rest of the terrorists haven’t even finished their OJT at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore Labs yet.

Mark McGilvray on February 17, 2006 at 9:39 am

InplainviewMonitor, according to Ms. Schlussel, there are no safe jobs for Muslims to take. She prefers them gone, and out of HER country.

titletown on February 17, 2006 at 10:53 am

Inplainview + title + Jmn : How you all could possiblly think it’s O.K. and we are over reacting is why we are in for it.

danny on February 17, 2006 at 11:23 am

[according to Ms. Schlussel, there are no safe jobs for Muslims to take. She prefers them gone, and out of HER country.]
Yes, it looks like this. Then it makes little sense to rant about laser pointers and CDLs. Just say it clearly “All Muslims out now”, Deb!
[How you all could possiblly think it’s O.K. and we are over reacting is why we are in for it.]
Hmmm… 😉 What is exactly the point? What is the question?

InplainviewMonitor on February 17, 2006 at 11:48 am

But Danny my dear you misunderread me. I’m just telling Little Debbie not to worry her pretty (and sexy)little head over it as her preznit has it under control. See, the giant magnet in Iraq will soon pull all them terrorists to Iraq so we won’t have to fight them here. Don’t you listen to yer preznit?

JMN on February 17, 2006 at 12:14 pm

oh my that Debbie is cute…which in my book means smart so she must be right about these darkies…I mean gentlemen of middle-eastern heritage (that’s ok Deb, I know you call ’em darkies when it’s just you and the gals). I wonder if Debbie’s husband has ever posted any of the nude shots they took on their honeymoon to Maui, where they surely stayed at the Grand Wailea…it was made for them.

Patio-DaddyO on February 17, 2006 at 1:50 pm

and how ironic that all of the ad space on the page has to do with getting one’s CDL training. I hope this is a secure site…secure from mooslims and other scarey types

Patio-DaddyO on February 17, 2006 at 1:55 pm

Patio-DaddyO-if this were a secure site,remedial reading dropouts like you would never be able to
post on it.

jaywilton on February 17, 2006 at 2:46 pm

To remind ourselves, it was USA that was still burning witches at the stake when Spain (which invented inquisition) gave it up completely. So, why are you surprised when oil huggers start counting people by their names?

Bin_Farteen on February 17, 2006 at 3:23 pm

This not a local issue. Where I live in Maine we have a Muslim Somali immigrant community. Three Somalis that worked at my company got their commercial drivers license and are now driving petroleum tanker trucks for Sprague Energy in Portland Maine.

ARAKIS on February 18, 2006 at 4:16 pm

ARAKIS; Maybe you can be a spokesperson for them.You must be so fu.king proud.Stick your head in the sand + keep telling yourself “This is not a local issue” for me.

danny on February 18, 2006 at 6:28 pm

And, once again, Danny misses the point completely. Arakis’ point is that it’s not JUST a local issue – the same thing Ms. Schlussel is afraid of is happening in Maine, too. Reading comprehension is your friend, Danny.

titletown on February 19, 2006 at 10:50 am

well, whatever the case may be, i am hopeful that this is only part of a larger “sting” or effort by the FBI, but i think people are getting back into a pre-9/11 mode of thinking and that is a dangerous way to live. The ACLU says profiling is wrong, wrong, wrong, but look at the percentage (%60). How many soccer moms or grandmas/grandpas would be so eager to drive HAZMAT routes? Anyway, kudos to the FBI on this one (so far)!

NanoBrite on February 19, 2006 at 6:53 pm

the comments to this tell me I’ve been right when I’ve been telling people that this coutnry’s biggest enemies aren’t a bunch of brown or black skinnned whatevers but “Liberals” of whatever color/ethnicity. This country desperately needs “Liberal” season. It’s the only thing that will begin to fix it and begin to return us to Liberty. That includes the republicrats too.

educated redneck on February 20, 2006 at 10:52 am

Truck Driving School

His training is a good three weekshe We lucked out and there is a campus here in our city, so he can commute back and forth. H…

Truck Driving School on April 2, 2006 at 5:15 am

I really think that we should be more careful when we admit students to certain programs. I think that everyone should have an equal chance to do what they want in life, but if that is going to put others at risk we should be less helpful in the aiding process.

Moutainland Applied Technology College on May 29, 2010 at 3:26 pm

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