Debbie Schlussel: An Orthodox Jewish Reader Laments American Jewry's Suicide Move For Obama

By Debbie Schlussel

Today, many of my co-religionists jerked with their knee, instead of thinking with their brains, when they overwhelmingly cast their votes for Barack Hussein Obama. Those of us who made the smart decision, today--who actually remembered that we are Jews and that we are Americans, and voted for John McCain are, sadly, very much in the minority.

Reader Scott says in a few sentences what I tried to say earlier today in a very long column about the dominant Jewish idiocy in favor of Obama, which will be our death (maybe not now, but soon enough).

Scott's letter says it well:

Hello Debbie,

I have become a fan of your website. I am not sure how I first came to it, about a week ago, but I think it was a link from [another site that kicked me off for exposing Darrell Issa's ties to Hezbollah and Grover Norquist's jihadism].

Mazel Tov, Obama: The American Jewish Community Has Jumped the Shark
Your article today on the Jewish Federation [DS: censoring a terrorism expert because they are in the tank for Obama despite all the evidence that he is our and America's enemy] was dead-on.

I am an Orthodox Jew (born to liberal, secular parents), and I completely agree with your assessment of what is happening with the vast majority of secular Jews [DS: who are liberals and support Obama], who are doing everything they can to make sure that America becomes a country that no longer wants us.

Please keep on fighting the good fight, you are a light.

I am heading to a Torah study class tonight, and intend to read parts of your blog to the men there.

Let's hope for a McCain victory tonight.

May you be Blessed with only Goodness,


Posted by Debbie on November 4, 2008 05:17 PM to Debbie Schlussel