Debbie Schlussel: Sadness: John McCain Concedes, While Detroit FOX News Affiliate Cuts Away to Video of Obama Supporters' Gyrations

By Debbie Schlussel


John McCain just finished delivering his concession speech. It's the classiest, most gracious, most heart-felt concession speeches I've ever heard. The guy is a mensch. It was a great speech, well delivered, and sad to hear. If only it was a victory speech.

Also, sad: Detroit's FOX News affiliate, which is owned and operated by FOX News' NewsCorp, cut away to scenes of urban Obama supporters doing victory dances and assorted "Soul Train"-style gyrations, while Senator McCain was delivering his concession speech. The audio was the McCain speech, but the video was the Obama hip-hoppers acting like they were in a Diddy video.

Rude, obnoxious, and disgusting on the part of FOX 2 News. Credit that to FOX 2's classless News Director Dana Kennedy Hahn.

**** UPDATE, 11/05/08: Reader Jim of Rouge Revival writes:

Read your piece this a.m. ... and wanted to let you know that I was actually watching the Detroit Fox News Affiliate (Fox 2 Detroit) last night ... when they made the executive bone-head decision of the century, to show the "soul train gyration" celebration in Grant Park while John McCain was giving his concession speech. I was appalled as well and followed up this morning with both a phone call to the station, and a certified letter, documenting my disgust AND my choice to now get my local news from Channel 7 Detroit.

Posted by Debbie on November 4, 2008 11:28 PM to Debbie Schlussel