December 15, 2014, - 8:59 am
Man Haron Monis: The Sydney Siege, the Religion of Peace, Starbucks Gun Control & Michelle Malkin’s Islam Flag
*** UPDATE: The siege is over with two of the innocent hostages dead in the jihad of Iranian Muslim immigrant, ex-wife murderer, and sheikh/cleric Man Haron Monis. Of course, the Muslim community is insisting that this isn’t Islam (and yet they cheer it when Muslims do this in Israel or to Israeli embassies and Jewish synagogues). So, I’ve coined a new term for these Muslims, whose very Muslim behavior and acts the Muslim community insists are “unIslamic.” “Undocumented” Muslim. Man Haron Monis, the West’s latest “undocumented” Muslim terrorist. G-d bless his poor victims and their families. ***
When I first heard news, yesterday, of hostage taking at a Lindt cafe in Sydney, Australia, I wondered, “Hmmm . . . is Lindt chocolate halal?” Yup, I wondered, probably like you, if the gunman is Muslim. And sure enough, he is. Or he’s a guy who has a lot of sympathy for Islam and jihad, since he made the hostages inside the Lindt cafe hold up a flag bearing the Shehadah, the Islamic oath of martyrdom, the statement all Muslim converts make which instantly makes them members of the Religion of Peace and Chocolate Cafe Hostage Taking (and 9/11 3,000-Mass Murdering and Fort Hood Shooting and Worldwide Beheading, etc., etc., etc. ad absurdum). So, whether or not Lindt chocolate is halal (it is), we know that Muslim taking of infidel hostages has always been and always will be halal. And that’s exactly the problem.

And, so, given that the hostages were forced to hold up the jihadist shehadah flag, one has to laugh at Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, leader of the Liberal Party, since yesterday he told the media that he and the Aussie government were unaware of what the motive of the hostage taker might be. Uh, Islam, moron.
It’s also funny to hear various Muslim leaders throughout Australia condemning the hostage-taking siege and claiming it has nothing to do with Islam. Um, it has EVERYTHING to do with Islam. Cute how every single beheading around the world in the name of Islam, every single rape and torture of women in the name of Islam, every single hijacking or shooting massacre in the name of Islam, and now this cafe siege in the name of Islam, has “nothing to do with Islam,” according to the leaders of Islam who every day condone and sermonize in favor of this behavior and sanction it from Ramallah to Riyadh to Tehran.
If you think this can’t or won’t happen here, think again. We are all Israel. We are all Sydney. And with imbecilic establishments like Starbucks decrying Americans bringing arms into their places of business, it will be much easier for this to happen here. It WILL happen here. Not if, but when. And when is coming soon. There’s nothing unique about an Australian chocolate store that makes a jihadist siege possible. Nothing that can’t or won’t be replicated and translated onto a Tim Horton’s in Livonia, Michigan, or a McDonald’s in Nashville, Tennessee. Um, maybe it’s time for Starbucks and company to rethink their idiocy and encourage, rather than attack, law-abiding gun owners who could easily take this jihadist out with a single bullet. If this kind of siege happens in a Starbucks, it’s easy to predict the rightful barista lawsuits over Starbucks’ warnings to customers not to bring their guns–guns that would save lives in a Lindt-cafe-like siege.
And then there is faux-“conservative” Michelle Malkin, who praised and made excuses for the words on the Islamic flag the hostages were forced to raise up in the window. When I posted a story on this site about One Direction singer Zayn Malik’s non-stop jihad to proselytize to his gullible female fans and how he tweeted to them the exact words on that Lindt siege flag, the ISIS/Al-Qaeda flag–the words of the Shehadah–Malkin and her employees attacked me and praised Malik’s jihad on Malkin’s self-masturbation site, Twitchy. Malkin and company defended Malik for telling his fans that allah is the only god and that mohammed is his only messenger and then, like a child molester, she swooned over the then-teen Malik as “dreamy.” She repeated with approval the Shehada oath of martyrdom, also repeating the claim that allah is the only deity and mohammed god’s only messenger, and calling me a “troll” for exposing and talking truth to power about Malik. If you are a fan of Fraudkin, then you are a fan of her endless excuses for jihadism (all while she pretends to be against it, John-Kerry-style).
Same goes for FOX News’ resident faux-“moderate” Muslim Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser, who also trolled the British press, defending Malik’s jihad and attacking me for exposing it, a la pedophiliac Malkin. He praised the Shehadah because it’s the core of his religion–those words on that flag in the siege at the Lindt shop.
We know what the motive of the gunman in the Lindt cafe is: Islam and its tenet of jihad. We know who he is: a Muslim. We know that the Aussies are doing Cirque de Soleil-level acrobatics and contortions to dance away from admitting that. They Aussies won’t say the name of the suspect and have asked the media not to report it. Why? Is it Mohammed? They have already started laying the groundwork for the Halal Twinkie Defense (that he’s just a nutty guy who “superimposed” his mental illness on Islam; funny how that happens a lot). They’ve said he’s known to police.
But forget all that. This guy isn’t crazy. He’s Muslim.
And every single Muslim in America or your neck of the West can and may do this to you at the cafe where you eat, at the supermarket where you shop, at the restaurant where you eat.
All Muslims are capable of jihad. And many Muslims carry it out. They are in your midst and they are your “neighbors” and “friends.” And they are potential jihadists.
Got that?
Was it something to do with the “Merry Christmas” sign in the Lindt cafe window? Nope.
But remember, ’tis the season to be jolly. Halal al allah la la la la.
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Tags: #PrayforSydney, #SydneySiege, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Jihad, Lindt cafe, Lindt cafe Sydney, Man Haron Monis, Michelle Malkin, Sydney Siege, Sydney Siege Islam
It’s painful (but not at all unexpected) to see Australia’s so-called Conservative PM act like Helen Keller on this item. Their “Conservatism” is heaps more watered down than ours so that also means their Libtards are way more moonbatty as well.
Australia’s Moooooooslim chickens are coming home to roost. They really did a grand disservice back in 1996 when they banned guns for their citizenship. Their Libtards will not only ignore the MOOOOOSLIM cause of this issue but also that their hatred of arming their citizenry is majorly misguided and not helpful.
They have also catered way too much to letting in Moooslim slime into Australia. I feel strange saying that because Australia has a more stringent immigration policy than USA (by FAR!) but in the past they have done much damage letting in vermin of all sorts but especially Mooooslims.
I come here so not only was I glad to read how DS perfectly bottom-lined it but that I learned THAT (before I read her column) BECAUSE I come here.
She is correct but sadly, the majority of people haven’t gotten it yet.
Mooooslims. WINNING hands down since 9/11/2001!
Skunky on December 15, 2014 at 10:18 am