Debbie Schlussel: Video of the Day: Jon Voight Shows Yet Again Why Father Knows Best

By Debbie Schlussel

Recently, I noted Academy Award winning actor Jon Voight's trip to Israel to celebrate its 60th birthday and visit victims of HAMAS terrorist attacks in Sderot.

Joe Gelman of Neocon Express found this video from a May 18th Israeli newscast, in which Voight talks about Israel, its constant siege by terrorists, and his visit to Sderot--the working class city, where Jews, whose families escaped persecution in Arab countries, are under attack. (Yes, he stumbles on the figure of 3,600 years, but it's probably jet lag. The guy knows his stuff.) He also discusses why he moved "to the right". If only his daughter Angelina Jolie Voight a/k/a "Skankelina" would learn from his wisdom.

Watch the whole thing--this guy gets it!!!!:

Voight was also in Israel to visit child victims of the Chernobyl nuclear accident brought to Israel by the Chabad Lubavitch group of Orthodox Jews.

"Please fellas, there's evil afoot." Right on. Like I said, this guy knows his stuff.

Posted by Debbie on May 23, 2008 11:51 AM to Debbie Schlussel