Debbie Schlussel: To Clarify: The Jews Did Not Elect Obama; 63 Milln-Plus Americans Did; Many Jews Lament Obama Win

By Debbie Schlussel

A small minority of people--actually one reader--was upset that I wrote the article I wrote yesterday on the majority of Jews who voted for Barack Obama--Jews who are mostly not religious Jews and who are mostly very liberal (Orthodox Jews are conservative and voted mostly for McCain). The reader felt that it makes the Jews look bad, blames them for the Obama win, etc. In this day of increased anti-Semitism--in which I was called a "Jewish elitist" for some of my comments about Sarah Palin--I can certainly understand that trepidation.

I wrote the piece to expose the liberal Jews in Detroit who espouse extremist Muslims and help our enemies. I have no other forum in which to do so, as the Jewish newspaper in town is in bed with them and espouses the same absurdity. Exposing them on my well-read and popular site gets word out efficiently and effectively. And I wanted to give a voice to my many frustrated fellow co-religionists who, like me, are frightened by Barack Obama's past and his future. I want you, the many gentiles who read my site, to know that many of us Jews do not approve of this crap pulled by our unelected, unrepresentative set of "leaders".


That said, I want to be clear about something: Don't blame the Obama win on America's Jews. While exit polls claim that 78% of Jews voted for Obama--and I think that's low, and probably some Jews lied to the exit pollsters--22% did not. We voted for McCain.

As American Jews, we make up only 5.2 million of the 300 million residents of America. As such, we are less than 2% of the country. And though we have a higher percentage of voter turnout than any other ethnic group, we are not the ones who elected Obama. 63,042,806 Americans voted for Obama, and Jews made up a tiny fraction of that. Since Obama got almost 8 million more votes than McCain, even if every Jew in America (and not all of us are over 18 and eligible to vote), it still wouldn't have put him over the top.

We do not control elections or their outcomes, much less anything else. As someone who is not wealthy by any stretch, I am still waiting for my supposed share of the international banking system, Hollywood, and the liberal media.

And while I understand the Jewish reader's trepidation, I believe that most of my readers are philo-Semitic and probably more pro-Israel than most Jews. I understand that conservatives and religious Christians are on my side for the most part. Yes, there are a few "paleo-conservatives" of the Pat Buchanan clan who never liked Jews or Israel, and there are others who claim to be pro-Israel, like Sean Vannity, yet are friends with Neo-Nazis like Hal Turner and constantly promote Pat Buchanan's pro-Hitler book. But most of you, I know, don't blame the election on my ethno-religious group. You blame it on a bad campaign, a bad candidate, a non-conservative President and party for the last eight years, and a confluence of events beyond our control--ie., the increasing mass stupidity and dumbing down of the American people, the mortgage crisis, the stock market crisis, etc.

Carl in Jerusalem, one of the many stalwart Jews for McCain, notes a great bumper sticker about how many of us Jews feel. Joe Gelman of Neocon Express blames the incompetent Republican Jewish Coalition, a group of which I've also been very critical.

Still, I want you to read a few of the many e-mails I've received from Jewish McCain voters from all over America, and one in Israel.

From My Friend, Karen:


I am so depressed, watching the election results and reading this email. The world is full of fucking idiots and they happen to be Jews. I am terrified for this country -- for us, and for Israel.

The Pied Piper, Svengali, Robin Hood and Emperor Without Clothes has them mesmerized into imbeciles.


Reader Charles:

Dear Debbie:

As another Orthodox Jew I am extremely depressed on the thought of 4 years of this anti-semite serving as President. I can't believe so many so-called Jews supported him. They would vote for Adolf if he was on the Democratic ticket. These were not real Jews. They are the liberal Jews who infest the West Side of New York. The people I learn with in Yeshiva [Jewish academy of Torah/Bible learning] all supported McCain. In my Young Israel crowd there were very few who supported, and I can hardly use the word that Rush [Limbaugh] uses, "the messiah." . . .

What a depressing evening.

My G'dson is Brett Joshpe who is an up and coming conservative. Maybe you've seen his columns and recent book "Why You're Wrong About The Right?" He asked me last week what the Jews in Germany did when Hitler came to power. I told him the Reform [Reform Jews] crowd thought they were OK since they were German. The monied people left, and the poor were left to die.

Reader Adina:

I must tell you that from my birds eye view in Israel, having just moved here this summer, I must say that the news of Obama's election is eliciting true fright. The leaders here veer dangerously leftward, but the average Jew knows the score.

Not only are people living in the US in danger, but Israel is now truly alone in its fight against the Islamists, and in particular the Iranian Hitler. We will need to strike pre-emptively,and soon.This is what I am hearing from my many contacts

We can all thank leftwing Jews who championed, shielded and now elected him, and most especially George Soros for bankrolling his machine. I hate to admit this, but even after witnessing the Holocaust, most Jews are incapable of self preservation. They worship the God of multiculturalism, and are more frightened of being branded racist, than of making rational decisions.

If people truly want to understand this Jewish dementia a good place to start is by reading Dr Kenneth Levin's trenchant book, "The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege" [DS: An EXCELLENT Book!]. A real eye opener, you might want to review it on your site, and discuss its important implications. Our lives might very well depend on it.


Reader Rob, a Medical Doctor:

Dear Debbie

I love your BLOG. You tell the truth.

I am Jewish and proud of it. I am at odds with my entire family now.

I especially liked your piece, "When Your Doctor is a Muslim: Medical Terrorism Comes to America."

I am a doctor. I treat Muslims, Jews, Whites, Blacks, and at times have even treated people with big tattoos of swastikas. Treating patients with swastika tattoos sickens me, but I use my position as a Jewish doctor to give people the chance to not hate me and not hate Jews. It has worked with White supremacists. I have been told that I was the coolest and best doctor and made it clear to guys with swastikas tattooed on them that I was indeed Jewish. That when you get a tattoo like that you never know when you will be at the mercy of a Jewish doctor. I have had guys tell me they were going to have their Swastika tattoo removed after dealing with me.

Debbie, my heart is crying. When will we as Americans learn? When we as Jews learn? I have a few Jewish patients. I was talking to one a little before election day about Sarah Palin a great American and a supporter of Judeo-Christian culture as well as a supporter of Israel. There is a small beacon of hope for America, Judeo-Christian culture, and Israel itself. And that is all he can say.

I am tired. People are so ignorant. Only a few see what is really happening. I admire your candor. Your braveness and the truth you tell.

See you in the Obama re-education camps. Jews seem to think we may somehow deserve the violence perpetrated against us.

Sincerely and Shalom


Yesterday, you read reader Scott's letter, and here's his follow-up today:

I thought you might like to know that I read your whole article on the Jewish Women's Federation at my Torah study class tonight, and a lively discussion ensued.

We were not watching election results, so it was good and positive time spent.

We have lost this election, and I have to say that I am rattled to the core.

I feel like I do not know America anymore - and I had so much faith in the people of this country!

I sing "G-d Bless America" to my ten-month-old daughter when I put her to sleep. I love this country. But what is to become of it - of us?

Hoping that somehow we may be able to find some silver lining, some light in this mess.

Thank you for all that you have done.


Blessing and success in all your endeavors,

My Friend Dan:


Oy vey, this is drek.

What do you think is going to be?

We true conservatives will be back in two years and in four years! Hopefully the country will still be viable. Keep the faith.


These are just a few of many, many e-mails I've gotten from American Jews who voted for John McCain.

There are many of us--over one in every five of us, nearly one in every four Jews, voted for John McCain.

Let's hope that number increases in four years . . . or rather, in two.

Posted by Debbie on November 5, 2008 03:23 PM to Debbie Schlussel