February 9, 2006, - 3:48 pm

New Horror Flick: Son of Carter

You’ve heard of “Son of Sam,” “Bride of Frankenstein,” and “Bride of Chuckie“?
Now meet “Son of Carter” (or is that, “Son of Jimmuh”?).
Yes, it’s the latest horror movie sequel, happening in a Nevada near you. It’s filled with the comedy of disastrous double digit inflation, the drama of hostages in Iran, the thriller of having a “kick me” sign around the world, the hilarity of high taxes, the excitement of long lines at the pump. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry . . . . Well, that was the original. Here’s our summary (who needs a sequel?).

“Son of Jimmy”?: Late Good Ole Boy “Bro of Jimmy”

Was Far More Entertaining

And we hear the sequel is similar. The son of the Peanut Farmer Prez a/k/a “The Man From P.L.A.I.N.S.”, Jack Carter, is running for the U.S. Senate from Nevada. He looks WAY too much like the original. Plus, there’s none of the fun of the late Billy Carter, his beer, and the Libyan payoff from Muammar Khaddafi.
Of note, Jimmuh Jr. is going on a “listening tour” of Nevada. We know of only two listening tours by politicos in recent years–Hillary Clinton in New York and Bush aide . Both were repellent.
As we’ve said often on this site, we frown on remakes and sequels. Is there really anyone that wants to return to the “Malaise Days” of the man who “liberated” Iran of the Shah and made “Peace” in the Middle East?

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5 Responses

All I have to say is, given the fact that the entire civilized world is having serious problems with the same country his father gained a bad reputation for backing down to (among other thngs), he couldn’t have picked a worst time to run for office. Iran is even more dangerous now than it was then, so between that and the fact that there’s no Ronald Reagan around, I’d say this is one sequel that’s scarier than the original.

KnightoftheImpaler on February 9, 2006 at 5:20 pm

It’s really Billy Carter after plastic surgery. I mean we all know Jimmy Carter had a daughter named Amy…
Seriously, this has to be a joke. Hey, vote for me, my dad was the worst president this country ever had, is not a winning slogan.

MarkD on February 9, 2006 at 6:26 pm

The rabbit will kick his ass, too!

Yiddish Steel on February 10, 2006 at 9:34 am

Unfortunately Nevada has become settled by moonbats who fled the social liberal policies (which they voted for by the way) from California, New York, Massachussetts and other Blue States so it is not inconceivable that the moronic looking Jimmuh Jr. could be elected.

Ripper on February 10, 2006 at 9:55 am

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nzcxbvml on June 3, 2011 at 8:06 pm

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