March 6, 2017, - 6:46 pm
OY VEY! Iconic BRAWNY Paper Towel Guy Now a CHICK?!
Brawny Goes From This . . .

Now that up is down, right is left, mentally ill (transgendered) men are allowed to compete as women in beauty pageants and use chicks’ bathrooms, anything goes. So, we knew idiocy like this was coming. Yes, the iconic Brawny Paper Towel man is now a woman.
To This . . .

When I was growing up, mustaches were in, and the Brawny guy was a macho, mustachioed lumberjack kinda guy. It was named one of the 11 Manliest Brand Icons of All Time by The Art of Manliness. Later, as mustaches went largely out of style, the mustache went, but the macho was still there, front and center. Now, apparently, the Brawny “Man” is a . . . chick?!
No, I’m not kidding. It used to be the kind of prank a company would make up for April Fool’s Day. But, now, it’s dead serious marketing to the delusional, pussyhatted descendants of the sagging, bra-burning, angry Gloria Steinem/Betty Friedan generation. They were fed the ludicrous mantra of “Yes We Can” like it was religion.
To cater to that specious incantation, Brawny is doing some sort of campaign to let us know that women are as “brawny” and strong as men . . . even though THEY’RE NOT. The bottom line is that if you were trapped in a burning building, most women wouldn’t be able to rescue and haul you out. Nor would you want a woman to rescue you. You’d likely die of smoke inhalation, first. Most women wouldn’t be able to carry the 40 to 60 pounds of uniform and equipment, either. Most women didn’t pass the Marine infantry training courses, nor could they become Navy SEALs or Army Rangers and Green Berets . . . even though the standards have been lowered for them in most of those cases.
So, uh, no, Brawny Paper Towels, physical strength usually does have a gender. And it’s male. All the packaging and butch women in lumberjack shirts posing on your packages and in your lying advertising campaigns ain’t gonna change that.
When all the single mothers in the Hurricane Katrina aftermath needed someone to rescue them from rising tides, they weren’t calling out for the “Brawny Women.” Nope. They needed real-life, brawny men.
That’s just the way it is. No matter what conventional pop culture wants us to believe.
The next time you buy some paper towel rolls, you might notice a big change in one brand’s packaging. For Women’s History Month, the iconic Brawny man is being replaced by a woman. The new packaging features a woman wearing the classic red and black flannel shirt. You’ll be able to purchase the limited-edition eight-roll packages during the month of March in Walmart stores across the country.
It’s all part of the paper towel brand’s #StrengthHasNoGender initiative, which is in its second year. The campaign was started by Georgia-Pacific, Brawny’s parent company, in an effort to champion women in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). The company is donating $75,000 to Girls Inc.’s Operation SMART programming, which helps to develop and nurture girls’ enthusiasm for and skills in the STEM fields. It’s also a national sponsor of the program.
Girl’s Inc. is one of those silly feminist organizations that feeds girls untruths like this silly, fraudulent Brawny campaign, and has been pimping a woman Prez like Hillary for decades.
It almost doesn’t matter who’s in the White House or controls Congress when the forces of influence in our culture are professional whackjobs with dual Ph.D.s in social engineering and brainwashing.
But that’s what the Left and Communists do when they want to destroy a society. They tear all conventions, all mores, all morals and rational thinking down. Deviancy is defined down. And anything goes. When a country or a culture stands for nothing, it’ll stand for–and accept and justify–anything.
Including the Brawny “woman.”
How long ’til we’re bombarded with Ms. Clean, the Maytag Kardashian-Jenner, and the Marlboro Ma’am?
3-2-1 . . . .
Yet another item to file under “the Chickification of America.”
BTW, if Brawny were really honest, the new, “Limited Time Only” packaging featured on its products at Walmart would feature Oprah or Rosie O’Donnell in a mustache. Just sayin’.

Tags: Brawny, Brawny Guy, Brawny Man, Brawny Woman, chickification, chickification nation, Chickification of America, Strength Has No Gender
All of this crap is a cheap shot at the fake news that President Trump hates women and “demeans” them.
Liberals/progs should be ashamed of themselves and especially women and gays – they want *more* mozlems in the USA? Why?
DS_ROCKS! on March 6, 2017 at 7:43 pm