October 21, 2015, - 4:54 pm
Netanyahu’s Right: Haj Amin Al-Husseini Called for Speeding Up, Extension of Hitler’s Final Solution

We live in a world in which, today, you cannot tell the truth. You cannot say babies are ugly. You cannot say Oprah is fat and gross. You cannot say parents who allow their young kids to watch “The Walking Dead” are idiots (Michelle Fraudkin alert). You cannot say the Kardashians are whores and porn stars. You cannot say women aren’t fit to be Navy SEALs and Marine infantry. You cannot say that extremist Muslims are worse than or even the same as Nazis (though they are worse), or you’ll lose your job at ESPN. And you cannot tell the truth–a truth I’ve noted here many times over the years to many uninformed dummies and a truth for which Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is being pilloried today for repeating: .
In fact, Al-Husseini, as I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, begged Hitler to speed up the Final Solution and extend it to the Middle East.
But people choose to sit in the dark rather than admit that their precious anointed Islam is anything but what it is: a cult that preaches mass murder and destruction. I had to explain this over six years ago to a Yale University Law School moron, Janice Ta (now a lawyer, apparently) who hosted “Bake for Obama!” and who had no idea of Al-Husseini and his Hitler connection. Today her ilk repeat their willful ignorance and denial. As I wrote in 2009, in “Clueless Lefties Completely Ignorant About Hitler’s Ties to the Muslims“:
For the extremely ignorant, here’s a brief tutorial on Hitler, the Nazis and their Muslim friends–the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who met with Hitler and advised him to finish the job on the Jews and speed up the Final Solution, and who begged Hitler to export the Final Solution to Israel and the rest of the Jews in the Mid-East and North Africa; TWO Muslim SS Divisions; and the close relationship, even decades after WWII, between the Nazis, their ODESSA organization for SS officers, and the Muslims–the reason why so many wanted Nazi war criminals like Aribert Heim a/k/a Tarik Hussein Farid and Alois Brunner were shielded for life in Syria and Egypt, respectively, and why the SS helped Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Egyptians in their attempt to build nuclear and other missiles to kill Jews. And that’s not to mention all the concentration camps in North Africa, which the Nazis enlisted their Muslim buddies to guard (and to round up the Jews for).
But, hey, these are all irrelevant, right? So insignificant.
I wrote that in response to Ta’s extremely ignorant e-mails, below:
From: Janice Ta janiceta@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:18 AM
Subject: Persecution of the Jews
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Dear Debbie,
Perhaps I have forgotten my World History, but Jews have been persecuted for centuries without the help of Muslims. Can you point to one Muslim advisor in Adolf Hitler’s ranks? And perhaps I have forgotten my Biblical history too, but the last time I read the Bible, Jesus was Jewish and the people who persecuted him were…not Muslim
Please correct me if I am wrong and please stop spouting your racist bullshit.
From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: Persecution of the Jews
To: Janice Ta janiceta@gmail.com
Yes, you are wrong. And nice language. Time for you to learn a thing or two, little Janice. In fact, Ms. Ta, Hitler had many Muslim advisors, including the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and a special Muslim division of the SS. Time for Empty Janice to get a clue.
From: Janice Ta janiceta@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: Persecution of the Jews
To: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Oh yes, I forgot he had two Muslim advisors, but hordes of Jewish advisors and an army of white people like you to persecute the jews. NONE of those white people, of course are responsible for the holocaust, not even Hitler. Only the Muslims are to blame. You are a fucked up irrational bigot.
Hmmm . . . we know who’s irrational, and it’s the person who has now sent me four e-mails and counting and is in such a rage, she can’t stop with the F-bombs and S-bombs.
This unhinged idiot sent me one more stupid e-mail, but I think you’ve had enough. I certainly have.
Ta Ta, Ta.

Reader Alfredo:
For Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog to say, “There was only one Hitler,” is the same kind of shooting of self in the foot that all too many politicians here and all over Western Society have done in the dismantling of culture and national security. That sort of thing can happen again, IS happening again, right now. It is not hard for a Hitlerian mind set to exist when the seeds have been planted, the sprouts have formed, and become weeds that are engulfing civilizations. It IS happening all over again, and there is more than one “world leader” willing to adopt his mindset.
People are trying to dismiss the signs of the times, as though collectively humans have advanced too far to embrace such times again. But history always repeats itself, and the human race has not advanced too far to do it again. Although you have well documented Netanyahu’s softness in numerous policy matters, he is not wrong in what he says here. A shame how the truth gets shouted down so quickly and easily these days.
“As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly.”
Proverbs 26:11So it is with the human race. We are doing it again. We live in extremely frightening times, as your article on the EMTs who were stabbed and slashed, displays so vividly.
AMEN times 1,000.
Muslims are far worse than the Nazis. The Nazis did not number 1.8 billion and they were defeatable and defeated. And we united to do it. We are only united in welcoming more and more Muslims to our shores.
And Kurt Schilling was wrong. There are no “extremist Muslims.” There are only Islam and Muslims, and they are extreme by definition. And they are bent on eliminating us–all of us.
And we are bent on looking the other way and pretending that what happened under the Nazis was unique and special and can never happen again.
Look around you. It will happen again. We are welcoming those who destroy us to do so without even picking up a rifle. The Nazis, at least, had to do that.
Netanyahu was right. Is right. But, today, up is down, right is left, and liberals and deniers all around are telling us 2+2 = 5.
Jerusalem History in Pictures by Uri Weiner has many more photos of the Muslim-Nazi ties all over the Mid-East and more info. Must see.
Tags: Amin Al-Husseini, Benjamin Netanyahu, Binyamin Netanyahu, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El-Husseini, Hajj Amin Al-Husayni, Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, Hajj Amin El-Hussaini, Hitler Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler Haj Amin Al-Hussaini, Nazi Islam connection, Netanyahu, Netanyahu Haj Amin Al-Husseini
And the Jews of the Middle East certainly fell prey to Nazi anti-Semitism.
The Farhud pogrom in Iraq in June 1941 had Husseini’s fingerprints all over it.
Netanyahu wasn’t trying to absolve Hitler. He simply pointed out the Arabs were willing collaborators in the Holocaust.
The evidence is there is for any one who cares to look for it.
NormanF on October 21, 2015 at 5:53 pm