June 1, 2014, - 8:59 am
Bowe Bergdahl & the Taliban 5: Obama’s US Negotiates w Terrorists & Makes Every Soldier a Super-Target; Questions About Bergdahl
**** UPDATE: DISGUSTING: Bowe Bergdahl’s Dad Praises allah, Makes Islamic Declaration, Calls For Release of All Gitmo Terrorists; Did Bergdahl Convert to Islam? ****
For more than a decade on this site (and previous to that), I’ve repeatedly decried Israel’s ridiculous and absurdly lopsided releases of hundreds to thousands of Palestinian Islamic terrorists in exchange for soldiers in the single digits, some of them coming back in body bags. I always said, well, that is the one thing America is doing right that Israel isn’t. America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists, and it doesn’t release murderous Islamic terrorists in exchange for kidnapped American military men. As of yesterday, that is no longer true.

Barack Obama’s America has adopted Israel’s worst response to terrorists, and like Israel, Obama has now turned every American military man and woman into a super-target to be kidnapped for a trade. Every Islamic terrorist in American prisons–not just in Gitmo, but every prison in America is now no longer there for life. Whether it’s the Blind Sheikh, Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, or Gazi Abu-Mezer, a HAMAS terrorist who tried to blow up New York’s subways and nearly succeeded. Even 9/11’s master architect, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Any of these can be traded–will be traded–in exchange for kidnapped Americans.
Yesterday, Obama said that he did this because no man or woman serving America in the military is forgotten and we will always come back for them. That’s the same thing Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said during each of his releases of hundreds of blood-thirsty Islamic terrorist murderers for one live soldier, Gilad Schalit, and in other cases, the dead bodies of soldiers tortured to death by Hezbollah. And, even, in another case with another Israeli Prime Minister at the top, the live body of Elchanan Tanenbaum, an Israeli drug dealer and double agent who gave Israel’s secrets to Hezbollah. Countless Israeli leaders have made these outrageous trades. And now Obama has joined this exclusive club of which no one should want to be a member. No one who cares about the survival of Western civilization and the welfare of Western troops and civilians. Today, Israel’s cabinet voted on a bill to end these kinds of terrorist releases and “trades.” We’d be best advised to do the same in Congress.
Yes, Bowe Bergdahl served his country, and we should have made every effort–short of negotiating with Islamic terrorists and releasing their fellow Islamic terrorists–to get him freed. Navy SEALs taking him out was the only way this should have been done, and if we couldn’t locate Bergdahl (which was apparently the case), more drones and bombings of the Taliban. But Obama has rewarded the Taliban further for “negotiating” the release of five of their most hardened murderers and planners of mass murderers of Americans, by stopping drones attacks on the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Well, Rand Paul and his mindless band of lumpenconservatariat idiots should be happy.
And there are questions–a lot of them–about Bergdahl. I don’t question his patriotism going into the U.S. Armed Forces or his service and going to Afghanistan when he was called to do so. But nobody knows why he left his guarded, protected base, alone (and against the rules)–making himself a sure target for kidnapping. He has a lot of questions to answer. And there are a lot of questions about what happened in his five years of captivity. His father reports that Bergdahl is having problems speaking English. You don’t just forget English in captivity. Something is very wrong here. Did he convert to Islam a la “Homeland”? Does he now prefer speaking the language of his captors? A lot happens in five years of captivity with Islamic terrorists. I pray for the best, but you never know.
Some might argue that we are releasing dangerous, hardened terrorists from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for nothing, on a regular basis, and we might as well trade for the freedom of an American serviceman we cannot locate. Well, that’s a good argument. George W. Bush and Barack Obama practiced dangerous Gitmo catch-and-release on a regular basis. But we’ve now given an incentive to Islamic terrorists to do more of their own catch-and-not-release. Good luck with that.
The Haqqani Network segment of the Taliban with whom we negotiated and whose leaders and masterminds and killers-in-chief we just freed is the most violent, anti-American force we’ve been fighting for the decade in Afghanistan. These cretins have the blood of thousands of American men and women on their hands. And now their ghosts cry out as we’ve freed their killers to go back and plot to kill Americans again. These were not low-level guys like Bergdahl. Read about these freed major scumbags, Khair Ulla Said Wali Khairkhwa, Mullah Mohammad Fazl, Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, and Mohammad Nabi Omari. They were high-level leaders, the mast planners of mass murders of American servicemen, now freed to do it again. These were associates of Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, and they are laughing at us in their new freedom. Hey, now, they can take selfies of their celebration and post them on Instagram for all the American infidel suckers to see.
And, last but not least, it’s laughable to hear the Obamapologists claim this doesn’t constitute negotiation with terrorists because they used the Islamic anti-American government of Qatar (still nominally an “ally” but not really) as a middle man. PUH-LEEZE. If you negotiate with terrorists, that isn’t vitiated by using a middle man.
It’s just a pathetic excuse. I wish I could say, this policy is pathetic, too. But it’s not pathetic.
It’s very dangerous to America. Lethal. And fatal.
Memo to Tony Orlando: no more yellow ribbons round the old oak tree needed anymore. That’s passe. Now, we just release mass murderers in America’s new warped definition of “swap meet.”
Tags: Abdul Haq Wasiq, Bowe Bergdahl, Bowe Bergdahl release, Bowe Bergdahl swap, Bowe Bergdahl trade, Khair Ulla Said Wali Khairkhwa, Mohammad Nabi Omari, Mullah Mohammad Fazl, Mullah Norullah Noori, Taliban Five, Terrorists freed for Bowe Bergdahl, terrorists released for Bowe Bergdahl, terrorists traded for Bowe Bergdahl
Today it was five for one. How much will it be next time? Ten for one, one hundred for one, one thousand for one? Insanity.
Jerry G on June 1, 2014 at 9:09 am