Debbie Schlussel: Dearbornistan Hezbo E-Mail of the Day: "F-ck You and All Your Jewish Buddies . . . Barack Obama 2008 "

By Debbie Schlussel

This e-mail was sent to my YouTube account and was sent to me by "BChami06", a Barack Obama-supporting Dearbornistan Muslim Hezbollah fan, who is upset I've criticized his alma mater Fordson High School a/k/a Hezbollah High. He/she apparently graduated from the school in 2006, and his/her grammar, etc. isn't exactly a great testament to the edyookayshun he/she got.

From: BChami06

Subject: you dumb ignorant bitch

Date: October 28, 2008

i just wanted to tell you that your so retarted because you have no idea what your talking about. I seen your website about fordson high school, and basically your doing what oprah is doing. so listen stop bitchin because obama is going to win. i got another thing to tell you your the fucking terrorist not the arabs, so get your fucking facts straight you stupied bitch. fuck you and all your jewish buddies.........

" barack obama 2008 "

Hint: Dearbornistan Anti-Semitic Hezbos Support Obama

I looked at BChami06's YouTube account, and it featured a German-produced Hezbollah recruitment video as one of two favorite videos. Apparently BChami06 must've realized that an anti-Semitic Obama supporter pimping Hezbollah videos doesn't exactly help his candidate for Prez, so that video was removed as a favorite. However, BChami06's subscription to the Hezbollah recruitment video channel--Libanon88--remains.

This new Hezbollah song/recruitment video was the favorite video for Anti-Semitic Barack Obama Dearbornistan supporter BChami06. . .

I have a message for all of you Manyook Shi'ite Hezbollah Obama supporters. This is your leader . . .

Nasrallah Girlie Man by David Lunde/Lundesigns

AmericaHu Akbar.

Posted by Debbie on October 30, 2008 04:27 PM to Debbie Schlussel