Debbie Schlussel: It's Bad, But All is Not Lost; We'll Be Back--Depression is For Liberals

By Debbie Schlussel

In 1964, another U.S. Senator and supposed conservative from Arizona was the Republican nominee. (He was conservative then, but in his later life became quite liberal on a lot of things.) His name was Barry Goldwater.

Not only was he resoundingly defeated all over America by the Democrat nominee, but Republicans lost huge numbers in the House and Senate and lost control of everything and anything around the country.

But we came back. In 1980, Ronald Reagan became President and the Reagan Revolution began.

But I don't think we'll have to wait 16 years this time, as conservatives had to do then to get a real conservative as the Republican nominee and take back the White House.


In those days, there was no internet, no cable, no gazillions of ways to get your news and truth unfiltered by the liberal media.

Yes, liberals will play dirty--as they always do--and pass whatever laws they can and do whatever nastiness they will to keep their regime in place permanently.

But we can beat them. We have before and we will again.

We will be back. We haven't lost all. If we were that weak to begin with, we wouldn't have had just under half of America vote for us with a weak candidate who ran a lousy campaign, after eight years of an even weaker guy.

We will be back. We can't give up. We must keep fighting for our country and view this as a setback, not an eternal defeat.

I think reader Jeff W sums up why we lost quite well:

First of all, I blame the tard Republican party.

I voted for McCain, but he ran a lousy campaign besides being a lousy choice.

I blame George W. Bush for having zero leadership this past year.

I blame the Republicans who always want to shun the conservatives to appeal to the mushy middle.

Wow!, welcome to the Peoples Republic of United States for the next 4 years. Our freedoms are now going to be taken away slowly and gradually. We have allowed the yahoos, the lazy, the stupid take over for the sake of Oprah.

Trying to find some light, maybe after 4 years of this train wreck we'll see another Ronald Reagan step up.

Things for sure about to change. Here comes the hangover after the big party.....

The Republican Party needs to take Jeff W's sentiments--which represent the views of millions of Americans--to heart. If they do, we'll be back.

And please, no candidates who claim to read the paper every day, yet can't name a single paper they read, and don't know that "the bailout" was not about healthcare reform or "job creation". Hate to post a liberal website's video, but this kind of candidate did NOT help--conservative or not:

Hate to pile on, but please . . . pick someone who actually knows why they're conservative and can actually articulate it. Not an empty vessel of ambition and air.

They don't have to have a college degree or be a great intellect. Just know what the rest of us who actually do read a paper know. I know she is not the reason McCain lost, but she didn't help. And I hope she is not the nominee in four years, or we will lose again.

In any event, don't be depressed. We must move on and toward future victories. Depression and other psychiatric conditions of the mind are for liberals.

We pull ourselves up.

Posted by Debbie on November 5, 2008 11:30 AM to Debbie Schlussel