February 13, 2006, - 1:24 pm

“Curious George” Under Attack

We’re glad to see that this weekend’s box office release, “Curious George” did so well (coming in at #3 and over $15 million). Like so many other kids in America, we were read these books when I was little.
But now, from the “Lefties Have No Life” department, the poor monkey is under attack.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Robin Roth–an animal rights activist and left-wing wacko who operates Ark Online–believes “Curious George” books are bad (here is her complete diss of George). Why?

[T]he Caucasian, gun-carrying Man with the Yellow Hat ventures to Africa (imperialism alert!) to harvest wildlife for a zoo (animal repression alert!). George, left unsupervised, is allowed to smoke a pipe and huff ether (bad parenting alert!)

Huh? It’s a MONKEY. And a fictional tale for kids. Does everything need to be 100% politically correct in a kids book?
The authors of “Curious George,” by the way, Margret and H. A. Rey,
were Jewish Holocaust survivors from Germany, whose courageous lives are profiled in “The Journey That Saved Curious George: The True Wartime Escape of Margret and H.A. Rey“, by Louise Borden (reviewed here). They did not have the luxury of being politically correct ad absurdum.

We suggest Ms. Roth check and see whether there’s a market for lacto-ovo lesbian environmentally-friendly fairy tales for kids addicted to edamame, and start writing. And while she’s at it, she can use recycled paper, tofu extracts, and ink that was not tested on animals or taken from fruit tree extracts stolen from an African co-op farmer.
We, on the other hand, look forward to seeing yet more yellow ink that both populates the illustrated pages of “Curious George” and pollutes Ms. Roth’s joyless, lefty environment.

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7 Responses

It would have been okay if they updated it to “Bi-Curious George” Follow the life of a young monkey on his journey to find himself. The man in the Yellow hat could wear a pink cowboy hat and have a life partner named Gary.

Michael Durant on February 13, 2006 at 2:31 pm

Debbie, one more thing, wasn’t the story written by a Jewish person? You know how evil the Jews are, the author was probably tring to relate Muhammad to George, oh boy wait until I send this over to some of my Danish cartoon friends.
Next on the PC hit list.. Winnie The Pooh!

Michael Durant on February 13, 2006 at 2:35 pm

MD, they already attacked Pooh, well not exactly Pooh, but Christopher Robins is being replaced by a girl.

hunkpapa on February 13, 2006 at 3:55 pm

They will probably have it revised as a boy who dresses like a girl. I can see it now, “Winnie The Pooh & The Confused Transvestite”.

Michael Durant on February 13, 2006 at 4:11 pm

Sometimes a monkey is just a monkey.
She doesn’t like the story? I have some advice for her – don’t read it it then. Don’t see the movie either.
Life’s too short to disagree with the disagreeable. I’m going to ignore her.

MarkD on February 13, 2006 at 6:15 pm

If the Islamist hordes took over San Francisco like they have Europe, it would almost be funny but for the fact that it’s actually part of the United States (hard as it is to believe sometimes).

KnightoftheImpaler on February 14, 2006 at 1:49 am

Did you notice that “Munich” was not even in the top 10 boxoffice films for last weekend? That movie is dying the death of a 1,000 cuts.

Ripper on February 14, 2006 at 9:03 am

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