February 9, 2006, - 7:17 am

Hustler-Obsessed, Masturbating Murderers: Tommy Lee Jones Defames Border Patrol

It’s bad enough that illegal immigrants in Mexican Army uniforms are attacking Border Patrol Agents. But now, Al Gore’s Harvard roommate is doing it, too.
Actor Tommy Lee Jones, who has been Gore’s friend since Harvard, directed and stars in “The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.” This movie is an outrage.
Not only does the film portray illegal aliens as nice, innocent, abused people; but Border Patrol Agents are portrayed as evil, cold-blooded murderers of illegal aliens who do nothing else but masturbate to Hustler Magazine.

Tommy Lee Jones & Barry Pepper Defame Border Patrol

in “Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada”

“Three Burials” began in limited release around the country, beginning last Friday. It is shown mostly in arthouse movie theaters.
But the damage is big. And the view of Americans is warped.
Jones plays ranch hand Pete Perkins, whose employee and friend, Melquiades Estrada, is a kind, gentle illegal alien from Mexico. He’s only here to get some work and make money for his family, whom he hasn’t seen in years. Estrada is so nice he even gifts his horse to Perkins and tells him he wants to be buried back in Mexico.
When we first see Estrada, he is a dead body being eaten by Coyotes. Border Patrol Agents and a local sheriff, played by Dwight Yoakam, don’t give a damn about him. Because he’s illegal, they don’t treat him like a human being. In real life, authorities in border towns know it’s the exact opposite.
Then we meet Border Patrol Agent Mike Norton. He’s a thug (and he works for the INS–someone forgot to send Tommy Lee Jones the memo: there is no longer an INS and hasn’t been since 2003). We get to see multiple scenes of him having sex in his Border Patrol uniform–both with his wife . . . and with himself while on the job.
Hustler publisher Larry Flynt must have paid big bucks to Jones for product placement in “Three Burials”. His sleazy magazine has a starring role. We see Agent Norton with Hustler more than we see him with his wife, and that’s by design.
Agent Norton is shown on a secluded area of the border desert, in his Border Patrol uniform, masturbating to Hustler instead of watching for illegals. Melquiades Estrada commits the crime of disturbing Agent Norton’s pleasure session. Norton sees Estrada from a distance tending to his horse and kills him in cold blood.
I’m sure Tommy Lee Jones didn’t really mean to portray the Border Patrol this way. It was just an accident.
Perkins eventually learns that Border Patrol Agent Norton murdered his illegal Mexican friend. He kidnaps Agent Norton, beats and tortures him, and forces him to unbury Estrada and travel with Perkins to Mexico to bury Estrada there.

Tommy Lee Jones Bloodies Border Patrol Agent,

Forces Him to Carry Rotting Dead Body

The trip to Mexico is almost the entire second half of the movie. And it, too, is filled with Jones’ “unique” moving-picture commentary on the Border Patrol. In one scene, a posse of Border Patrol Agents approach a house on the Mexican side of the border, where the kidnapper, the kidnapped agent, and the freshly dug-up dead body have been. The homeowner is blind, but the Border Patrol search party is portrayed as the truly blind. They are buffoons who can’t find anything or anyone.
We see multiple scenes of Border Patrol vehicles and helicopters right above and near the very visible, obtrusive party of kidnapped agent, kidnapper, dead body, and three horses. But they still can’t find them.
And Jones doesn’t stop there. He goes after the Border Patrol Agents’ wives, too . . . and all Americans. They are all evil and whorish, but for Jones’ Pete Perkins. Agent Norton’s wife is a heavy-smoking, slutty, ditzy blonde. The other female lead is a skanky, married waitress who regularly cheats on her husband with the local police and Jones’ Perkins. Dwight Yoakam’s cop is an impotent, sex-obsessed, incompetent. (Remember that, if you are a country music fan and like his “work.”)
“Three Burials'” Mexicans, on the other hand, are portrayed as pure, kind, generous, innocent.
During the Mexican odyssey, the kidnapped Border Patrol Agent is bitten by a rattlesnake. A kindly Mexican guide leading illegal aliens to the U.S. border finds him and Perkins and offers to help them and take care of Norton’s wound. The kind woman who gives them food and treats the rattlesnake bit, just happens to be the very same woman whom the violent Agent Norton brutally beat while he was on Border Patrol duty back in Texas.
Nice contrast: Mexican illegal aliens–generous, kind, and humane; Border Patrol agents–brutal beaters and cold-blooded murderers of those aliens.
Perhaps it should be no surprise that the evil Border Patrol Agent is played by Canadian actor Barry Pepper. In “Enemy of the State,” he played an evil National Security Agency employee misusing government counter-terrorism surveillance measures to harass an innocent labor lawyer. And he will play one of the flag-raisers in ,” which portrays the heroic men who raised the flag at Iwo Jima as depressed, ridiculed men after they returned home to the U.S.
Negative portrayals of Border Patrol Agents, National Security Agents, and World War II heroes. Looks like Pepper has the Hollywood ethos down to a science.
This disgusting, anti-American movie is also known as “Les Trois Enterrements de Melchades Estrada” in France, where–surprise, surprise–it was a huge hit and won big at last year’s Cannes Film Festival, where it won “Best Screenplay” and Jones won “Best Actor“. Also not surprising, mainstream film critics all over America, including Roger Ebert, just loved “Three Burials.”
The only consolation is that this celluloid screed–which was considered an Oscar contender–didn’t get any Academy Awards nominations.
Thank Heaven for small miracles. To paraphrase one of my readers, I look forward to the “Three Burials of Liberal Hollywood Producers.”

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16 Responses

About Barry Pepper, let’s not forget his Oscar-worthy performance in that masterpiece of modern Sci-Fi, Battlefield Earth. 🙂

Chris on February 9, 2006 at 10:07 am

In the immortal words of Clarence Whorley (Christian Slater) in the uber violent film “True Romance” “Most of these ass***** make unwatchable films out of unreadable books.” You can probably hold a screening of “Three Burials” in a phone booth.

Ripper on February 9, 2006 at 10:20 am

Who wrote this, Beavis and Butthead?

Jeff_W on February 9, 2006 at 1:17 pm

This putrid film has all the earmarks of what Hollywood thinks of America: Law enforcement agents – good guys enforcing the laws to protect the rest of us – as dumb, dysfunctional, demented, duplicitous, half-crazed, boozed-up sexual deviants.
Their typical view of the criminals – the bad guys depicted here as the illegal aliens who break the law to get here, then continue to break other laws once they’re here – as kind, caring, sharing, compassionate, misunderstood victims of society who only want to make a buck. (BTW, notice how this illegal alien wants to be buried in Mexico. They don’t come here to become Americans. Remember that the next time some LIBERAL tries to throw the usual canard/guilt trip about how your ancestors immigrated to this country.)
I just love Hollywood’s duplicity when it comes to the sovereignty of nations: They rail against Bush invading “a sovereign country like Iraq”, yet they’re all for the rest of the world violating the sovereignty of the United States via their pro-illegal invasion views. It just goes to show you their intellectual dishonesty and exposes them for the America-hating stormtroopers they are.
My guess why this “film” didn’t get any Academy nominations is because they’re really pushing “Bareback Mountain” and they didn’t want to distract any attention from that lesson in morality. (Funny thing, every Hollywood and radio host persona who was asked if they saw Bareback Mountain, replied with a sheepish “no”.)
But, don’t fear. In a few years I’m sure Oliver Stone will make a remake or a sequel to “The Three Burials of an Illegal Alien” and Hollywood will give its Bareback Backing 100%.

Thee_Bruno on February 9, 2006 at 3:34 pm

Debbie, and to all the guys commenting here: I enjoy your work and comments. In general, I agree. But as one reader wrote earlier, THIS IS FICTION. There are dumb, lazy, corrupt law enforcement agents and harmeless immigrants just looking for the so called better life (I’d prefer a quiet Mexican village to a US megalopolis slum though) as well as really brave people fighting for their country against evil thugs from across the border. The game is, unfortunately or fortunately, not black and white. And if a director or author is showing a piece of the long story as he sees it then this is his right as well as it is your right to disagree. Lets talk and discuss all this but not at the price of limiting the right of expression, otherwise the wrong people win. Fight, fight hard but fight with a discerning eye.

hjslaw on February 9, 2006 at 3:53 pm

Call me unsympathetic, but I don’t much like the epidemic of drug peddling illegals who have infested my community. But hey, that’s the kind of ‘citizen’ Hollywood adores.
I don’t care if they’re from Mexico, or all points south, or from Russia, or all points east, they are scum. In fact, they’re almost as scummy as Hollywood, and that’s saying a lot.
Most illegals are not bad guys. So why would the Libs be angry if we do arrest and deport the ones who are bad?
Oh yeah … the only people screaming about Homeland Security, and secure borders, are terrorists, drug dealers, Liberals, and Hollywood.
Anybody see a correlation here???

Athling on February 9, 2006 at 3:57 pm

Sure the movie is fiction and Hollywood has every right to put out such trash. But the whole point of the thread is that this is the ONLY version of America that Hollywood produces. One that makes the bad guys appear sympathetic, and the good guys look like criminals.
When was the last time Hollywood put out a movie depicting America in a positive light?
When was the last time Hollywood put out a movie depicting Muslims as terrorists?
When was the last time Hollywood put out a movie depicting the U.S. military in a positive light?
When was the last time Hollywood put out a movie depicting the traditional American family in a positive light?
When was the last time Hollywood put out a movie depicting Christianity in a positive light?
The answer – It’s been such a long time, I can’t recall. Certainly not in the last 30 years.
They can put out the trash, but I’m not going to pick it up.

Thee_Bruno on February 9, 2006 at 4:09 pm

It’s like Bruno mentioned, Hollywood does indeed have a political agenda. If they put out films that fit the descriptions he mentioned, we wouldn’t be complaining (neither would the Hollywood executives who make all the money, believe me). But they don’t. Note to Hollywood: show business is just that, BUSINESS! You’re bleeding green by putting out this garbage. I think the propaganda part is worse than the sleaze factor and ought to be addressed more. Sleazy entertainment shouldn’t dominate any culture but it’s been around since the beginning of civilization and is only truly harmful if elevated to high art (which of course it is these days), on the other hand propaganda is a form of psychological warfare. So is terrorism, so Hollywood is doing the same thing against the same country as the Islamists, just a bit more humanely.

KnightoftheImpaler on February 9, 2006 at 5:37 pm

When Tommy Lee Jones and other actors ponder the question, “What makes a legend of a movie star like John Wayne, that everyone looks up to, he and his clueless, disrespectful, pals can look at their movies like this trash to find the answer. Buying a ranch sure didn’t teach Jones squat. Border Patrol agents save more Mexican lives than heart surgery, there are so many good stories he could have been a part of, but instead he swims in the dirt. That is why you’ll never have any of the class or respect John Wayne had, Mr. Jones.

code7 on February 9, 2006 at 9:29 pm

Yes, its only fiction. At least it passes itself off as fiction. During WWII, Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher printed the same kind of fiction against Jews and other “enemies” of the Third Reich and called them “facts.” When we know what Hollywood thinks, we know that the “fictional” storyline is what Hollywood believes is true, but cannot find the facts to back up their position. That’s how they use “fiction” as propaganda. Norman Lear did some of that in the 1970s. The opinions may be on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but the technique is still the same.
It is interesting to note that the most popular movie star of all time is John Wayne. His pro-America, pro-military, pro-justice roles in movies of the same themes is one of the reasons. He was not a great actor, but he had both star power and good common sense in his politics.
As for Tommy Lee Jones, what do you expect from a Harvard-educated, Tennessee Democrat who was Algore’s (“no controlling legal authority” means “no one can stop me”) roommate. Birds of a feather….
As for illegal aliens, they break one law coming here. Who knows how many more they may break once they arrive?

Loser on February 9, 2006 at 10:47 pm

hjslaw, nobody is talking about limiting anyone’s right of expression. I disagree with the silly “it’s just fiction” argument. Just because it’s fiction doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be criticized, and the message it is conveying is not fiction.
As everyone else has said, it’s been one sided with Hollywood’s utter hatred for Bush and the people who voted for him.
I don’t want to limit right of expression because in a way I am glad Hollywood is coming out of the closet and showing their true colors. The normal American is now seeing the left for who they are, which is mean spirited hypocrites wanting to impose their viewpoints and limit OUR freedom of expression.
Yes! Thanks to the left, the U.S. government is controlled by the Republicans (they’re not doing a great job, but still better than the left wing controlled Democrats), the movie industry is in free fall due to trash like this movie, liberal news ratings are down, and the liberal newspapers subscription rates are declining.

The_Man on February 10, 2006 at 12:16 am

Tommy Lee Jones gave us a warning of his true ideology in the movie ‘Men in Black’. The movie starts with a trashing of the Border Patrol.
This isn’t a new theme … it’s a mantra in Hollywood, and this is just the lastest installment with more to come.
Like I said, the only people screaming about Homeland Security and Border Patrol are Terrorists, Drug dealers, Liberals, and Hollywood, and this ain’t no coincidence.

Athling on February 10, 2006 at 2:38 am

To The_Man and the others: Thanks for commenting my post. The Arts are controlled by the so called “Liberals”, in the US as well as here in Europe. This is a matter of fact but it is also caused by not enough conservatives or neoconservative young people who engage in the arts. I don’t know why but apparently only kids of left wingers want to become actors or painters. Maybe the others are too busy pursuing a business career which is also not true because then the universities would be more conservative. Maybe films like this one do really reflect the mainstream opinion in Hollywood, still by calling their message outrageous they should still be critized from a filmmaking point of view as well as from the message point of view. I know that Debbie always recommends to save one’s money rather than go watching these films but I still like to see the flicks even if badly rated here. Blame me for investing in the wrong guys though, I still invest more in the others. 🙂

hjslaw on February 10, 2006 at 7:02 am

hjslaw …
The reason that Hollywood reeks of Marxists is because of NEPOTISM.
Hollywood says it endorses the working class, but have done all in their considerable power to keep the unions from busting up their little nepotistic monopoly.
You only get into Hollywood if you are born into it, or you s*** and F*** your way up the Marxist monopoly. Why do you think these people are such sluts for Marx, Lenin, and Mao?
You want Hollywood to improve, then demand that Congress breaks up these monoplies the way they busted up Ma Bell. It’s long overdue.

Athling on February 11, 2006 at 2:38 am

What we need is more films from the right point of view, fiction and nonfiction. We need to compete in this arena, make interesting independent films. Reach those who will never stop to hear Rush, or Hannity.
It’s not as if Republicans have no money, or that there isn’t the possibility of making money on a film. Maybe it’s the connections that just aren’t there. Perhaps if someone comes up with a good script and shows it to the right people, (maybe even Rush and Hannity, people with the heart for it), it could get done.
Ann Coulter’s Slander would have been a worthwhile foundation for a documentary! It still might.

Isaiah538 on February 11, 2006 at 2:57 am

Despite having read this post months ago, I ordered this movie on pay-per-view. Like you, I was disgusted by the portrayal of the Border Patrol.
I was even more disgusted by the portrayal of the Texans in Van Horn. I love that part of Texas because of its rugged beauty and its kind and friendly people.
First, those people would never have treated Melquiades or the other Mexicans as less than human. There is a very symbiotic relationship between the Texans and Mexicans out there in that ranch country.
Mexicans have been working those ranches for eons. People out there have relations on both sides of the border. In fact, people have plots of land on both sides of the Rio Grande that families have tilled for generations. Doctors out of Alpine have been crossing the border forever to vaccinate and treat Mexican children.
Read Hattie Stillwell’s book I’ll Gather my Geese about that part of Texas. Her husband was raised on both sides of the Rio Grande.
The Texans out there are NOT heartless monsters. Also, the Mexican illegals that live just over the border and work that part of Texas really are quite gentle people–in general.
Tommy Lee Jones owes an apology to his fellow Texans for this piece of excrement movie.
By the way, one would expect that Jones would realize that people in Van Horn go to El Paso to shop rather than Odessa. El Paso’s closer and is a bigger city.

Sue Bob on July 30, 2006 at 12:18 pm

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