Debbie Schlussel: Bush Was No Different: Barack & Europe's Zillions for Gaza v. Zilch for Nations Who Threw Off Communism
For a couple of weeks, I've been getting e-mails from readers and others upset over the $900 million Barack Obama is giving the Palestinians, with correspondents asking me why I haven't written in protest about it.
To those readers and e-mailers I ask, where were you for the billions we gave them under Bush and Condi Clueless? This isn't new. It's more of the same. To be fair, many readers in the later Bush years (after two elections in which they voted for the guy and told me how great he was, but wasn't) did finally realize that on this issue the Republicans in the White House weren't different than the Democrats. But I notice that the cries and protests are louder now.
To those, I ask, "why"? Why was it okay to prop these people up for the last eight years? These barbarians, these savages. Why was it okay for Bush to hold Israel back from responding to the homicide bombings of 2001, while he sucked up to the Muslim compatriots here? Why was Israel pressured into giving up Gaza and many portions of Judea and Samaria? And where were your protests when Saint Sarahmessiah praised this baloney at the debate with Joe Biden? Did you hold her feet to the fire? No. Many of you blindly cheered her on and want her to become President.

And as long as you continue to do this, why do you ask more of the Democrats--ask from the Democrats that which you simply haven't demanded from the Republicans? That's one of the things I admire about American Muslims and liberals: they demand everything and whine and cajole whether it's their guy in power or "our" guy. On our side of things, we often, instead, say, "Our guy, right or wrong." I got a lot of this on Bush post-9/11, when I asked why we were in an "anti-terrorism" coalition with Sudan.
For daring to ask this, I had ignoramus Salem radio talk show host Mike Gallagher speak all day long on his show about how I'm a Jew and how I should be strapped to a missile into Afghanistan. For daring to ask this, Gallagher question my patriotism and that of my parents, whom he also stressed are Jews. Our patriotism? Mike Gallagher, who's never done anything for this country but sit at a desk, eat, and talk through a microphone, versus my dad who was drafted and served during Vietnam and for several years in the U.S. military. Right after 9/11, this Gallagher cretin urged on his website for listeners to send me death threats. And with his show-long discussions of how I'm a Jew and how I should die, I got e-mails with the same anti-Semitic death threats.
That passed, and people woke up to the real Bush, eventually, though they didn't do much to demand change from him on this issue.
For daring to ask and to criticize those on "our" side, I've now come under fire yet again with vile attacks, many of them obscene and anti-Semitic from the Sarahmessiah crowd. The same people are the ones who now ask why Obama is sending nearly $1 billion, when they didn't ask so loudly or, many of them, even at all, for the last eight years, as George W. and Condi Clueless sent several billion and brought us to this point. They had eight years and they blew it. And now they've set the standard for Barack and Hillary to continue the downward spiralling course of amputating Israel and funding the cancer being amputated. You simply can't expect from Obama that which you didn't expect from Bush (and could have gotten, had you been as vocal with "your guy").
Like George W-messiah worship passed, so too will this. But still, you must demand the same on aid to Gaza from ALL Presidents, as in "Don't send it." We gave gazillions to rebuild Gaza, and Hezbollah-conrolled South Lebanon--post-Hezbollah war, and to UNRWA . . . all under Bush, to the silence of most alleged conservatives. Do you recall the Bush corporations set up with hundreds of millions to bail out Palestinian mortgages and to help Palestinians start businesses? I complained about them here. Conservatives did . . . nothing.
Remember, Hillary and Barack didn't invent the conferences to raise money for the Palestinians and other uncivilized Muslims. That was a trend started by Condi Clueless and the even more clueless George W. We could have protested louder to stop the trend then. Now, it's too late. We are howling at the wind, a wind who campaigned on doing this and is now doing it.
And then there are the Eastern European nations who either fought or finally threw off the yoke of Communism. They are essentially our allies in the cold war and countries we should help now to avoid them being taken over by Islamic extremism (while we don't try so hard to avoid the same, ourselves).
But instead, they are getting no money, while the Republicastan of Gaza and the related fiefdom of Munich Massacrestan, headed by Mahmoud Abbas in the Palestinian Authority, are getting $5.2 billion, far more than the $2.8 billion the Great Palestinian Unwashed sought.
The contrast is stark. As the Wall Street Journal reported yeseterday, European Union leaders rejected a call by Hungary to bailout the Eastern Europe Bloc.
But Angie Merkel and her fellow Eurotrash are joining Barack and Hillary in donating gazillions to barbarians nowhere near their borders.
And that's the bottom line:
Throw off the yoke of Communism and become Westernized, zero bucks.
Throw off respective HAMAS and Fatah rivals off buildings and kill Jews and Westerners, priceless.
But we'll give you $5.2 billion--including $900 million from the Bush/Condi-primed and Barack/Hillary-ready Americans--as a start.
Reward our enemies, screw our friends. Not the kind of thinking Machievelli was exactly rooting for.
Posted by Debbie on March 3, 2009 10:47 AM to Debbie Schlussel