Debbie Schlussel: A Wash For Illegal Aliens: ICE Princess Leaves, Replaced by Immigration's "Costanza"; "Blackface" Expert Leaked Obama Aunt Zeituni Immigration Status

By Debbie Schlussel

Na-na-na-na, Na-na-na-na, hey, hey, Good-bye. The woman who, for the last three years, has allowed over 400,000 illegal aliens to enter the United States, and refused to track down most of 20 million here already, is finally leaving.

Months ago, I wrote on this site that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Chieftess Julie L. Myers a/k/a "The ICE Princess"--the incompetent, unqualified, cronyette airhead acting as our nation's top immigration enforcer--was mostly gone from ICE and "working" from home. I also noted that her hand-picked #2, John "Costanza" Torres--who is far worse--was running the show and was designated by Myers and Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff to be Myers' interim replacement at ICE. And I mentioned Torres in another post earlier today, speculating on who'd head ICE after his "interim" status ended (can't happen quickly enough).

ICE Princess Julie Myers and Her Blackfaced Awardee

Today, The ICE Princess made it official. She's leaving by the end of next week. Good riddance and well past overdue to this spoiled witch. I enjoyed writing about the many outrages this woman committed, but didn't enjoy the pain she put our country through and the glee she gave illegal aliens and terrorists. I wrote a New York Post column about her ridiculous banquet with a "former" Islamic terrorist, FBI award revokee, and immigration law violator who perpetrated marriage fraud to remain in the U.S.--Imad Hamad.

But there's a reason she officially announced her exit right after the election. While she had hoped that John McCain would hire her, that's evaporated now. And she might be in some, um, serious legal trouble.

There's news that The ICE Princess--the "Blackface" expert who gave an agent an award for a Blackface costume, then lied about it, then hid and destroyed evidence about it--is the likely source of the leaked information to the media about Barack Hussein Obama's Aunti Zeituno Onyango, an illegal alien, who was long ago ordered deported.

While it's illegal for Myers to have leaked this information--and she could lose her law license for it (in addition to destroying evidence in the Blackface incident)--that's not what bothers me. I'm glad we found out about this aunt, though far too late in the game.

What bothers me and should bother you, too, is that Myers knew that Aunti Zeituni was here illegally and allowed her to stay and live in public housing off the taxpayers' dime. Yes, that's the kinda charitable gal Julie Myers is. And she's the kinda gal McCain would have kept in place. Her exit is the tiny silver lining in his loss. Unfortunately, there's the little matter of her close buddy and hand-picked "replacement", John P. Torres, who is far worse.

And, hopefully, the Obama camp will remember that Torres is the crony of the woman who leaked the news about his illegal "Aunti".

As I've noted on this site, Torres--a proud high school graduate with little experience doing much of anything, except cheating on his then-wife with his employees--is one of the worst picks to run ICE imaginable. Then, there's that little manner of the $100K plus he spent on a weeklong ICE party in Kansas City promoting himself. Yes, he wasted $30,000-$50,000 of your tax money to pay "immigration expert" Tommy Lasorda to speak at the confab. Maybe he knows about immigration from El Duque.

He's a vindictive man who gives promotions to women who sleep with him--that's against the law, even in the U.S. government. He creates supersecret, unlawful committees to pick his unqualified chickies and beer buddies for jobs when normal ICE hiring procedures wouldn't permit these individuals to obtain those jobs He harasses both male and female employees and has a temper that would make Tony Montana and Michael Corleone blush. All due apologies to Montana and Corleone, who at least have the concept of honor down pat.

I hope I don't have to eat my words here, but I think anyone Obama could pick instead would be better than John P. Torres. The problem is how fast Obama will pick his replacement. Here's what my ICE insiders say:

* Expert #1--this person was a top high-ranking individual inside ICE:

I don't know that he's got any political stroke with the Dems to be able to snag a political appointment. I wonder how long after the Inaugeration ICE will have to wait for a new A/S. I read that OPM had drafted, and both the Obama and McCain campaigns had agreed to, a plan to fill 100 of the "most critical" political appointments in the govt within 60 days or so of the new Administration taking office; and a list of another 250 positions to be filled within 6 months or so. I don't know where the ICE A/S may fall within that plan - we know Obama's at least partly aware of ICE issues given his hyperbolic campaign statements about immigration raids "terrorizing" communities.

* Expert #2--a top ICE senior agent:

We can only hope that the "advisors" the new administration places in the agencies can see through JT [DS: John Torres]. But, since he's so self-serving, I'm sure he has a photo (shopped) of himself with Clinton hanging in his office already [DS: he currently has a photo of Reagan, but is probably dumping it in the waste basket]. I can't say I had much expectation for the future of immigration enforcement no matter who won.

I think Torres had a little juice with the Republican (had a picture with Reagan in his office), but I doubt anything worthy of a political appointment (let alone Senate confirmation). He could be kept around as the number two like John Clark [DS: also harassed female employees] was. I do think Obama will move quickly, but there are over 100 political appointee jobs in DHS alone. It's going to be a fun ride.

Yes, it will, but not for Americans concerned with secure borders. Those having the most fun ride will be--as is currently the case--illegal aliens within our borders.

I will miss having the incompetent Valley Girl, Julie Myers, to kick around. As I frequently noted, she was just like Veruca Salt, the spoiled rich girl in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" who demanded that Daddy Find Her a Gold Ticket. In this case, "Daddy" was Retired Gen. Richard Myers, who is Myers' uncle and helped get her the job for which she hadn't the tiniest qualification. It helped that she picked the candidate for the job, as a Bush personnel official.

Now, I will have to retire those wonderful, hilarious photoshops that David Lunde of Lundesigns made for me. So I am posting just a few of my faves herein shortly (stay tuned--they'll be here, at the bottom of this entry).

Good-bye, The ICE Princess, Julie Myers. And don't let the door hit you on the way out. Here's the Julie Myers theme song for the exit:

Posted by Debbie on November 5, 2008 09:46 PM to Debbie Schlussel