September 23, 2014, - 10:21 pm

Hannah Graham: When You Walk Around Drunk in Half a Shirt Alone @ Night, This Happens

By Debbie Schlussel

Is it just me . . . or are you also tired of hearing the sob stories about Hannah Graham, the missing University of Virginia student with the weirdly “sculpted” eyebrows?

Not that I excuse any crime or violence, but if you walk around alone and drunk in half a shirt at night, this kind of thing does happen. I mean, do people really not get this exercise in the utterly obvious?


On Sunday afternoon, while I was at the gym running on the treadmill, I watched as every single cable news network broke into Graham’s teary-eyed parents’ press conference. Her father held up some silly stuffed animal rabbit and blamed her disappearance on the fact that she forgot this lucky child’s toy at home. I burst out laughing at this absurdity. I understand these parents are at wit’s end about their missing daughter. But, um, sorry, but her disappearance had nothing to do with this dumb stuffed animal. She’s an adult . . . or is supposed to be. And instead of maybe realizing that her disappearance might have had something to do with not acting like one, they blame it on her forgetting the plaything accoutrement of a kid. Yes, if she had only had her stuffed rabbit in her possession while gallivanting drunk and alone in almost no shirt on the dark streets of Charlottesville, she’d be fine. Right?




Hannah Graham’s Parents Show Her Left Behind Stuffed Rabbit to the Public

Here’s a tip about feminism. It not only allows slutty women to get drunk and run around in no shirt, but it places responsibility on them and their actions. Or it’s at least supposed to. Or at least, that’s what I thought. Wasn’t feminism supposed to have the mission of women empowering (G-d, I hate that word!) themselves and doing what they need to, to control their lives? That means–or should mean–that if an independent woman (independent even of her childish stuffed rabbit) decides to take it upon herself to wear no shirt, get drunk, and roam the dark streets of an urban setting alone, she’s is empowering herself to suffer a tragic, but preventable, horror. Those are the odds, especially if you’re dressed like Beyonce’s back-up dancers, but you are alone on the streets instead of onstage.

If Hannah Graham couldn’t figure that out, maybe that means she doesn’t belong in college. . . or maybe it just means she’s just as dumb as most of the Kardashian generation of college students. And just as unprepared for adulthood. These aren’t adults. They are overgrown, spoiled children whose parents are worried about stuffed animals because they won’t take responsibility for not having been actual parents.

Maybe if Hannah Graham’s parents had spent more time impressing upon her the importance of common sense behavior and values, instead of impressing upon her the sucker-esque (un)power of good luck talismans, she would still be here. She’s probably dead, because they cared more about the magic of stuffed rabbits than they did teaching her these things. Or, if they did teach her these things, she clearly didn’t absorb them. Yes, I know, some parents do everything right, and their rebellious kids just don’t take. And, for a second, I thought that could be the case here–her father was quite sympathetic. But that was only until Pops brought out the stuffed rabbit for the cameras. Then, the jig was up.

Yes, it’s true, Muslims consider a woman like this to be “open meat,” ready for the taking, and I don’t condone that. But criminals and other malefactors who are roaming the streets in the middle of the night have the same attitude as Muslims, and a girl who takes these risks among them is bringing this upon herself, as Hannah Graham did. She told her friends she was lost. Well, guess what? Walking around a city at night alone while drunk can result in being lost. It’s not smart. And I have less sympathy for the deliberately stupid. You might earn a Darwin Award from someone, but you earn no pity from me. Yes, everyone makes mistakes and acts foolishly at one or more points in their lives. But this was a big one.

I pity and feel sorry for women who are snatched and kidnapped in daylight, not those who took endless chances and engaged in blatantly risky behavior. I feel sorry for innocent children who don’t know better. Hannah Graham was none of these. And her forgotten stuffed rabbit or the sympathy you might have for her torn up parents doesn’t change that.

I remember as a high school student when I wanted to walk to my friend’s house at night for a party and my skirt was above my knee. My late father said, “Are you crazy?!” He insisted on walking me and yelled at me for wearing a short skirt alone at night. And I wasn’t drunk. (Heck, my parents wouldn’t even let me see “Risky Business.” They were involved in my life . . . as parents, NOT friends.) My dad had more than a few of those moments withme. Doesn’t sound like Hannah Graham’s dad ever had a single moment like that with her.

And now she’s probably dead. But, hey, it’s just because she left her magical stuffed rabbit behind. None of that other stuff is relevant.

By the way, my parents never impressed upon me the importance of stuffed animals and taking them to college. Pity.

Graham’s dad has an English accent. But how much you wanna bet he and the mom voted for Obama? People give off cues. And lax parents who care more about stuffed animals than important life lessons are definitely in the bag for Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Hussein Obama Idi Amin Dada’s hubby.

On the other hand, there are those “parents” named Palin. So, maybe I’m wrong.

But the bottom line is this:

If you refuse to be responsible parents for your child and you refuse to teach your child to take personal responsibility for what happens to him or her, the odds are greater that you’ll be mourning that child sooner than later.


371 Responses

Not only parents should teach their children to become responsible adults, parents should, and must, teach their kids about evil persons out there, and how to protect oneself from harmful persons.

Last, but not least, I believe there is a culture of permanent infantilization of adults which, in the end, will empower the government to become everyone’s “parents,” either as a smothering mother (like an ever-expanding welfare state that reduces persons to a level of sheer dependence) or an authoritarian father (like a draconian enforcer of social rules, which could easily be set by society itself, without government intervention). In both cases, this infantilizing culture will create immature adults incapable of taking charge of their lives, ready to cede any power to the government.

Rodrigo Veleda on September 23, 2014 at 11:10 pm


    Carol G on September 24, 2014 at 6:27 am

And then there is the White House campaign against campus ur, uh, ‘rape’. What is it, one in five supposedly? Colleges are being bludgeoned (although most of them are PC already) to institute ridiculous man-hating codes, in order to get Federal money and/or get the Feds off their backs. Like women can do no wrong.

Campaigns like this share the responsibility for what happened.

Little Al on September 23, 2014 at 11:19 pm

I’m so tired of it – the shrieking hysterics, the fake tears and the phony press conferences.

We should have expected better of Hannah Graham and far better of her parents.

But we live in a society where no one is raised to be an adult. No one wants to know why Graham couldn’t take common sense in not going out at night.

As a result, we all pay the price. The Grahams of the world in situations like this one – are never heard from again.

NormanF on September 23, 2014 at 11:20 pm

    You are right on target, NormanF. No more responsibility for own actions. No more teaching that if you act irresponsibly, bad things can happen. As for the day in and day out “Press conferences,” …..enough already. Of course, we cannot ignore the state run media’s complicity in this continuing dumbing down of our society. I am not the “PC” type and do not believe in censorship, however, could we ban forever the “Person of interest” phrase? Tiresome.

    Victoryman on September 24, 2014 at 8:55 am

This story, which I have to assume is going to have a tragic ending, made me think once again how essential the guidance from the Inspired Scriptures is.

Don’t they enjoin modesty on us from the moment that Adam and Eve cut themselves off from their Creator, their Source of life, and so began to die?

Genesis 3:21 tells us that not only did God clothe Adam and Eve once they had become imperfect, but he gave them “long garments” – modest garments, clothes that covered them.

A terrible change had come over them. They had been living. now they were dying. And don’t we rush to cover a dead body?

We, their children, are born imperfect and dying because of what they did -and both Hebrew and Christian Greek Scriptures enjoin modesty in dress on us.

And isn’t it for our protection?

As God said to the Israelites:
“If only you would pay attention to my commandments!
Then your peace would become just like a river
And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.”

If only we all would pay attention. But “the world” is pushing us in the opposite direction as hard as it can.

sue on September 24, 2014 at 12:30 am

    Oh sue, stop with the citing of “Hebrew and Christian Greek Scriptures.” You don’t believe in any of that, any more than Mooooslims believe in the persons they cut from other religions.

    skzion on September 24, 2014 at 8:22 pm

Debbie: My kids are being raised right and monitored closely. You are right about the dad’s magical thinking. HOWEVER:

My kids have a stuffed Kiwi (bird), stuffed shark (When asked why he was putting a NZ dollar coin in the mouth of said shark, my son replied “sharks swim better with money in their mouth”–at age 3 he KNEW this, Debbie.), and of course, in honor of the Riff-Trax boys, a stuffed Attwater’s Prairie Chicken.

So, lay off the stuffed animal lovers, boss. The lady was a DRUNKEN idiot. Stuffed animal adoration was not the problem here. (I’d be happy to buy my favorite lady Jewish attorney a stuffed shark, however.)

G-d Bless You and may he inscribe you in the Book of Life.

Occam's Tool on September 24, 2014 at 12:46 am

Pure bullshit Schlussel. If you are concerned about crime and women’s safety you would advocate for every woman and man for that matter to be guaranteed their 2nd amendment right to carry a firearm.

CS: Only a moron (that’s you) would claim I don’t advocate for the Second Amendment, something I’ve tirelessly advocated for on this site time and again over the years and all of my life. Not sure where this chick would have carried her firearm, though, as she wasn’t wearing much. Clearly, you missed the entire point of this article AND half the point of the Second Amendment: personal responsibility in protecting yourself. BTW, haven’t I banned you repeatedly? Why are you still here? DS

Common sense on September 24, 2014 at 1:14 am

You have no soul Schlussel.
The negative karmic load you’re carrying is going to pay off in spades eventually.
Good luck with that.

Common sense on September 24, 2014 at 3:11 am

    Senseless, do you find Hannah Graham’s behavior sensible? She got drunk, and wandered around after one bar refused to serve her. At 18, she was underage for alcohol anyway. Heather then, as shown by monitors, hooked up with a total stranger who wrapped his arm around her. Debbie is merely pointing out the obvious. Heather Graham was an utterly senseless woman who valued getting drunk above her own safety. It is appropriate also to point out how inane the parents were before the press. Debbie is quite right in reserving the lion’s share of her pity for women and children who are abducted through no fault of their own. If you do not understand such things Senseless, that tells us more about your lack of maturity than anything else.

    Worry01 on September 24, 2014 at 8:06 am

If she was college material, then I suggest some children SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND.

Darrell L. Hicks on September 24, 2014 at 3:45 am

Oh yes, and the 6’2″, 270 lb brother with dredlocks was there to take full advantage of her ignorance. Isn’t that right. What do you suppose he did with her?

witness on September 24, 2014 at 4:36 am

    He was so brutal that he had to finish her off. How would explain her injuries wo exposing himself?

    Darrell L. Hicks on September 25, 2014 at 11:35 am

Common sense…an expert on self defense I know, his advice to everyone is “avoid, avoid, avoid” That’s all Debbie is saying. Your point makes no sense. You’re suggesting this too drunk to make it home girl would have been okay if she was packing? I wouldn’t be surprised if she was roofied at the bar.

Mike M on September 24, 2014 at 8:27 am

A big “Amen” for your last paragraph, Debbie. You nailed it…….as usual.

Victoryman on September 24, 2014 at 8:58 am

The most important weapon a woman has is JUDGMENT. You do not wander alone in any neighborhood alone at night. My parents taught me values and ways to protect myself from the age of 5. We had a tragedy here in Chicago when two young women tourists left a bar in the middle of the night to walk home alone and were brutally attacked. One of them will never be the same.

PaulaMalka on September 24, 2014 at 9:05 am

“…decides to take it upon herself to wear no shirt, get drunk, and roam the dark streets of an urban setting alone, she is empowering herself to suffer a tragic, but preventable, horror.”

No, that’s about right – she’s playing by the book that has been force-fed to her by the prog-boomers: the police will protect you, trust “urban” people, dress like a streetwalker.

DS_ROCKS! on September 24, 2014 at 10:41 am

Excellent post Debbie.

Confederacy on September 24, 2014 at 10:47 am

Feminazis have instilled in young women the idea they can do whatever they want and there are no consequences. There is evil in the World and these young girls, whether it’s this girl or the one who just died from possible alcohol overdose at Rutgers University, live as though they are immune to the laws of physics and human nature. Common sense is a lost art and these kids, and their families, pay the price.

JeffT on September 24, 2014 at 11:25 am

If you refuse to be responsible parents for your child and you refuse to teach your child to take personal responsibility for what happens to him or her, the odds are greater that you’ll be mourning that child sooner than late

You are totally right. That’s how I was raised too. When I was 12 years old my grand mother died and my mother was left alone with 3 girls to raise. i was the eldest and I had plenty of responsibilities. I never resented it. I felt it was normal. When people tell me :”he is 12 and just a child?. I say you are wrong he is an adolescent and can have responsibilities. At 21 I was teaching first grade elementary school and had 28 kids in my class. This was big time responsibility but i loved it.I looked at it as a challenge.When they learn young kids love to feel responsible. Parents must teach them young.

bonnie loranger on September 24, 2014 at 12:00 pm

I try so hard to drill into my kids’ heads that they don’t live in some mythical perfect world. They are constantly leaving doors to the house unlocked overnight. They drive in neighborhoods they shouldn’t be in. I grew up in the inner city and had more street smarts at 8 years old than my kids do now in their 20’s.

This poor girl probably grew up in a PC home. Was probably taught to not judge people based on their appearance, so when an obvious gang member looking person approached her she dared not be cautious for fear of being thought intolerant.
And it cost her her life. Hopefully others will learn from her mistake.

Steve G on September 24, 2014 at 12:07 pm

This is why I come to Debbie’s website.

My first gut feeling when seeing this story was much the same. Other than the clothing, which I don’t think matters. She would have been targeted by a criminal not because of her clothes but because of her actions.

Adults do not get stone-cold drunk in public. They do not wander the streets of the city, ANY city, alone. They certainly do not make choices that involve both of these irresponsible and dangerous behaviors at the same time.

When they do, they are inviting disaster and evil into their lives. I feel pity for her because in this case her foolishness has probably cost her life. But I believe it is important to recognize exactly what has put her in this predicament, as Debbie points out. Not because it will save this fool’s life, but perhaps it can serve as a lesson to other foolish people, women, or parents. It’s a tragedy that could have been prevented.

As to the moron above mockingly bringing up guns for protection? A gun won’t do you much good when you are drunk. The most useful way to utilize a gun is by having your faculties sharp and noting danger before it is right on top of you physically overpowering you. A small young woman like this has no chance of fighting off an attacker and getting her gun out to shoot him ala George Zimmerman. Zimmerman, a full grown MAN, nearly died in the physical altercation with a thug and barely got his gun out of his waistband to fire.

PitandPen on September 24, 2014 at 12:38 pm

If rabbits are supposed to be lucky then why do we fetish only on their feet? Are there ISIS terrorists “befooting” them? They, like this young girl, don’t seem so lucky now. But then again what do you expect from a culture that believes wearing a cross around your neck or bowing to a statue or practicing magical thinking will protect you from evil. “Good luck” with that.

Michael on September 24, 2014 at 1:45 pm

I knew right away these parents have no moral compass.

The Bible teaches:

1. Be sober.
2. Be clean.
3. Be modest.
4. Don’t fornicate or commit adultery.

This was her chosen lifestyle since high school. Parents think when kids get a couple of good grades in high school, they are ready for life. Intellectual and emotional development lag behind physical development. Parents aren’t smart. How many do you know who allow high school dating?

Darrell L. Hicks on September 24, 2014 at 1:52 pm

    Yes, Darrell, the moral standards taught in the Inspired Scriptures are a great protection. But so many people don’t know them. They urgently need to know.

    This lovely young girl probably had no idea of the danger she was putting herself in, and I assume the outcome is going to be a tragedy.

    sue on September 25, 2014 at 2:38 am

Dead on all accounts. When I saw the slut outfit the girl wore, I thought, she’s dead. I’ve seen these dumb girls slopping around clubs back in the day and they’d be like chum in the water. Many would label them Mud sharks. I always end up giving a new girlfriend a keychain pepper spray after getting to know them and finding out that they are afraid of guns, or have no history with them. That girl was not the type to be open to a Krav Maga class or a 10 mm Glock. As pointed out, her outfit wasn’t exactly tasteful or full of places for defensive weapons for a night on the town and away from home for the first time allowing her to pick up any street scum with drug connections she was probably very open to. Such a shame this plays out all the time. My only point not addressed, is how does a dept allow the guy to outrun them with a possible murder charge hanging? Whoever the guy(s) were, might need some time off. It became unsafe? I’d like to see the video and see what broke the back of the overt surveil.

samurai on September 24, 2014 at 2:41 pm

ANYONE taking issue with Debbies take on this, didn’t read the article, and or hasn’t got any experience barhopping college towns or especially any law enforcement experience. She’s dead on, the girl was a tailor made victim. Many interviewed people have even said the area is rife with scum bags and not very nice. Hell the SUSPECT family even was shown on video screaming at the police, news crews. Huh, if it were my son, I’d be open to interviews and telling how it couldn’t possibly be my son. Not those savages.

samurai on September 24, 2014 at 2:45 pm

Of course your argument makes sense but I can also have apathy for the disillusioned parents. Some of us learn from painful mistakes as I’m sure these parents eventually will. While my own parents instilled values in me, I rebelled nonetheless and hitchhiked from NJ to Florida at the age of 15. During the Ted Bundy years. I’m lucky to still be alive with all the misjudgments I’ve made in my life. I’m a completely different person at 55 than I was as a young adult. We all deserve a second chance at life. Please don’t blame the victim…blame the animal without a moral compass who took advantage of another human being in distress.

Debra on September 24, 2014 at 2:48 pm


    Empathy, perhaps?

    Prometheus on September 24, 2014 at 3:42 pm

    It’s a shame, but she was in charge of her own destiny. If I jump in a shark tank and get eaten, how can I expect to be viewed as anything other than dumb. Her murderer isn’t the only one out there lurking. It’s a known accurate estimation by LEO’s that at any given time there are about 3 serial killers working any large metro area at any given time. Why make our daughters more like bait than XENA.

    samurai on September 25, 2014 at 7:24 pm

They are looking for a suspect, a 32-year old black man who is a university employee, Leroy Matthew, Jr.

adam on September 24, 2014 at 4:34 pm

Wow. You have got to be kidding me. You give WOMEN a bad name. Have you read anything about her personality at all? She’s a responsible young college student who RARELY drinks. It’s already been speculated that she had been drugged since that behavior was OUT OF HER NORM. You can rant and rave that she was “asking for it” all you want, but remember that next time you wear a skirt or a tank top or anything that doesn’t cover all of you. You laughed at grieving parents? I wish you’d come spend 10 minutes in this heartbroken community right now. They’re not disillusioned parents, they’re heartbroken. Have a damn heart.

and BTW Deb, UVA is in CHARLOTTESVILLE, not Richmond…check your facts next time you want to rant.

Alum on September 24, 2014 at 5:41 pm


    Other than getting the city wrong, and BTW, Charlottesville is little known to those outside of the Old Dominion–Debbie is spot on here.

    Sounds like she was drinking too much, and why was she by herself at these bars, anyway? As to “responsible college student,” etc., what do you expect them to say?

    Colleges have always and forever been in a denial mode regarding security on and off campus.

    Prometheus on September 24, 2014 at 6:20 pm

Yes, being a MUDSHARK will get you killed.

RT on September 24, 2014 at 5:41 pm

** post test **

this is only a test

kirche61 on September 24, 2014 at 7:07 pm


You just excused a crime of violence! Interesting how that works. Not that I am calling you stupid or dangerous or anything.


Ice9 on September 24, 2014 at 7:09 pm

I can’t believe you people. You call yourselves Christians, yet you sit there behind the safety of a computer screen judging this young girl. You make me sick.

You speak of how the bible teaches s and the bible teaches that, be sober, be modest, don’t fornicate… Etc. Bad things happen to good people. Look at Abel. Was he deserving of his death by his brother?

Stop calling this girl a slut because of what she was wearing, that’s just how girls dress these days. Get over it. It’s 2014, fashion evolves, that doesn’t mean the people wearing the new fad are sluts or whores. They’re just consumers.

Also Hannah Graham’s father has an English accent because, get this, he is English. He and Hannah’s mother were actually across the Atlantic when they found out that their 18 year old daughter was missing.

All of you should be ashamed of yourselves, especially you, Debbie Schlussel, capitalizing on such a tragedy that has swept over this community… Unbelievable.

You may be right, Hannah may be dead now, but she, because of people like you will die without any dignity because you think you have the right to judge her.

Fuck all of you.

Ross on September 24, 2014 at 7:52 pm

It must be nice to be as perfect as you and never make any mistakes. Because only people who have never, ever made mistakes have the audacity to judge others. You have no heart and no soul. If you have children I sure hope you don’t ever have to not have to go through this. Karma is a real bitch. Also get your facta straight, it didn’t happen in Richmond you hypocrite.

wow! on September 24, 2014 at 8:07 pm

You’re one of those people who rib the world. You’re a heartless cunt.I how you don’t have children because you will only breed hate. First article I’ve read of yours and the last.

Tempest Hutsell on September 24, 2014 at 8:07 pm

Ross, back at you. I’m 6’0 225 and seasoned with empty hands and every weapon made. Won a lot more than lost and have protected more women than you’ll ever sleep with. I care, but less when foolishness is injected. Drugs, bad behavior, guys get killed let alone some female dressed like a escort. Not a mistake to do that stuff.
Wow, back at you and my kid did stupid stuff and suffered from it and is still around thank G-d, no small efforts of mine helped. Get bent.

samurai on September 24, 2014 at 8:53 pm

Tempest, such language from such a “nice” jerk face. Your writing skills are probably indicative of being new to the language. Lalalalalala We will miss you.

samurai on September 24, 2014 at 9:03 pm

You’re a repulsive human being. Yes, she made poor decisions that night under the influence of alcohol. That doesn’t excuse her going off by herself but it definitely does not give you the right to say such disgusting things. She wash’t in the “dark streets of Richmond”. She was in a quiet & quaint small town that no one would have suspected for such a treacherous thing to happen. How dare you blame her? What about the horrible asshole that abducted her? One day karma is going to bite you in the ass for being such a heartless fuckface.

Vicki on September 24, 2014 at 9:36 pm

Debbie thinks if it is late at night, and you show your tummy, you don’t deserve empathy if something bad happens to you.

Debbie grew up in a sheltered household with helicopter parents. She thinks HASHEM will protect her from bad things.

Not once in her “column” did she blame the (alleged) rapist/killer. Nope, according to Debbie, the girl was asking for it and was a slut. So, she deserved to die.

No wonder you are single.

Edward on September 24, 2014 at 9:36 pm

I can’t even believe what I just read. An 18 year old got drunk and made a couple bad decisions. And to you that justifies being kidnapped or possibly worse. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Brandon on September 24, 2014 at 10:11 pm

This article does make a lot of good points. But I think it’s rather unbalanced–not enough empathy for the victim and her parents.

Do I excuse Graham’s behavior? No. It was obviously very stupid. But did she deserve what happened to her? Of course not. She was just young and dumb. Many of us have been. I remember when I was in graduate school, I would often walk back to my dorm not far from the middle of a large city at, say, 4 – 5 a.m. in the morning. I’m a male, and I was never intoxicated–in fact, I never even went to parties. I was usually coming back from the computer lab, and simply didn’t know any better. Anyway, after being warned about this risky behavior by others, I eventually learned to call for a campus-police escort whenever I needed to get back to my dorm that late. But before being warned, I just didn’t have a clue that what I was doing was that dangerous.

Anyway, this article needed to focus more on how evil the murderer was, but it didn’t do that. So, while it did make many good points, it needed to be more balanced IMO.

Sam on September 24, 2014 at 10:17 pm

You should probably reevaluate your accusations that you’ve made on the victim and her family. How dare you say this is her fault for the clothing items that she wore? News flash…its 2014 and the clothing isn’t modest. You’re a sad human being and for you to jump to conclusions and to say that this is her fault is awful. It could happen to ANYONE. Imagine how her family is feeling right now? You’re just another sad pathetic person that is writing and bashing a victim to draw attention and fame to yourself.

Taylor on September 24, 2014 at 10:18 pm

We read “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates and we are now going to have a little discussion. Oh, yes I know it is one of those kind of Post Modern literature thingies where the author leaves it up to the reader to decide how it ended. Ok, let’s ask the boys first. Billy, what happened? …… Oh Billy you have a filthy mouth!

Noah David Simon on September 24, 2014 at 10:19 pm

You are one senseless person for saying what you just did. I read one paragraph and wanted to throw up at your words. So she got drunk, so she left a party alone, so she wore clothes that all women her age are wearing that doesn’t mean she deserved to be abducted. What if this was your child, friend, or sister…how would you feel. No matter how drunk she was or how she dressed no man should have ever of laid a hand on her. You are a disgrace to women everywhere. These poor parents are grief stricken that their child is missing and you have the odasity to sit there behind your computer and say you laughed while working out at the gym…you are pathetic.

Anonymous on September 24, 2014 at 10:28 pm

You should be ashamed of yourself. That is all.

Also, she was in Charlottesville. Have you even done your basic research?

MC on September 24, 2014 at 10:54 pm

How does a person write an entire column about a press conference she clearly didn’t listen to? This has got to be the most ignorant thing I’ll read all year.

The bunny was not some good luck talisman. It was being held up as a reminder – a heart-string-pulling device – to get whoever took her to understand: this woman will always be these parents’ little girl. And just as they found that rabbit once for her when she was very tiny and it had been lost, they want to find their daughter and bring her home. It was actually a very ingenious use of a prop by her parents, with a whole story behind it, but was totally lost on you apparently. The only mistake they made was assuming a certain level of intelligence (and perhaps ability to just listen) in the viewer.

As for this whole dog-whistle “values” thing, whereby you somehow manage to bring Muslims into the equation, the person currently charged with abducting with intent to defile apparently attended Rev. Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University and volunteered at a private Christian school. Maybe he was taught the same “value” you were: she was asking for it, yes?

Some values you were taught to laugh at parents trying to find their missing daughter.

If your parents taught you any actual values at all, you were not listening.

What an obscene display of ignorance this column is.

anon on September 24, 2014 at 11:37 pm

Wow, I never thought that anyone could make Ann Coulter sound like Mary Poppins, but congrats, lady, you’re a whole new level of horrible. I suppose you never made any foolish mistakes when you were young. If you had been kidnapped, raped, and murdered for the crime of wearing a short skirt, hopefully some heartless Internet crusader would have been there to mock your parents’ pain. How on earth would you know anything about how Hannah Graham’s parents raised her or their political beliefs? Why should either of those things matter when their daughter has been abducted? Maybe you could save just a smidgen of blame for the actual criminal. As an above commentator mentioned, Hannah’s alleged abductor went to a Christian university and worked for a Christian school, so maybe Christian values aren’t all they have cracked up to be, especially when said “Christian” values haven’t keep you from laughing at grieving parents. Here’s to hoping that your womb is as barren as your heart, because no one as soulless as you should be allowed to raise a child.

Anonymous on September 25, 2014 at 12:46 am

Another victim of liberal brainwashing. Contrary to liberal teachings, white girls ARE frequently targeted for rape by minorities.

Libs like to teach white girls to act as if all black men, especially those twice their size, are all friendly and non-threatening. NEWSFLASH: Tyrone is not trying to help you carry your books. He is getting you ready to be roofied so he and his friends can run a train on you and take pics.

This girl needed just one friend with common sense around her to keep her from this… sadly she did not have that friend to help her this time.

AUS on September 25, 2014 at 1:53 am

Debbie… You are a cunt in every sense of the word and the rest of you ignorant fucks… I seriously hope you rot in hell along with Jesse Matthew Jr. (And Debbie) you heartless, judgmental pieces of shit.

Christina on September 25, 2014 at 3:46 am

Are you serious? Why are you taking all responsibility away from the perp and putting it on an innocent girl and her parents? Does it matter what she was wearing? It shouldn’t. It’s insulting to men, to say that women have to dress like Mormons so that they don’t get “tempted”. Like they don’t have any self control. Like their brains don’t allow them to pass by a girl with a crop top and think “Hey, I’m going to force myself on her, even if she screams and tries to fight me off, she wants it because of her top”. How idiotic are you to think that this is any way her or her parents fault. Oh, and I’m sorry, do you think commenting on her eyebrows has anything to do with the fact that she’s missing? I’m sorry you’re such a heartless, pathetic, piece of trash. I might blame your parents for not teaching you to have a heart and be sympathetic for people. Any woman can dress as she damn well pleases, because this is America. Any man does not have the right to do whatever he wants to a woman, despite her say, because this is America. So please, take your head out of your ass and join the rest of society in feeling terrible about the loss of Hannah Graham and willing to do whatever we can to help her family in anyway.

Jessica on September 25, 2014 at 7:34 am

it’s women like you that make the rest of us work so much harder for equality. it’s a total shame you have a public voice, because the words coming out of it are horrid. how dare you.

autumn on September 25, 2014 at 8:09 am

I smell peanuts. But these peanutters have foul mouths.Ya know they are upstanding citizens. Let’s hope they meet the same end as Hannah.

skzion on September 25, 2014 at 8:26 am

SHAME ON YOU. You don’t even have the facts correct. Have respect for this family lest you find yourself the victim of an unlikely decision of your own. RE-Think and take this DOWN.

This horror happened in CHARLOTTESVILLE and you are full of shit. Have a heart. This girl is still missing and her parents are doing the best they can. Clean it up, sister. You will one day also make a mistake.

Mother on September 25, 2014 at 9:15 am

    I expect you’e been called “mother,” though not by your offspring.

    You and the one-name females (Autumn, Christina, Jessica, etc.) have probably pushed out a bastard or two who would do the same thing. Not one of you is a decent parent, and y’all voted for Barky.

    Bugger off you hos. You disgust me.

    skzion on September 25, 2014 at 1:01 pm

I’m going to give this a shot, even though many of my comments have big trouble getting through, with some not passing the portal for days. Since Debbie will not be back in “the office” for another 2 1/2 days, e-mailing her immediately after posting this will do nothing for this discussion if it doesn’t go through. But I’ll try, and also try to be less blond(e) and long-winded than usual.

Senior member and master contributor skzion is correct in noting the distinct aroma of peanuts in this room.

Debbie is a consummate commentator/expert analyst on cultural matters. The people who jumped up predictably to scream vile things and hurl insults and her and all of us, need to remember one thing.




Read it again, . . .

for the very first time.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 25, 2014 at 10:41 am

    @Al, exactly.
    She didn’t DESERVE what happened, but she didn’t prevent it by behaving like she did. For ANYONE saying the area is a nice little town, they are blatantly lying or are not aware of the scummy rep it has had for years. Coeds are getting snatched up around Ann Arbor and Yspilanti and Detroit, even though the news tries to keep it mum. Debbies point was women need to use common sense more often because there are evil among us.

    samurai on September 25, 2014 at 11:29 am

      By the way samurai, I’ve very much enjoyed your comments on this article in particular, but in general as well. You’re sort of a stealth contributor here, but if one takes the time to read you carefully, one of the best in my opinion.

      Some of these people who say it’s okay for girls to dress like that, and that people like Debbie and some of us are just trying to take away their fun, are moral relativists.

      I call on all the trolls to remember that humans in ancient times and RIGHT NOW are living in societies that SEVERELY punish the behavior of women who dress like this. Although I see far less clothing in NYC at times, and in Puerto Rico as well, that doesn’t make it right. And that’s not coming from me, . . .

      that’s coming from God. I didn’t make that rule, He did. And that is why the Bible says Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron when He first returns. Because people are stubborn, rebellious, and need to learn that certain forms of behavior are just no good for us.

      There are people who think that the 60’s should go on forever, because that was when everything started to be acceptable. It made the world more fun, and ushered in an age of tolerance, inclusion and diversity.

      The people who promoted such ideals as “do you own thing” and “if it feels good, do it,” . . .

      remember that song by The Temptations, . . .

      Take A Look Around.

      How’s all that permissiveness workin’ for ya? And all of us, all around the world? Human MIS-rule of our own affairs will some day end. And when the rule of Almighty God is established, . . .

      we will learn a different way. And it’s not assaulting young women. But young women won’t go out drinking at night, all alone, dressed like that.

      There’s going to be a lot of changes when God establishes His Law. We may not want to look at it now, because it “offends” our notions of what we THINK should be. But we will have our minds purified, and not by a Mengele type, either. I’m talking about thinking entirely like God, all the time.

      Get used to it, if you want to live there. You can, in eternal peace and happiness. But don’t jump up to defend young women going out drinking at night dressed like that. That’s ridiculous. No matter how hot I think some women out there look, then go home, remember them and “self-service” (LOL!!!) as I heard someone refer to it on Law and Order: SVU, it’s not right, and it won’t happen in God’s World.

      Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 25, 2014 at 12:09 pm

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