September 18, 2015, - 2:58 pm
Ahmed Mohamed: We Know He’s “Not a Muslim Terrorist” . . . How? Clock Bomb a Hoax . . . or Dry Run?

Are you convinced that Ahmed Mohamed, the teen Muslim who brought a clock–possibly a fake bomb–to school, is not a terrorist? Why? I’m not convinced at all. And was his clock really just a clock or was it a dry run? I guarantee you that this “kid” will now be on law enforcement’s radar and watch list . . . and for good reason, despite the excessive public hand-wringing, cries of “Islamophobia!”, and the rush by Google, Twitter Facebook, and the Obama White House to kiss this guy’s ass.
I’ve said it before many times on this site and in the case of Mohamed, it is yet again true: they tell you that “if you see something, say something,” but then, when you do, no matter how dangerous that something you reported is: you are the villain and nothing but a hysterical “Islamophobic!” bigot. Such is the case with Mohamed. The teachers and officials at his school and the police did everything right here, and yet they are mocked and ridiculed as stupid and ignorant. They’re the ones who should be invited to the White House and praised by Hillary Clinton, not this “poor, persecuted kid” (who is neither poor nor persecuted nor is he just a “kid”).
Yes–I know! I know!–we were told by the media that this was “just an innocent kid;” that he’s “brilliant!” (because he made an amateurish-looking clock or because he has the conventional media butt-snorkeling him after he perpetrated a possible dry run?); and that he was wearing a NASA t-shirt, and kids wearing NASA t-shirts would never ever ever ever ever be terrorists (because there is a mechanism in all NASA t-shirts that prevent all Muslims wearing them from becoming terrorists and blowing up clock bombs?). My how quickly we all forgot that Obama’s NASA chief said the primary mission of NASA is to “reach out” to Muslims. Oh, and we are told that he’s “only 14.” Uh-huh, because everybody knows that no 14-year-old has ever been an Islamic terrorist. There are no 14-year-olds in HAMAS or Hezbollah or ISIS, right? Fourteen-year-olds don’t throw rocks at Israeli Jews and don’t behead Christians on ISIS videos. That never ever happens. I’m just imagining it. And so are you.
But how do we know that he didn’t get instructions from a nefarious someone asking him to test the reaction at his school if he brought a clock that looked like a possible bomb to school? We know what the reaction is now: all of those kids might have been blown up right away. Or they might have been saved by quick-thinking teachers and administrators who didn’t think about the avalanche of political correctness know-betterism crashing all over them in the media and online. And we know that every single one of these idiots tweeting #IStandWithAhmed on Twitter this week would have been screaming and yelling about teachers and the principal and police had they not done anything and the clock blown up tens or hundreds of children at that school. Sadly, a lot of these idiots a/k/a Hillary and Bernie Glassberg voters, would have still tweeted #IStandWithAhmed had that happened and demanded out “tolerance” for the “Religion of Peace.”
And here’s something nobody’s pointed out: we don’t know that Mohamed didn’t have instructions from someone to do this and test the system or conduct a dry run. While the whole world is whining that Mohamed was “interrogated” by several police officers (as he should have been!), nobody raided the Mohamed house. Nobody seized the Mohamed family computers or took Ahmed Mohamed’s cell phone. They should’ve and in any other case, they would have. But amid the disgusting, ridiculous piling on by the #IStandWithAhmed morons, they didn’t because political correctness saved the day for him and called the shots (or, rather, non-shots). So, if Mohamed did communicate with terrorists and do this as a way to test the system and/or conduct a dry run, we’ll never know.
But here’s what we do know: Mohamed told police that he made the clock for a “science project assignment.” That was a lie. He’d never had any such assignment. Then, the story changed to his making the clock to impress his science teacher. Right. If this “kid” is as brilliant as we’ve been told, he’d have known that you don’t bring something like this to school. I mean, you don’t have to be Einstein to know that.
We’ve been lectured by this Muslim’s sympathizers that the only reason this happened is that he’s Muslim and his name is Ahmed Mohamed. Really? No, the only reason his home wasn’t raided, his computer and cell phone weren’t seized, and he was invited to the White House, Google, Facebook and Twitter is because he’s Muslim. Anybody else would have been raided, had their crap seized, and still be under investigation. Anybody else’s parents would have been hauled in for questioning, too Anybody else would have been under much more suspicion, to date. Heck, White, non-Muslim kids with lists of students at their schools are arrested and tried for planning Columbine-style massacres based on little other than those lists. But this guy is Muslim, so he gets special treatment in his favor and the overwhelming benefit of the doubt.
We’ll never ever know if Ahmed Mohamed is a terrorist because instead of letting law enforcement officials do a complete and thorough investigation, we tried and acquitted this guy and proclaimed him a national hero . . . all because he’s Muslim.
Anyone who “stands with Ahmed” might have ended up having their legs blown off their torso and straight across the room. But they’re too stupid and knee-jerk in their tears and sympathy for the religion of the 19 hijackers to have a clue.
All the anguish over Mohamed Ahmed, this week, was premature articulation. And, next time, that “clock” might kill a lot of kids.
By the way, I’m sure–before this happened–if Mohamed carried a “clock” like this to an Obama appearance, he’d have been tackled by the Secret Service, and the word, “Bomb!” would have been yelled in everyone’s earpiece. Don’t act like this didn’t look like a bomb and wasn’t cause for concern in a school.
Tags: #IstandWithAhmed, Ahmed Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed bomb, Ahmed Mohamed clock, Ahmed Mohamed clock bomb, Ahmed Mohamed ISIS, Ahmed Mohamed terrorist, clock bomb hoax
Also, in all of this, how is it that his parents didn’t tell him how to introduce this in class if it was indeed a science project? Also, as you note, his changing story makes me more suspicious.
I think the best thing for a witness to say in the aftermath of the next successful Jihad attack would be to say about the perpetrator, “I was suspicious of what he was doing. However, the reason I didn’t say something was that he was a Muslim, and I didn’t want to be thought of as a bigot.”
Infidel on September 18, 2015 at 4:20 pm