September 30, 2014, - 10:58 am
Husain Abdullah Made Arrowhead Stadium a Mosque; Dhimmi NFL Embraces Religion of Chick Abuse
The NFL is racing backwards to embrace Islam and elevate a Muslim player it penalized last night for proselytizing the public to Islam.

Last night, as I saw the story unfold on the NFL’s fining of Husain Abdullah for publicly displaying Muslim prayer on the field, I wondered how long it would take the NFL to make its predictable backtrack, and would it be in minutes of seconds. Well, it wasn’t long. The NFL is already apologizing. And the irony is thick as the League is quick to embrace the religion of chick-abuse while it goes overboard to show the world it is against chick-abuse.
This isn’t the first NFL wet kiss to the Islam, the religion of women as punching bags. As I’ve noted on this site, the NFL employs several Muslim players who openly support HAMAS . . . you know, the terrorist group that treats women a whole lot worse than Ray Rice in an elevator. And the NFL gave special treatment to Muslims during Ramadan, even allowing them to leave training camp to attend a White House Ramadan dinner, a special privilege it does not give other players–even if their wives are delivering babies. And the NFL gave breast cancer awareness money it raised from fans to a Muslim-dominated welfare agency that openly supports HAMAS and Hezbollah. That’s what the National Fatwa League does in its regular course of biz, so don’t you dare try to be a Christian, or they’ll send you to sensitivity training camp.
I’m sure the NFL is already scheduling sensitivity training sessions with HAMAS CAIR, the organization that a federal judge and even the Obama Adminstration Justice Department say is a co-conspirator in HAMAS terrrorism and financed it. And I’m sure part of your NFL ticket money and jersey purchases will go to pay HAMAS CAIR for its “re-education” efforts.
Husain Abdullah did this on purpose. He and his brother, Hamza, who was also in the NFL, understand the power of NFL football and they’ve used it endlessly to promote Islam, with an eager sports media and mainstream media to cover it. PBS even did a whole propaganda hour on them gushingly hosted by Mary Carillo, a lesbionic person who would be stoned in their religion and the Saudi Arabia they frequently visit.
So, last night’s fining of Abdullah was the best thing ever to happen to Islam and Muslims in terms of pro sports. Because we know that for every legit action that causes a Muslim the slightest papercut, there will be a million retractions, apologies, mea culpas, and giant jangling sounds of a whole lotta coin going into the coffers of Muslim propaganda groups in America. And Abdullah is now a shaheed–a martyr–for Islam in football. He’ll make the rounds at HAMAS CAIR dinners and on all the Islamo-pandering sports shows. And everyone will vow to be more TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLERANT! of the most intolerant religion and adherents on earth. That’s how it works. How it always goes, especially ever since those peaceful adherents mass murdered 3,000 Americans and two American Presidents kissed their asses non-stop.
And the NFL will be proud of that. The League will continue to apologize and backtrack over Ray Rice, but at the same time it will race faster than Usain Bolt to embrace the religion of women as property, baby factories, and sex machines.
Alhamdulilah [praise allah].
Oh, and just so you know, Arrowhead Stadium–now that Abdullah consecrated it with his Muslim prayer and has been made a shaheed [martyr] by the NFL–is now a mosque. That’s how Muslims and Islam see it. It is now Dar Al-Islam. Islamic Land. Got that, infidels?
How long ’til pork, bacon, and alcohol are banned there? 3-2-1 . . . . allahhead Stadium, comin’ soon.
The players are just lucky they got rid of real pigskin footballs years ago. Or that would be out, too.
Reader I Am Me raises an interesting question: How long until the NFL sanctions Muslim beheading of cheerleaders? Give it a couple of generations.
A number of moral equivocators say that the NFL discriminates against Muslims because it allowed Christian. Tim Tebow to kneel in the end zone without penalty.
Um, when Christians fly planes into buildings to murder 3,000 Americans, when they shoot up American military bases on American soil, when they behead co-workers, then we can get upset about Tim Tebow’s prayer and compare it to Islam. But until then, get a brain, morons.
Tags: Al-Husainy As, Arrowhead Stadium Dar Al-Islam, CAIR, Dar Al-Islam, Husain Abdullah, Husain Abdullah NFL, Husain Abdullah penalty, Husain Abdullah prayer Arrowhead Stadium, Islam, NFL
Will the penalty deter him from attempting to behead a cheerleader after his next touchdown?
I_AM_ME on September 30, 2014 at 11:14 am