Debbie Schlussel: Flashback: Liberal Colin Powell Was Advising Barack Obama Since June 2007

By Debbie Schlussel

Since I wrote about Black liberal Colin Powell's endorsement of Black liberal Barack Hussein Obama, I remembered this piece I wrote almost a year-and-a-half ago about how Colin Powell had been advising Obama even then, in June of last year. And I also wrote about Colin Powell's very liberal foreign policy and national security views--which mirror Obama's--then. Ditto for his support for and benefits from race-based affirmative action.

Given all this are you really surprised that Powell endorsed Obama? Is it really the big deal the liberal mainstream press is making out of it? No and No:

June 11, 2007

Colin Powell Wants to See More Terrorists Freed

By Debbie Schlussel


I've never liked Colin Powell, and I've always seen him as the General and Secretary of State with no clothing. Everyone was so impressed with him, based on absolutely nothing. He was a lousy general, a worse Secretary of State, and a pan-Arabist who helped advance Islamists all around. True, he served our country in the military and during Vietnam, but so have many completely unsung others far better than he.

I remember, during the the Clinton Administration when Americans lined up for blocks, waiting for him to sign their copy of his book at appearances. At that time, Powell had the highest rating of any potential candidate for President. But one of the broadcast network news reporters asked people waiting in line why they liked Powell and which one of his political views they liked. No-one could answer the question. Frankly, they liked Powell because they felt good about supporting a prominent Black man for President. Yet, it was the ultimate racism, because they gave this man a free pass based on race.

Both Bushes--father and son--also engaged in the Powell treatment, giving this lefty a lot of power over military and foreign policy for no good reason other than, frankly, affirmative action. There are plenty of smart, accomplished Black men in the military, the policy analysis arena, and government--conservatives--who'd have been far better.

But rather than reward conservatives who put them in office, both Bushes rewarded liberalism by choosing Powell--a promoter of Arafat and a man who has worked especially against Bush, the son, despite the prominent positions the current Prez gave him. (I'd love to see Independent Conservative, La Shawn Barber, Thomas Sowell, or Larry Elder in a power position in this or any Administration. Then, America would be in much better shape. They're far better than anyone currently in the Bush cabinet.)

And Powell repeatedly plays the race card. As SecState, for example, he told MTV that the Bush's picked him because he has light skin and looks White. If a White person had said that, they'd have instantly been forced to turn in a resignation. But not Colin Powell. All hail the former foreign policy Emperor with no clothing.

Now, Powell is advising the most far-left front-runner in the Presidential race, Barack Hussein Obama, and he's urging us to shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, and give the terrorist detainees and their ACLU lawyers access to our Judge Ito/O.J./Paris Hilton Justice system.

Yeah, that'll work. Just ask terrorists Sami Al-Arian (acquitted on 9 counts/jury deadlocked on 9 counts, just as I predicted), Sami Omar Al-Hussayen (acquitted), Zacarias Moussaoui (spared death penalty because O.J.-style jury read Zacarias-was-abused-as-a-child pop psychology book by his brother), Detroit Al-Qaeda Terror Cell members (guilty verdicts overturned by dishonest, corrupt Judge Gerald Rosen and equally dishonest/corrupt U.S. Attorneys Jeffrey Collins, Craig Morford, and Stephen Murphy III a/k/a "Abu Porno") .

Yes, we should give the ACLU and terrorists the same rights as U.S. citizens on U.S. soil and let them make such a mockery, such a circus that they go free. Great solution, Mr. Powell.

Actually, I'm glad to see Powell finally consistent in his treatment of Islamic terrorists. Where, before, he used to pander to them when they attacked Israelis and Jews, including Arafat, now Powell also panders to the terrorists who attack Americans.

Thank G-d Colin Powell never got to be President. But even though he's just a political has-been and private citizen now, by the amount of attention the Mainstream Media give his every utterance, you'd think he is President.

And the current guy occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was too dumb to know this guy wasn't on his side. Or America's.

Remember, I wrote this almost 1.5 years ago, and the Colin Powell column I wrote from which I reprinted excerpts yesterday was written and published in April 2001. The more things change, the more they stay the same. That's why Powell's endorsement of Obama is hardly a shocker or even news.

Posted by Debbie on October 21, 2008 10:11 AM to Debbie Schlussel