Debbie Schlussel: No Meat Monday: Show Illegal Alien Employers a Day w/out Our Biz
You have a way to answer the illegal aliens in a counter-protest on Monday. My friend, Dan Stein, of Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has an excellent idea: Meatless Monday.
If you are a vegetarian or a practicing Catholic who doesn't eat meat on Lenten Fridays, this shouldn't be hard. And for the rest of us carnivores, we need to send a message to illegal aliens and their employers.
On Monday, Tyson and other meat-packers (Seaboard, Cargill, Hormel, etc.) are giving their alien employees the day off to protest necessary immigration reform. They want to show us what a day without the "services" of illegal aliens would be like.

Let's show them what a day without the customer base of law abiding U.S. citizens would be like. DON'T BUY OR EAT MEAT ON MONDAY! Adds Dan Stein:
Call Seaboard at 1-800-262-7907, Cargill at 1-800-CARGILL (227-4455), Hormel at (507)437-5611 and Tyson at (479) 290-4000 on Monday to let them you are boycotting them for supporting illegal immigration.
Time to take back our country. And by the way, if we really saw a day without illegal aliens, we'd see a day with less taxes taken out of paychecks to pay for the services they are leeching and usurping courtesy of the American taxpayer.
Since we won't see that, Monday will hardly show us what a day without illegal aliens would be like!
Posted by Debbie on April 28, 2006 03:42 PM to Debbie Schlussel