June 1, 2016, - 5:54 pm
JINOs: J Street Pigs Demand Dems Make Anti-Israel Platform
These Nazi Schmucks . . .

Are The Same As These Nazi Schmucks . . .

As I’ve always said, Jews are the Jews’ worst enemies. And so it goes not just with that jerk Bernie Sanders–who deliberately picked two anti-Israel cretins to be on the Dem’s Platform Committee–but also with J Street. The Jew-hating organization, parading as a “pro-Israel” and “Jewish” group, is demanding that the Democratic Party make its platform for anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian.
Check out the e-mail, below, that this piece of crap group sent out today, and note that, per usual, J Street pretends that it cares about Israel’s national security. I’ve put in bold what this is really about: further emasculating Israel, including demanding a stop to Jews living even in the eternal Jewish capital of Jerusalem (a/k/a the BS term “settlements”) and calling for Palestinians to take over Israel demographically (a/k/a “Palestinian rights” including the Palestinian “right of return” which J Street has been demanding).
From: Jessica Rosenblum, J Street info@jstreet.org
Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 3:36 PM
Subject: Debbie’s signature needed re: the new Democratic platform
To: Debbie schlussel writedebbie@gmail.comThis summer the Democratic Party has an opportunity to draft a platform that reflects the true views of its members on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
For years, support for Israel’s security and for a two-state solution have had a deservedly prominent place in the platform. Missing, however, have been any recognition of the rights of Palestinians or opposition to the relentless expansion of settlements, which entrench the occupation and undermine peace.
Some have described the inclusion of these issues as ‘controversial’ and have predicted they will set off a political battle at the convention. These predictions are based on an outdated view of where the American public and, more specifically, American Jews stand on the conflict.
Most Americans recognize that there’s no contradiction between supporting Israel’s security and Palestinian rights. Bernie Sanders has championed this view during his campaign just as Hillary Clinton did as Secretary of State. Now it’s time for the Democratic Party’s official platform to recognize this new consensus.
Tell the Democratic Platform Committee that they have strong support for updating the party’s platform to recognize the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians to peace, security and self-determination >>Thanks,
Jessica Rosenblum
VP for Communications
BTW, in case you forgot, watch this video of POS J Street members making anti-Semitic comments and praising HAMAS, as well as the boycott of Israel.
And in case you didn’t know, J Street is funded by former real-life Nazi George Soros (who personally rounded up and deported Jews to the death camps on behalf of the Nazis) and a number of Muslims from the Middle East are funders and financiers of J Street and its chief kapo schmuck-in-chief, Jeremy Ben-Ami.
With “Jews” like J Street, who needs enemies? There is a reason I call them JINOs (Jews In Name Only; Va-JINOs for the female version).
Tags: J Street, Jeremy Ben-Ami, Jessica Rosenblum, Jews In Name Only, JINOs, kapos, Va-JINOs
J-Street also rammed the Iran Deal down Congress’ throat and left Israel to fend for itself.
Pro-Israel and pro-peace, indeed. Its about time we revisit what J-Street really is all about.
Which doesn’t include being in Israel’s corner.
NormanF on June 1, 2016 at 6:55 pm