April 28, 2014, - 12:02 pm
Donald Sterling: Racist NBA Owner is Dem Donor & Self-Hating, Anti-Israel Jew; Black NBA Players’ Racism Gets Pass
Racist NBA owner Donald Sterling was a Democrat donor and is a self-hating, anti-Israel Jew who was set to be honored by the hypocritical NAACP. And he should be condemned (although at 81, he’s probably afflicted by Alzheimer’s Disease). That said, whenever there are Black racists and anti-Semites in the NBA, their comments go largely unnoticed, and there is zero outrage. Also largely unnoticed were Sterling’s ample, disgusting anti-Israel comments on his racist phone call with the chica, in which he justified his racism against Blacks with false accusations of racism against Blacks in Israel.

On Saturday, TMZ leaked a recording of a private phone conversation with one of his extramarital girlfriends, V. Stiviano, a 20-something model, who is currently being sued by Sterling and his wife. Stiviano is half-Black and half-Mexican, and Sterling objected to her posting on Instagram of a photo with Magic Johnson, who, as we all know, is Black. Sterling made many comments, often contradictory, nonsensical, and ridiculous, against Blacks on the tape and ordered the girlfriend to remove the picture and not openly associate with Black people or bring them to his games. The media is all upset and the race merchants are calling for his ouster.
But here’s what you don’t know about Sterling. His real name is Donald Tokowitz, but he changed his surname to Sterling because it sounds less Jewish and “more polished.” He and his Jewish wife, Rochelle “Shelly” Stein–who is regularly shamed by the public display of girlfriends and doesn’t have the self-dignity to leave her poisonous marriage of wealth–named their oldest living son, “Chris.” That’s typical of Jews who want to run away from the religion as fast as possible.
Like most self-hating liberal Jews, the regularly racist Sterling, though he hasn’t given campaign contributions in years, gave it all to Democrats Bill Bradley and Gray Davis, when he did give. I find this guy to be despicable and embarrassing in his open racism. He was fined and sued by the federal government and other entities on several occasions for openly discriminating against Blacks and Hispanics, even in low income housing units. Um, who else does he think lives in those housing units? White Wiccans from Walla Walla? And, um, if you hate Blacks so much, why would you flaunt your half-Black, half-Hispanic mistress at NBA games? (This chick, by the way, is an obvious gold-digger. What 20-something “dates” an 80-something dead man walking but for what’s in the wallet? Girls who look like the glamorous, slutty Stiviano don’t “date” entrenched senior citizens because of sexual attraction. And Blacks with any self-respect don’t “date” racists. They dump them. This idiotette called Sterling “a scholar” on the tape. Hilarious.)
And, yet, despite all this, the NAACP was planning to honor this racist schmuck and embarrassing JIISNO (Jew in Original Surname Only). That’s because like the typical self-hating Jew that he is, Sterling gave gazillions of dollars to Black charities, including the NAACP, which regularly espouse anti-Semitism. And while he changed his last name, to them he’s still just another “dirty Jew.”
Sterling is a creep both professionally and personally. Sterling’s actual oldest son, Scott, is dead, after a short lifetime of being spoiled and aided and abetted in crime by Daddy Dearest. In 1999, Scott Sterling shot a friend in the legs (after an argument over a girl) at the Sterling Beverly Hills mansion, and Donald Sterling pressured police detectives. As a result, Sterling was never charged with the crime and got away with it. So, it’s not surprising that in January 2013, Scott Sterling was found dead in an apartment at age 33 of a drug overdose. It’s also soooo typical that his enabling mother, Shelly, put out a lying statement praising her son’s “brave battle” against diabetes as the real reason for his drug addiction death.
Not included in most of the press coverage of Sterling’s racist phone call is the fact that part of it included false allegations by Sterling attacking Israel for racism against Black Ethiopian Jewish immigrants. Sterling used this as an excuse for his own racism:
Donald Sterling: It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.
Stiviano: So do you have to treat them like that too?
Sterling: The white Jews, there’s white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?
Stiviano: And are the black Jews less than the white Jews?
Sterling: A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.
Stiviano: And is that right?
Sterling: It isn’t a question—we don’t evaluate what’s right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.
Whatta schmuck. In fact, Blacks are treated very well in Israel, which is WHY they left Ethiopia–where they were were persecuted for being Jewish–for Israel. Blacks are top Israeli diplomats all over the world, and a Black woman was recently Miss Israel. Sterling is a liar and a moron.
The gold-digging girlfriend later brings up the Holocaust and compares his racism to that, which is a little bit absurd. Sterling isn’t rounding anyone up to the ovens and turning them into lampshades.
Stiviano: It’s like saying, “Let’s just persecute and kill all of the Jews.”
Sterling: Oh, it’s the same thing, right?
Stiviano: Isn’t it wrong? Wasn’t it wrong then? With the Holocaust? And you’re Jewish, you understand discrimination.
Sterling: You’re a mental case, you’re really a mental case. The Holocaust, we’re comparing with—
Stiviano: Racism! Discrimination.
And, so, I have no tears for anyone in this story. All of them–the Sterlings and Stiviano–are horrible people. But it was a private conversation and nobody’s been harmed here, even though it’s obvious this guy is a racist. He has been for years, and Black civil rights groups continued to cash his absolution money checks, anyway. His NBA players will continue to show up for work and cash their multi-million dollar checks from their “plantation” mansions.
However, the NBA and the media have been largely silent and forgiving when Blacks in the NBA made anti-Semitic and racist comments, such as when Charlie Ward and Allan Houston of the New York Knicks publicly attacked Jews (not in a private phone conversation with a lover) in 2001, when Allen Iverson made a rap CD calling for the violent murder of gays and Black women, or when Charles Barkley attacked “f–king White people”–and he was using the f-word as an adjective not a verb (he seems to enjoy the verb version). Nothing happened to any of them. Ditto for when Black then-Detroit Tiger Delmon Young made anti-Semitic rants against a homeless man Young physically attacked in 2012. When Dennis Rodman, then an NBA player, attacked Mormons, he got a $50,000 fine, but there wasn’t much outrage over the public statements like there is over Sterling’s private racist conversation.
Why not?
Because public, deliberate Black bigotry against Whites, Jews, Mormons, and gays is okay. But a demented 81-year-old’s racism against Blacks in a private conversation isn’t.
Either way, Donald Tokowitz Sterling is a schmuck and a scumbag, who is an embarrassment.
He should have been an embarrassment to the Black civil rights groups and NBA players who regularly cashed his large checks.
But there are whores in all places, not just on Detroit’s Eight Mile Road.
Tags: Donald Sterling, Donald Sterling Anti-Israel, Donald Sterling anti-Semitic, Donald Sterling Israel, Donald Sterling Jewish, Donald Sterling self-hating Jew, Donald Tokowitz, V. Stiviano
Thank you, DS. I knew you would have the facts that no one else seems to be able to find.
You call the skank a girlfriend but don’t you think “ho” is more appropriate? What filth, the whole lot of them.
lexi on April 28, 2014 at 1:33 pm