Debbie Schlussel: USA Today Agrees: Ineffective, Ignorant Faux-Conservative Airhead Hasselbeck Makes "View" Debates Lopsided

By Debbie Schlussel

It's rare that liberal USA Today TV critic Robert Bianco and I agree, but he singles out a certain someone as a very weak conservative against several hags on TV. I don't agree with all of his comments, but a good deal of them. I've underlined the things with which I agree, things that I've stated a gazillion times on this site. This chick is a total airhead. Vacant, vapid, and hey, she came in fourth by eating bugs on "Survivor". Excellent.


You see, even Bianco wants the debate to be fair. And with her "representing" us, it simply ain't.

To sum up just a few of her positions: She loves Title IX, Affirmative Action, and Syria. She heaped the praise on racist, anti-Semite Al Sharpton and agreed with his call to fire Don Imus, then the next day changed her tune when the FOX News talking points finally arrived and clued her in to what she missed after 30 years on "Survivor Island". She hates Ann Coulter--who has more intellect underneath a single toe-nail than this imbecile has in her minuscule brain (assuming there is a brain)--and hates Rush Limbaugh (she says he's a "dream killer"). And there is so much more. But that's the Debbie's Notes version.

Of course, they'll never dump her. She's the perfect idiot to fill their set-up. They want us to look dumb. And she gets the Oscar (in this case, Emmy) for that.

Sadly, as reader Scott notes, she isn't acting.

Posted by Debbie on November 6, 2008 03:24 PM to Debbie Schlussel