February 13, 2006, - 12:26 pm

BREAKING ICE Princess Sequel: Bush Re-Nominates Inept Immigration Leader

She’s BA-A-A-A-A-A-CK.
In a strange development Friday, the White House announced its re-nomination of the incompetent to the position of Assistant Secretary for Immigration & Customs Enforcement.

Scary Julie Myers News: When a Stranger Gets Re-Nominated

During the 2005 holiday recess, President Bush–as –gave a to unqualified, inept 36-year-old Myers to the position of Assistant Secretary for Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE). We figure this latest Myers nomination (couched among others who got recess appointments) is a tactic to get her–now that she is comfortably in the job–a confirmation for the position for the entire remainder of the Bush administration. We hope the Senate has some guts and just says no to Julie Myers.
As we noted, Myers–niece of General Richard Myers and wife of Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff’s Chief of Staff–would never have been confirmed by the Senate. There were several holds placed on her nomination, and even had those holds been lifted, she likely would have been voted down.
Ms. Myers, the ICE Princess, has absolutely no law enforcement experience, little management experience (certainly not the 5 years required), and has never held a job more than about 11 months. Hardly the ideal track record for the person enforcing immigration laws in a country bleeding illegal aliens inward.

ICE Princess, The Sequel:

Bush White House Toy Factory Re-Releases Incompetent Barbie

(Julie Myers artwork by our friend/Photoshop Master, David Lunde)

We hope the Senate will judge Ms. Myers’ performance based on her first month on the job. So far, Myers directly at a worksite near Galveston, Texas to freedom in the great American abyss . . . without letting agents even check the veracity of the illegals’ IDs and run them through computer checks. Then, she continued on her phony tour of Southern border areas, claiming she was going to get tough on illegals. Ri-i-i-i-i-i-ght.
For her entire first month, a repeat sex offender –at full pay and benefits of at least $140,000. Oh, and she’s in front of the cameras.
As far as we can tell, Ms. Myers might be building a portfolio for one of the modeling agencies. The internal ICE newsletter for agents features a regular barrage of photos and poses of Myers, but very little details of any actual work. Maybe one day soon, the Senate will remind Julie Myers that she is not Naomi Campbell or Heidi Klum, but the head of an agency that is supposed to be stopping illegal aliens from remaining in our country and ending money laundering by terrorists.
At least, in theory.

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2 Responses

Since your boys are in the process of selling out the most vulnerable part of Homeland Insecurity, the ports— http://www.theconservativevoice.com/article/12306.html —WHY should you be surprised???

EminemsRevenge on February 13, 2006 at 1:27 pm

It looks like Debbie is getting to Julie. In that other picture Debbie posted ole Julie looked sort of hot. Now, Julie is looking not so hot or maybe it’s the different hairstyle.
If Julie wants to be a babe she needs a makeover.

The_Man on February 13, 2006 at 8:33 pm

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