December 8, 2015, - 12:38 pm
Bread & Circuses With Donald Trump: He Won’t Ban Muslims – Read the Fine Print

Don’t believe the hype. Sadly, Donald Trump will never ban Muslims from entering America . . . even if he legally could. Trump certainly knows how to manipulate the lumpenconservatariat. That’s not news. And his statement yesterday–including a position paper–about banning Muslims from entering the U.S. is more Trumpian smoke and mirrors. Bread and circuses stuff. You gotta read the fine print.
Trump said yesterday that as President, he would implement a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering America . . .”until we can figure out what the heck is going on.” He reiterated that, this morning, in a phone interview with George Snuffalupagus on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” stating he would ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. “until we can figure out what the hell is going on.” One word change, no difference. But the part in italics makes all the difference. He will never ban Muslims, and he’ll say, “Well, I figured what the hell [or heck] is going on.” Um, we and Trump already know “what the hell is going on.” Readers of this site know what the hell is going on. You’ve known since at least 9/11 what the hell is going on. And I’ve been writing and otherwise warning about what the hell is going on, for decades before that.
“What the hell is going on” is that we are facing an Islamic threat that will wipe the West out, and its timeline has been sped up at geometric rates because we keep insisting we are “not at war with Islam.” But Islam keeps impressing upon us that Islam is at war with us and has been at war with Western culture for centuries . . . since the Seventh Century, to be exact, when a violent moongod cult led by a dishonest criminal thug suddenly became a “religion.”
Donald Trump knows what the hell/heck is going on, and he will never ban Muslims from entering, even though we should. Legally, there are the nine not-so-Supreme elitist egomaniacal liberals who would never allow it. There are two major rival organized prostitution syndicates pretending to be political parties. And they would never give up the pimping business, so they would stop him. And there is Trump himself, who has too many businesses with Muslims, too many hotels in Dubai and Abu Dhabi to ever even considering barring Muslims from the U.S. He’ll never do it. As I’ve noted on this site, he couldn’t even bring himself to sever ties with jihadist Muslim Farouk Shami.
But Trump is a master baker/promoter of bread and circuses. If you don’t know the term, “bread and circuses,” here’s a tutorial. He’s giving the White working-class crowd that’s buoying him in the lead in the national polls what he knows they want to hear. And what he will never ever do. And predictably, all of the liberal media and “American” (In Name Only) Muslim leadership–dominated by extremist Islam, the redundantly-phrased strain of Islam that is dominant here in the U.S. and around the world–are up in arms about it, acting as if Trump would ever have the guts to do this. And their feigned outrage is going to further buoy Trump in the polls. The acting on all sides here is at the same time so obvious and transparent and also Academy-Award-worthy.
But, again, Trump won’t do it. He gave himself an easy Clintonesque/Arafatian out: “until we figure out what the hell/heck is going on,” something we and he have already done. We know what’s happening. We know what the threat is: Islam and Muslims. But we will never and do not now have the resolve to stop them at our shores. And, as I’ve noted on this site for more than 1.5 decades, it’s already too late. The cancer is here and it has metastasized. There are plenty more Syed Farooks and Tashfeen Maliks already here, silently waiting to make their move. And there are also millions of Muslims on our shores who don’t need a single bullet or pipe bomb. They are winning in forcing America to assimilate to Islam’s backward, thuggish demands on our culture and way of life. And we are giving in every step of the way, fomenting more of this.
As I’ve noted before, Vladimir Lenin once commanded, “Probe with the bayonet. If you find mush, advance; steel, retreat.” They’ve found the mush. And the mush isn’t just America. It’s the Americans who actually believe that Donald Trump will ban Muslims at the border.
Bread and circuses, my friend. Rome ceases to exist, but you are too busy believing the Presidential-wannabe baker and ringmaster. He goes by “The Donald.”
By the way, while I’ve long been a proponent of banning Muslims from entering our country (they come only to invade and conquer–we are Dar Al-Harb), and as I’ve noted they are already here in the millions, there is another thing Muslims have done to evade such a policy already. As I’ve noted frequently on this site over the last 1.5 decades and more, Islamic terrorists and Muslims here just to deceive us, know how to pose as Arab (and Pakistani, Iranian, etc.) Christians. They know what to say, what to do, how to game the system no matter what. They present themselves with names like, “Milad” (Arabic for “the birth” [of Jesus]) and so on. And we’ve already let in fake Christians–plenty of ’em–who are actually Muslims. Still, banning Muslims would be a start. But Trump’ll never do it. He’s already added a qualifier/a caveat.
But nobody seems to want to notice.
If you really believe Trump would ever ban Muslims from entering America, even temporarily, I have a house in San Bernardino with 12 pipe bombs to sell you.

Tags: #DonaldTrump, #TrumponCNN, Donald Trump, Donald Trump ban all Muslims, Donald Trump ban Muslims, Donald Trump Muslim ban, Donald Trump Muslims
Yes, Debbie, every word, you’re absolutely right, as usual, on all counts. It’s terribly frightening. Keep on fighting, girl, don’t stop. I love you.
Alfredo from Puerto Rico on December 8, 2015 at 12:53 pm