April 7, 2014, - 8:51 am
US Vet Beaten by 3 Detroit Men Who Shouted Anti-US Army, Racist, Anti-Gay Slurs – Are They Muslim?
Are three men who beat a U.S. Army veteran and shouted anti-U.S. Army, racist, and homophobic slurs at him, Muslim? More, um, “workplace violence” in Michigan? Sure looks like it.

A U.S. Army veteran who served in Afghanistan was brutally beaten by three men at a gas station in the Detroit-area suburb of Westland on Thursday. They shouted anti-U.S. Army slurs at the man, as well as racist and homophobic insults. The men gave a hard time to the clerk at the gas station, and the veteran asked them to stop. When they followed him outside and saw U.S. Army and military insignia on his car, they shouted anti-U.S. Army slurs and also attacked the man, who is White, because they were upset that the U.S. Army allows Blacks to serve. The men were arrested after videotape of them was shown on Detroit’s NBC affiliate.
If you look at the photos, at least two of the men look like they are Arabs. And the Arabs who live in Westland, not far from Dearbornistan, are generally Muslim. It will be interesting to hear their names, once they are arraigned. I note, also, that the Detroit Free Press’ resident Muslim propagandist, Niraj Warikoo, who writes about religion and Islamic terrorists for whom he makes apologies and performs whitewashes, wrote the Free Pressistan’s “report” on the incident. But his story does not contain ANY information about the men shouting racist slurs at the Army veteran. As I’ve pointed out in the past, that’s the SOP in Warikoo’s, er, “reporting”–whitewashing people he believes might be Muslim. And it’s the only reason I can imagine why he’s even reporting on this story, as his beat, again, is “religion” and whitewashing Islam and Islamic terrorists. As I’ve repeatedly noted on this site and elsewhere for decades, Islam and Muslims are very racist and refer to Blacks as “abeed” (plural) and “abed” (singular), which means, “slave,” but is the Islamic and Arabic version of the N-word.
Here’s the real story:
Westland police are looking for three men who attacked an Army veteran Thursday morning outside a 7-Eleven. [DS: All three men have since been arrested.] Adam Wagner, 25, told Local 4 he had gone to the store on S. Venoy Road to buy cigarettes, but noticed three men giving the female clerk a hard time. He said he intervened and then walked out, but the three men followed. Wagner said the men shouted racial and homophobic slurs, referencing the U.S. Army and military insignias on his vehicle, before they began punching and kicking him.
“They were yelling at me for being part of the military that lets a bunch of ‘n-words’ run around in it,” Wagner said. “I took great offense to that because my best friend in the army was black.” Wagner served in Afghanistan as an infantryman in 2011.He said he initially tried to follow the men, but they turned around and starting beating on him again. “They got me to the ground and the first thing I said is cover my head,” Wagner said. “They got a bunch of punches in at the side of my head but the kicks were right to the face. It just kept going on and on, I didn’t know when it was going to stop.”
After the men fled, Wagner went to the closest home he could get to and asked for help. He’s now at home recovering. His nose is broken, his lip had to be stitched up and he can barely see out of his left eye because of how swollen it is. “It makes me real upset because I know what me and my brother went through,” Wagner said. “And it’s something that only less than one percent of this country have actually gone through in this world.”
His girlfriend can’t believe anyone would do this to an American hero. “It breaks my heart to even think about this six-foot-four tall man just laying on the ground in the fetal position getting his butt kicked,” Wagner’s girlfriend Angela Deguise said. “It’s sickening.”
Wagner says Westland EMT workers were rude and uncompassionate and didn’t even help him to the ambulance.
Despicable. Outrageous. And sadly, now, more and more typical.
May G-d help Adam Wagner and may he have a speedy and complete recovery. And may he sue the asses of all three of these bigoted thugs.
If they are, indeed, Muslim, it will just go to prove my point, yet again: that we wasted American lives over there in Iraq and Afghanistan, protecting and helping Muslims who hate us, while we do nothing over here to protect ourselves from Muslims who hate us and have invaded our own shores.
I respect and thank Mr. Wagner for his service to America and am disgusted at the way he was treated by these savages. And I mean no disrespect when I point out what you probably noticed in the video, which is that he has two kids with his girlfriend. I note this because in Michigan, a federal judge has just ruled Michigan’s voter-approved ban on gay marriage as unconstitutional. The media has been celebrating the new gay marriages that took place here. Our society now encourages men to marry men and women to marry women, but doesn’t encourage fathers of two kids to marry their girlfriends. That–and the savage beating of military veterans and White men by mobs in and around Detroit–is, sadly, the new America.
The new normal.
Tags: Adam Wagner
I am shocked, shocked, that anyone from the Religion of Peace would do such a thing. Must have been a Zionist who dressed up and posed as a Muslim, right?
Don’t expect any federal civil rights suits against the criminals. In fact, don’t expect the police to even care.
Jonathan E. Grant on April 7, 2014 at 9:18 am