June 1, 2016, - 5:54 pm

JINOs: J Street Pigs Demand Dems Make Anti-Israel Platform

By Debbie Schlussel

These Nazi Schmucks . . .


Are The Same As These Nazi Schmucks . . .



As I’ve always said, Jews are the Jews’ worst enemies. And so it goes not just with that jerk Bernie Sanders–who deliberately picked two anti-Israel cretins to be on the Dem’s Platform Committee–but also with J Street. The Jew-hating organization, parading as a “pro-Israel” and “Jewish” group, is demanding that the Democratic Party make its platform for anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

Check out the e-mail, below, that this piece of crap group sent out today, and note that, per usual, J Street pretends that it cares about Israel’s national security. I’ve put in bold what this is really about: further emasculating Israel, including demanding a stop to Jews living even in the eternal Jewish capital of Jerusalem (a/k/a the BS term “settlements”) and calling for Palestinians to take over Israel demographically (a/k/a “Palestinian rights” including the Palestinian “right of return” which J Street has been demanding).

From: Jessica Rosenblum, J Street info@jstreet.org
Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 3:36 PM
Subject: Debbie’s signature needed re: the new Democratic platform
To: Debbie schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com

This summer the Democratic Party has an opportunity to draft a platform that reflects the true views of its members on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

For years, support for Israel’s security and for a two-state solution have had a deservedly prominent place in the platform. Missing, however, have been any recognition of the rights of Palestinians or opposition to the relentless expansion of settlements, which entrench the occupation and undermine peace.

Tell the platform committee to support Israeli security and Palestinian rights in this year’s Democratic Party platform >>

Some have described the inclusion of these issues as ‘controversial’ and have predicted they will set off a political battle at the convention. These predictions are based on an outdated view of where the American public and, more specifically, American Jews stand on the conflict.

Most Americans recognize that there’s no contradiction between supporting Israel’s security and Palestinian rights. Bernie Sanders has championed this view during his campaign just as Hillary Clinton did as Secretary of State. Now it’s time for the Democratic Party’s official platform to recognize this new consensus.
Tell the Democratic Platform Committee that they have strong support for updating the party’s platform to recognize the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians to peace, security and self-determination >>

Jessica Rosenblum
VP for Communications

P.S. — After taking action, please check out Jeremy Ben-Ami’s op-ed about the Democratic platform in Huffington Post.

BTW, in case you forgot, watch this video of POS J Street members making anti-Semitic comments and praising HAMAS, as well as the boycott of Israel.

And in case you didn’t know, J Street is funded by former real-life Nazi George Soros (who personally rounded up and deported Jews to the death camps on behalf of the Nazis) and a number of Muslims from the Middle East are funders and financiers of J Street and its chief kapo schmuck-in-chief, Jeremy Ben-Ami.

With “Jews” like J Street, who needs enemies? There is a reason I call them JINOs (Jews In Name Only; Va-JINOs for the female version).

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29 Responses

J-Street also rammed the Iran Deal down Congress’ throat and left Israel to fend for itself.

Pro-Israel and pro-peace, indeed. Its about time we revisit what J-Street really is all about.

Which doesn’t include being in Israel’s corner.

NormanF on June 1, 2016 at 6:55 pm

Yes, we get to see the bizarre phenomenon of anti-Semitic Jews up close. The fools fail to realize that betraying their fellow Jews will in no way placate the enemies of Jewry. These Jews only expose themselves to a future pogrom

Worry on June 1, 2016 at 8:02 pm

“. . . recognition of the rights of Palestinians . . .”

“. . . to recognize this new consensus.”

I’m going to use the same words Michael Jordan once uttered to Xavier McDaniel, as the Bulls were making it clear to my beloved Knicks yet again, that I would never see another Knicks team celebrate an NBA Championship.

X-Man and Michael Jordan were at about center court when there was either a foul, time out or the end of a quarter or halftime.

With his back to the camera X-Man was in a posture facing off with Jordan, and looked for all the world like he was about to punch him in the face. The Knicks had gotten McDaniel as a Forward/Intimidator, in the hopes that an extra physical presence on the team would put them over the top in a dogfight against the Bulls.

I forget the exact situation at that time in the game. Obviously knowing what X-Man was thinking, Jordan looked jubilantly at him, laughing, and said the words that almost made me wish X-Man HAD risked a lifetime suspension and punched him in the face.

I now say those same words uttered by Michael Jordan to Xavier McDaniel concerning the two above mentioned phrases from Debbie’s article.


I’m almost homeless now, depending on the mercy of various friends to put me up for a night or three, as I’ve lost my temporary home base in Secaucus, NJ. God bless the friend in Jersey who put me up for two years out of a recent four year, four month period.

I’ve spent 47 hours on a cleaning and painting of an apartment that the owner wanted 85-90% done by the time he and the family returned Monday afternoon, I’m STILL not done, and the owner is NOT HAPPY. But he gave me most/all of my pay today. Not going to come out to much in terms of an hourly rate, but it’s going to be several hundred more than I would have made doing nothing these past few days.

It’s also going to be instrumental in paying my way back home to Puerto Rico, as I’ve been stuck in New York Mutherphuking Siteh for 9 1/2 months, and the pineapples are going to be coming in soon. I’m expecting six this year, but I have no idea what’s happening down there.

I tell you, in the immortal words of the late, great, Bob Grant, “I gotta get outta here, I REALLY gotta get outta here.”


I mean the world, but I’ll settle for Puerto Rico.


Thank GOD Jesus is coming soon. Debbie’s article has me infuriated to no end. This world really is a circus.

What age did you live in, Mommy? The Circus Age.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on June 1, 2016 at 9:40 pm

    Hello Alfredo,

    I was not aware of your situation.

    My privacy is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, however, your Comments and Replies on Debbie’s site reveal that you are a man of intelligence, good character, morals, and lifestyle.

    Would you be open to some advice, direction, and possible assistance via an OFF-LINE conversation / private correspondence with me to learn more about each other and of my being of help to you?

    Do you know how to contact me? If so, please do. If not, perhaps a certain someone may be able to act as a communication facilitator!?!?!?

    Do not give-up. Stay positive. There are options…one door may close, but others open. Give it some thought…..


    ps: Email may be best method.

    Dennis on June 2, 2016 at 11:36 am

      Mine is too, privacy, that is, VERY well understood. I’ve been on the internet for 16 years, and as you know, “it’s sick out there and getting sicker.” Seen and heard a lot of stories about internet meetups, besides what makes the news.

      Thanks so much for your kind wishes, bro. I have many friends who would never let me spend a night in the subways, or on a park bench, etc. I also know how to make 1,500-2,000+ calorie meals with all relevant protein, vitamins, minerals, complex carbs, etc. for healthy living.

      With a minimum of cooking, sometimes none at all, the most nutritious meals can be put together and eaten quickly, for a life on the run, rendering one healthy and ready for each uncertain day.

      Pretty interesting when one notes what the poor folks and slaves of the world choose to eat, compared to folks with even a little bit of “disposable income.” Provided poor people and slaves can FIND ENOUGH food, they generally eat much healthier. Of COURSE, the more money one has, the LESS manual labor they choose to do. Funny how people gravitate in spiritually, mentally and physically unhealthier directions when they get a little money.

      Keep on rockin’ in the free world.

      Alfredo from Puerto Rico on June 4, 2016 at 10:57 am

Jews that really hate Jews are indeed the most odious bunch. Even more so than Moooooslims. We know how Satanic the Moooooooslims are. Jews that hate Jews get in the way of truth and righteousness. They are the pesty-est pests!

As a non-Jew let me tell you there is no need for it. NONE! It is easy and almost elementary to side with Jews and Isreal. I do it with the ease of breathing. THAT tells you these demons are evil and are really sh** disturbers.

They get in the way of good. They trick the dumb (because many clueless will think they may have a point because they are Jews themselves). They are the eternal pest.

I’ve seen some real hum-dingers in action and it is crazy-making. It’s time Zionist non-Jews step up and put these Nazis in their place! They cause so much trouble!!

Skunky on June 1, 2016 at 10:25 pm

An oft-repeated canard about “J Street” is that the “J” stands for jihad, given their leanings and sympathies. And I agree 1000% (as Jack Hanna would have put it) that those you-know-whats are indistinguishable from the George Soros’ of the world and other Judenrat in Germany who turned their fellow co-religionists over to the Gestapo to be exterminated.

ConcernedPatriot on June 1, 2016 at 10:44 pm

Debbie, thanks for giving out the overall precise black and white empirical information of “J-Street” forwarding you that e-mail in your own “inbox” of them arguing the utopianistic and unfeasible metaphysical approach of the situation that’s been occurring in a detrimental spontaneous manner of the Israeli-Palestinian situation of not seeing any venue of peace.

Thankfully Israel hasn’t succumbed to a) Palestinian and b) globally pressure of the Palestinian leadership wanting a statehood. The problem with the Palestinian leadership is that of them wanting a nation-hood, they refuse to recognize Israel as a nation as a concept to live in peace encompassing their Arab and Islamic-Muslim neighbors, etc.

So essentially, both Bernie Sanders and J-Street alike are utopianists, where I’ve interpreted in my second paragraph, where I’m not going to argue via “tautology”!

Sean R. on June 1, 2016 at 11:48 pm

And as if J Street were not bad enough, things are getting worse with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) joining up with J Street. This isn’t surprising given that the ADL’s new National Director, Jonathan Greenblatt, was previously a special assistant to Obama.

The simple fact to remember is that Jewish leftists are ALWAYS leftist-first and leftists aren’t going to support American values or Israel. Leftists always side reflexively with the enemies of America and Israel.

Occasionally, some people will criticize my distillation and say, “How can you be so black and white? You can’t pigeonhole all leftists as anti-American and anti-Israel?”

I always respond the same way: “I’d be happy to change my deduction if you could cite me an exception to my rule.” But those who criticize my simplification never can cite even one example.

So, with that in mind, here are some of the things that the ADL has been saying lately, virtually mimicking J-Street:

•Greenblatt endorsed Obama’s moral equivalence rubbish by condemning “those who place blame on one side instead of putting forward solutions that acknowledge the role and responsibility of both sides.” Translation: “Israel should stop resisting Islamic terrorism and embrace those who want to murder Israelis and should surrender more land to them.”

•Greenblatt condemned Jews for denying the rights of “marginalized Palestinians” and failing to recognize the legitimacy of the “Palestinian narrative.” Translation: “Israel should stop resisting Islamic terrorism and embrace those who want to murder Israelis and should surrender more land to them.”

•Greenblatt says: “We want to see Israel as a democratic country that acknowledges and protects the rights of all its citizens, Ashkenazi and Sephardic, sabra and immigrant, Jew and Arab.” Translation: “Israel needs to grant more rights to Islamic terrorists, even if that means less rights for genuine Israeli citizens.”

•Greenblatt attacked those who attack J Street, citing the “shortcoming of the Jewish establishment to allow for robust debate, to create a safe space for all of us to talk, a big tent that respects the views of all parties. I believe that a healthy dialogue is a Jewish value and see you as part of that dialogue and I am standing before you today, bearing witness to that value.” Translation: “Anyone who abhors our policy that Israel should stop resisting Islamic terrorists, embrace them, and should surrender more land to them, is a racist, a bigot, and an Islamophobe.”

With Jews like this, who needs Nazis? They remind me of the story of Daniel Burros, a Jew who became a Nazi.

Ralph Adamo on June 2, 2016 at 2:09 am

I remember one commentator, years ago, referring to the ADL as the “Pro-Defecation League.” The recent arrival of this Greenblatt character is but one reason why that nickname applies to this group.

ConcernedPatriot on June 2, 2016 at 9:12 am

The self hating that liberal Jews have for Israel and the benefit of the doubt that they give the Palestinians never ceases to amaze me. It’s like these idiots think that HAMAS is nothing but a group of Sunni Muslims that really love the Jewish State and it’s people wishing them no harm. I have a question for the J Street equivocators. If HAMAS wants to get along with Israel why do they teach the Palestinians that Israel isn’t on the map-as in nonexistent. That is the focal point that the J Street nincompoops can’t seem the wrap their little brains around. This is the platform that that moron Bernie(I believe in socialism but can’t answer why Venezuela is such a #$%^hole)Sanders wants for the Democrap platform in Philly. The only reason why he gets any mention from me is because he’s causing so much butt-hurt for the Hill-bag. Other than that he’s a freaking dunderhead. Along with that nut Soros and that libtard Greenblatt to the anti-Israeli ADL. It stands to reason that the latter was an Obama toady. Coming from the most anti-Israel administration since Jummuh Karter Greenblatt will further lead the ADL down that Wonderland Jew hating rabbit hole. You’re right Debbie with Jews like these reprobates who needs enemies. On a good note it will be funny watching the dems try to pull off any anti-Israeli pro-Palestinian garbage at their convention. Talk about liberal leftist lunacy.

Ken B on June 2, 2016 at 12:10 pm

At the Trump rally in my city, I was interviewed by the Jewish magazine Jpupdates.com. I wasn’t familiar with them, but the young journalists asked me if he could ask me some questions. He had to explain to me, who he wrote for. So when I heard the word Jewish, I brought up Debbie, in which he wasn’t familiar with. I took out my phone and showed him the site and he wrote it down and said he will reach out and check it out. He interviewed me, but he misquoted me definitely, he was writing quickly so its all good
Spreadin the word’ in the trenches- Are you commentators?

MrBigBrain on June 2, 2016 at 8:20 pm

    Sorry, BDD, I have no faith in you spreading the word. You don’t even get it yet! You’re at the right place but it’s taking forever for the reality to buffer.

    Skunky on June 3, 2016 at 8:48 pm

I don’t recall seeing any anti marijuana posts on here, but I would guess being that most on here are super conservs, you all rally against it. Well testimonial time.
My mother has chronic incessant arthritic pain in one of her knees. I went a purchased some topical marijuana cream, for her. The cream has no thc in it, but if it did, the thc cannot penetrate the skin membranes so it is impossible to get high from it. At any rate, I rubbed some on my mother’s knee and waited until one of the nba games was over, and asked her how it felt. She said “I think it worked.”
Well she just came back from a trip visiting the Winchester Mystery, and Hearst Castle, she just told me she was able to walk all those stairs at Hearsts (if you have been, you know what im talking about) her knee gave her no problems, just cardio. She was able to walk. So if you are on the wrong side of this, get on the right side of it. Just think, the doctor was trying to convince her to have knee replacement surgery. Unbelievable.

MrBigBrain on June 3, 2016 at 6:16 pm

I don’t recall seeing any anti marijuana posts on here, but I would guess being that most on here are super conservs, you all rally against it. Well testimonial time.

My mother has chronic incessant arthritic pain in one of her knees. I went a purchased some topical marijuana cream, for her. The cream has no thc in it, but if it did, the thc cannot penetrate the skin membranes so it is impossible to get high from it. At any rate, I rubbed some on my mother’s knee and waited until one of the nba games was over, and asked her how it felt. She said “I think it worked.”

Well she just came back from a trip visiting the Winchester Mystery, and Hearst Castle, she just told me she was able to walk all those stairs at Hearsts (if you have been, you know what im talking about) her knee gave her no problems, just cardio. She was able to walk. So if you are on the wrong side of this, get on the right side of it. Just think, the doctor was trying to convince her to have knee replacement surgery. Unbelievable.

MrBigBrain on June 3, 2016 at 6:54 pm

Ok Skunky, I’m lying.

MrBigBrain on June 3, 2016 at 8:51 pm

Uh oh, Debbie’s eulogy for Ali. Oh lawd, pins and needles

MrBigBrain on June 4, 2016 at 1:12 am

Well believe it Skunky because I surely did. There’s proof but my word is enough

MrBigBrain on June 4, 2016 at 1:14 am

It’s not that I don’t believe you, I sure do…it’s just I have no faith in your representing. You’re not smart enough or educated enough on the topic to represent. Your posts here prove it.

Here comes all the sudden super Muhammed Ali fans. You know the ones who didn’t give a frog’s fat one about him yesterday. When Joe Frazier carked it, people talked about how cruel Ali was to him. I’m with Frazier….

Skunky on June 4, 2016 at 1:50 am

Great post, deb, but your math is a little off. Sanders picked 2 anti semites? Ellison+zogby+CORNEL F’ING WEST!=3 anti jew wingnuts.

West-spike lee of academia who spoke with neo nazi truthers at the million muslim march.
Ellison-CAIRs man in congress.
Zogby-norquist crowd

Abu lahab on June 4, 2016 at 9:12 am

To alfredo: dont get down! Your ted cruz poem made my month. You are too funny for us to lose. Take care, amigo.

Abu lahab on June 4, 2016 at 9:15 am

Smart enough? Pulease, my intellect surpasses yours by miles. Educated enough on subjects- that may be accurate, hence I sent the man to her website. Tada, imagine that

MrBigBrain on June 6, 2016 at 6:11 pm

You’re with Frazier. Lol. People revered Ali, forever. There’s no bandwagons when these people talk about him. I was too young, but no Bandwagons. people truly loved this man.

MrBigBrain on June 6, 2016 at 6:13 pm

    No sh** BDD. My Dad even hung a “The Greatest” poster in our home in the 70’s. I am talking about all the poseurs and frauds suddenly loving this guy. It’s pathetic. Robin Quivers can claim that but not as many people who are frontin’. I hate the frontin’. It’s retarded. Also, I don’t revere Islam. At all. All great Moooooslims are former Moooooslims.

    And if ya gotta brag about how smart you are, it just isn’t true. I will let my posts here stand as you will let yours but you’re not even in the top 60% here. Just sayin…

    Skunky on June 6, 2016 at 8:00 pm

lol, you ain’t sayin much. Braggin? ha, I answered your defiling accusation about me. lol Braggin. If this post is a representation of your i.q, not looking good!!!!!
Yeah we all agree regarding Muslims, but just as Bill Oreilly pointed out to goofy Whoopi, we aren’t worried about Kareem Abdul, or Muhammed Ali, duh, its the middle easterners and you know it. Stop being obtuse,

MrBigBrain on June 6, 2016 at 9:36 pm

    Oh, okay BDD. I’m gonna listen to brilliant you (*turns into her avatar*).

    The fact that you listen to Falafel Boy (exposed since 2004) proves you’re not ready for prime time.

    Skunky on June 7, 2016 at 12:09 pm

Thanks for admitting that I am brilliant. I think you are brilliant too, at times, some days your regression is appalling.

No eulogy for Ali, I’m shocked, I just knew she was going to go hard on him, lol. He was before my time, so I couldn’t refute much, just that I see people have a problem with him avoiding the war, but yet these same people vote for people to become president who “avoided” the war. Laughable.

MrBigBrain on June 7, 2016 at 3:55 pm

My response won’t take. So I bid you adieu regarding this topic.

MrBigBrain on June 7, 2016 at 4:12 pm

What a boatload of hypocrisy and misinformation. Advocating for Palestinians AND a two-state solution would be like advocating for Phillip Morris AND a smoking cessation program. THEY just don’t want it, but that fact is apparently lost on progressives including all the JINOs mentioned.

YCHtT on June 8, 2016 at 3:50 pm

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