March 20, 2014, - 5:30 pm

Amal Alamuddin: George Clooney’s Anti-Israel Druze Arab Chick; My Encounter w Her & Alamuddin Family – EXCLUSIVE

By Debbie Schlussel

Over the past few months, actor George Clooney’s been photographed all over the place with Amal Alamuddin, a very anti-Israel Lebanese Arab who worked for the United Nations and represented Wikileaks’ anti-American former chief, Julian Assange. The Lebanese legal book she authored is extremely anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian. Alamuddin, who was Clooney’s date to the Obama White House last month, is not Muslim. She’s Druze, which is an offshoot of Islam. I’m familiar with Ms. Alamuddin (pronounced “Ah-lah-muh-DEEN”) and her family because I met her and them at the wedding of her cousin in the mid-1990s. They are extremely anti-Israel, and I was subjected to their absurd, non-stop anti-Israel questions and comments as the only non-Arab (other than the bride and her family) at a dinner the night before the wedding.


Amal Alamuddin: George Clooney’s Anti-Israel Sharmutah

I went to law school with Alamuddin’s cousin (who has the same last name) and the cousin’s wife. I was friends with the cousin’s wife (who is not an Arab), and when they were dating in law school, I repeatedly heard from him about how he hated Israel and sided with the Palestinians and the P.L.O. Later, when I was invited to the the Alamuddin wedding, I was on the receiving end of more of that. As I noted, I was the only non-Arab at the pre-wedding dinner at Chicago’s now-defunct “Uncle Tonoose” restaurant. They all knew I was Jewish, and the conversations and questions directed at me were a mix of myself as both Jewish museum exhibit and target of anti-Israel questioning. Clooney’s future girlfriend was there, too, and she was in her late teens at the time (I was in my mid-20s).

The situation with the Alamuddin family was surreal, as I was asked repeatedly about “Jewish Europeans” “invading” Israel, er . . . “Palestine.”

That was funny, since at least a third of the Arabs at the table–the extended Alamuddin family and their friends–were blondes whose mothers were Swiss, Scandinavian, English, or of other European extraction. That’s especially true of those who were engaging in this cross-examination on alleged Jewish eugenics in Israel, er . . . “Palestine.” One of them, Nabil, was so blond he was what I would call “white blond,” and had bright green eyes. Many of these individuals lived in and were brought up in Europe in chalets, upper crust London flats, and at fancy boarding schools. They were more European than 75% of the citizens of Israel at the time–those who were kicked out of Arab countries and those who descended from families living in Israel for centuries. I was introduced to one of the guys at the table, an Alamuddin who was the first cousin of the groom and is also a cousin to Clooney’s latest moll. The guy was blond with blue eyes, as was his sister. I was told that this guy is a colonel in the Lebanese Air Force (such as Lebanon even has one of those). He and his sister grew up in Switzerland. But, yeah, let’s harp on the “evil European Jewish interlopers” in Israel. The irony–no, the utter hypocrisy–was thick.

The Alamuddin clan also asked me about alleged “racism” in Israel by Ashkenazic Jews (primarily Jews from Europe) against Sephardic Jews (primarily Jews from Arab countries, Africa, and Asia). I pointed out that, in fact, the reason there are so many Sephardic Jews in Israel is that they were treated a whole lot worse–expelled, and before that raped, murdered, and so on–by their “fellow” citizens in Arab nations. I also responded that they are treated a whole lot better in Israel (and nowadays, it’s really not much of a distinction at all anymore in Israel). Predictably, there was no response by the Alamuddins to how they and their countrymen, for instance, treated the Jews of Lebanon. If you need a refresher on this, check out my work on “What Happened to the Jews of Lebanon?” and learn about the deadly fate of Sephardic Jews like Ibrahim, Yehouda, and Yossef Benesti and Isaac Tarab and Haim Halala Cohen. Mr. Benesti’s “crime,” by the way, was handing out free candy from his store to children of all religions (including Muslims). Oh, and being a Jew. Needless to say, I held my own with this table of Jew-haters, whose disdain for and amusement with me, as the token “minstrel Jew” at the table, was quite apparent.

The Alamuddin family is a very wealthy, prominent Lebanese family that helped found Middle East Airlines and owned a good deal of Lebanon’s utilities. The family is also very prominent in the leadership of the Druze sect. The Alamuddin family patriarch, Sheikh Najib Alamuddin, became Chairman and CEO of Middle East Airlines in 1951, and he was very pro-Palestinian because a Palestinian-owned bank was a large investor in the airline. Alamuddin also blamed the 1967 Six Day War (and Israel’s impressive victory in it) for the near collapse of the airline. The Alamuddin wedding and reception I attended were so fancy and lavish, it looked to me like the festivities easily cost several hundred thousand dollars. All of it took place at Chicago’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Everyone there was “Sheikh” So-and-So or “Sheikha” So-and-So. It was like being at a Gulf State palace.

A little more about the Druze. Their religion is secretive, and they believe in the transmogrification of the soul. Their only similarities to Islam are the proscription against the consumption of pig products (which Muslims got from Judaism) and their observance of the two Muslim “eids” or festivals. Their bible is not the koran but the “Kitab Al Hikma” (Book of Wisdom). They are usually loyal to the country in which they live. One of my closest and most trusted friends is Druze and risked his life thousands of times to help Israel against the bad guys. Then, he did the same for America against the same bad guys. Whenever I’ve needed his help, he’s been there.

The Druze in Israel, for example, are very loyal to Israel and are allowed to serve in the Israeli Army. A Dr. Ruth Westheimer-narrated documentary, “The Olive and the Tree: The Secret Strength of the Druze,” about Israel’s Druze population (primarily in the Golan) is a great testament to Israel’s diversity and tolerance which is unmatched anywhere in the Middle East. (I could not find a link to the DVD for purchase, so the above link is to the companion book.)

However, the Druze in Lebanon, including the Alamuddins, are loyal to . . . ? Well, that depends. Sadly, the leader of the Druze in Lebanon, Walid Jumblatt, is something of a whore, and he’s all over the map. He’s gone back and forth from supporting Syria and Hezbollah, then the Christian-Sunni coalition opposing them in Lebanon. He cannot be trusted. Even though the Syrians murdered his father, Kamal Jumblatt, who was then the leader of Lebanon’s Druze, Walid Jumblatt had no problem allying with, aiding, and abetting the Syrians and their henchmen in Hezbollah. Some Druze are also active in the Syrian National Socialist Party, a terrorist group that set off car bombs and attacked Israel.

The Alamuddins have similar allegiances. But they are definitely very anti-Israel. As I learned in my own experience at the Alamuddin wedding.

And, so, I suppose it’s very fitting that far leftist, Obama superfan George Clooney would have a virulently anti-Israel Arab girlfriend.

I wonder if she gets satisfaction knowing that she’s just the latest sperm receptacle, er . . . concubine, slated for future disposal when he quickly gets sick of her and his Hollywood liberal elite Arabian Nights fantasy becomes boring. Just like all the others in the “George Clooney Harem Diaspora.”

Hmmm . . . maybe she should wear a Clooney slave bracelet. Just sayin’.

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388 Responses

Miles, seriously? Read more truths.

What a blog. Are you Debbie, planning to author a book by first practicing writing blogs? Well, if yes, I suppose your book will be full of sick rants. Very sorry you spend so much time trying to write up this article. But its so sad.

Arianna on May 7, 2014 at 10:20 pm

    Why sad?!

    Persiana on May 8, 2014 at 12:22 am

To Debbie! I just have one thing to say… You and the entire state of Israel are the biggest SHARMUTAHS!!!!!! You should be thankful to the European blood to be mixed with, that made you, the ugliest looking people in the world, look like a little less ugly. And you have some nerve commenting on the this lebanese family being mixed? Go look at yourself in the mirror first before you open your mouth, bint el Sharmutha.

NOVEL on May 11, 2014 at 3:22 am


    Zee on May 12, 2014 at 12:28 pm

    Truth hurts novel. Live with it.

    benoy on May 16, 2014 at 9:16 pm

    Well written Debbie,

    I am a Jew/Israeli who I was raised along side Druze in Israel. However, later in life I had the great misfortune (initially unknowingly) of being employed in Europe by an anti-semitic, anti-Israeli rich Druze family from Lebanon.

    I now know how right you are Debbie! They were the most racist, anti-semitic, anti-Israeli, sexist, immoral and money garbing Druze family that I have ever met in my life.

    Keep sharing the truth Debbie! May you be blessed for your wisdom, knowledge and courage! Anyone who referred to you as a Sharmoota in his/her reply, remind them that he/she is a Sahrmoota, ibn/bint sharmoota, ibn/bint sharmoota!

    Sorry but after dealing with enough arabs, muslims and all the other clowns who off shoot from Islam, I have had enough of their damaging presence in our world!

    Proud Jew/Israeli on September 27, 2014 at 8:39 pm


    We Jews are ugly?
    I suppose Jesus must have been ugly then.

    It’s thanks to antisemites like you that Jews returned to our ancestral homeland.

    Thank you.

    EgyptianJew on October 1, 2014 at 1:18 pm

      fuck the USA. fuck ISRAEL. fuck all nations.

      Fuck Religions.


      fuck everything on December 19, 2014 at 2:51 pm

    Wow, some Jews are a real Nazis, soo much HATE, just like Albert Einstein said on his quote:
    “It would be my greatest sadness to see Zionists do to Palestinian Arabs much of what Nazis did to Jews.”
    ? Albert Einstein
    Then please go and read ” the Balfour declaration 1917 ” please.
    Then read ” Palestinian mandate 1922 PDF” article 7..
    ( PDF not the wiki page): and it says:
    The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.
    And much much more and please if you are a good Jew please join w w w jewishvoiceforpeace . O r g

    Younes on October 10, 2014 at 12:00 am

    Wow, some Jews are a real Nazis, soo much HATE, just like Albert Einstein said on his quote:
    “It would be my greatest sadness to see Zionists do to Palestinian Arabs much of what Nazis did to Jews.”
    ? Albert Einstein
    Then please go and read ” the Balfour declaration 1917 ” please.
    Then read ” Palestinian mandate 1922 PDF” article 7..
    ( PDF not the wiki page): and it says:
    The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.
    And much much more and please if you are a good Jew please join w w w jewishvoiceforpeace . O r g

    Younes on October 10, 2014 at 12:01 am

I think you need to get over yourself Debbie! It’s not all about Debbie today!

cynder on May 12, 2014 at 5:03 pm

George can’t run away now. That would be an insult to her and the family. He isn’t just marrying her but the whole family and issues. He will get a culture shock.

jess on May 14, 2014 at 4:37 am

    Hes an absolute idiot to marry IT – disgusting. look around George, thanks for helping them propogate.

    leana on January 12, 2015 at 2:14 am

The editor or writer of this story fails to inform her readers that Amal might hate Jews but Jews also hate Arabs… Jews make jokes about Arabs that they are less smart… also, she called Arabs terrorists yet she fails to inform people that Israel is constently bombarding the Gaza strip and killing women and children everyday… Israel does never conforms to the U.N. resolutions and violates all kinds international law but no one can say or touch Israel about this… The U.S. Congress and banks are owned and ruled by Jews and the media can never speak about Israel because they are too owned by Jews.

Adam on May 14, 2014 at 7:43 am

    Adam,everything you just said is SO TRUE! I wish more people were more politically educated and knew more about the jews and all the harm they do to planet earth,israel shame on you!!!

    Balkan on May 26, 2014 at 4:13 pm

      Seriously? Educated? If only. Shame on you, you are nothing but a hate- monger, a pure, unapologetic racist and anti- Semite. Stop pretending it’s about Israel’s policies and go join the KKK or the neo-Nazis (that is– if you haven’t already). I’m sure you have protesting just as mightily the atrocities committed in Iran, Syria, the Ukraine, as you are Israel trying to stop an endless barrage of rocket fire from a militant group openly trying to destroy her. Of course you are- you are no doubt petitioning the UN to sanction North Korea, or maybe you will go fight on behalf of the Somalis? Oh no- of course not- it is Israel that is ruining the world… Like I said, if only we were all as “educated” as you.

      Talya on September 8, 2014 at 12:50 am

I grew up in Haifa where Druz are treated and behave the same way as every citizen in Israel. whether or not you support Israel, the truth is that our democracy allows Israeli Arabs and druz to be protected by the law. This can not be said about druz and Christians living in Arab countries. Thank you Debbie for spilling the beans.

A.Ross on May 14, 2014 at 3:52 pm


    Talya on September 8, 2014 at 12:51 am

I know many, many anti-zionist Jews who are welcome in my home any day. They are my brothers and sister. Then I know and know of far more Jews who are the most hateful, hated, despised and despicable people on earth. Debbie Schlussel is an example of those decrepit “people”. Most everyone hates those kind of Jews but don’t dare say it publicly. Those Jews will be their own downfall. They keep moaning and groaning about how they have been hated and discriminated again since the beginning of tgheir creation. Well, just consider this foul chick, Debbie, and Jewish Pam Geller, and all the other hatemongering Jews, and while you’re at it search “the truth about the Talmud. Be prepared for an explosive shock!

Jesse Colins on May 15, 2014 at 2:57 pm

Amost 90% of the media and celebrities in America are Jewish. They are constantly sending money and weapons to israel where they are killing the Palestinians with the latest guns, missiles, drones and aircraft. What do the Palestinians have? A few clapped out machine guns, hence the reason why they choose to attach bombs to themselves. You actually think as a Jew you are better. No. None of us are perfect but for once the Jews need to own up to their wrong doings.
As for the alamuddin familly, no one forced you to attend the wedding/ party. You could have left instead on insulting them. Not all muslims are olive skinned with dark hair. They are of every colour. Chinese, black, white.

Shabeena on May 15, 2014 at 6:32 pm

Amal Alamuddin is an accomplished young woman. Just Google her name to learn about her qualifications and accomplishments in respected media. To call her Sharmutah (whore) is outrageous. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Maliha on May 16, 2014 at 1:23 am

What are silly jealous slut Debbie is.

Hello on May 16, 2014 at 6:33 pm

I read this and thought it terribly amusing, yet sad. The writer seems to have the same traits of those she berates. It’s difficult to respect the person (or even take seriously) let alone the comments when they write use such intemperate language. That is the refuge of a person who is bitter and full of hate. She could have made a perfectly respectable argument had she not characterised an entire people in such negative terms and something just a tad more nuanced. She came across in exactly the same way as the people at the wedding. Oh, but wait. Some of her best friends are Druze. Yawn. Someone call a doctor. Ciao ciao – no, I’m not Italian so don’t start ranting about them. Much love.

Hatefulpeoplearesodull on May 18, 2014 at 1:45 pm

But isn’t george clooney. Jewish. He,s not worried why should anyone else

Brenda. Bentall on May 20, 2014 at 2:07 am

She is an opportunist, no disrespect intended as she seems like a nice girl. Don’t forget Clooney is also a seasoned one whose been round the Hollywood hole unscathed – He’ll go through waitresses and London educated lawyers like toilet roll 🙂

Muslim on May 22, 2014 at 9:41 pm

Woman spends her spare time trying to make herself look like a Shiksa while attacking people she knows nothing about.

Joey on May 25, 2014 at 6:51 pm


sarah.m on June 5, 2014 at 4:42 pm

It seems like you are a big J-Bitch, Debbie. And please, stop using big words that I believe you do not understand, curses in Arabic and you are ***, god knows where you come from. Please get rid of the hatred in your heart, I know it will be hard since you were RAISED that way.

Megan on June 5, 2014 at 5:53 pm

That is really sad that you have to resort to such elementary tactics in referring to a very accomplished, beautiful and classy woman.

Such ugly words coming from an ugly person.

Tracey on June 12, 2014 at 5:00 pm

Debbie, I do not know what Amal allamudin is about, and it is really not important.
however, after reading your blog, I could sense your frustration, your envious nature, and your fury towards another woman who is beautiful, seems classy, and well educated. By comparison, when I googled a real picture of you, I understood your raging jealousy!! It is hard to be as ugly physically and mentally, as you are. not fair. however, raging at Amal will not change your ugly face, it will not change your lack of charisma, and will not change the arrested development your brain seems to suffer, due to hatred of mankind and an inferiority complex….
my advice, go on a diet, try a face lift,(might work), see a shrink for the disorder known as narcissistic psychopathy. all of this might help.

mitch jones on June 20, 2014 at 12:07 am

I really do not understand a thing it is not your F—- business who is with whom
You do not know anything about the Durez to start with.

Jack on June 26, 2014 at 6:33 pm

Dear Debbie,

Your post made me physically ill…IS your middle name by any chance KKK?
Just because George picked someone else and not you, doesn’t give you any right to attack the character of soon to be Mrs Clooney. Or her family for that matter.

On another note, I am a half Muslim (from my father’s side ) and a half Jew (from my mother’s side) [ I know- the best combination EVER… ].. I would really appreciate if you could stop posting such a offensive blogs…you are damaging our already damaged reputation..

I lost my two uncles in German concentration camps and I am telling you now they did not die so that Israel can slaughter Palestinians like lambs, on daily basis. Its shameful and inhuman and we all know it! I cannot believe that the World is tolerating this Genocide!
Please stop playing a victim and pulling the anti-Jew card.

I am very proud of my heritage and deeply saddened by the fact that on both sides (Muslims as well as Jews) there are assholes and haters like you.
I wish I could put you all in one big room (an asylum really), lock you up and trow the key away..
Shame on you

Phoenix on July 10, 2014 at 10:59 am

    I concur. Plenty of hate on both sides, unfortunately. This particular “blogger” just seems to be interested in promoting that hate. Sad. Debbie must be one very unhappy woman.

    Adrianna on September 27, 2014 at 7:49 pm

    I totally agree!!!!

    jason on October 6, 2014 at 9:04 pm

Lol this ugly Zionist is upset that George Clooney would never be attracted to her. Lebanese women are the sexiest in the Middle East! Israelis are obviously the ugliest.

Benjamin on July 11, 2014 at 4:11 am

    Mostly ugly in their cold dark souls.

    Amelia on September 28, 2014 at 2:19 am

    Mostly ugly in their cold dark souls.

    Amelia on September 28, 2014 at 2:20 am

    Mostly ugly in their cold dark souls.

    Amelia on September 28, 2014 at 2:20 am

Dear Debbie,
Are you really so uneducated that you can’t see that the genocide that took place against the jews in Germany, is today being replicated against the Palastinians. A blind eye is being turned. If Obama were to speak out, we all know he would be killed (pres Kennedy).
The likes of you are trying to keep up the media momentum and control over the masses with stories of islamic terrorists. THE BIGGEST TERRORISTS IN THIS WORLD ARE ZIONIST ISRAILI.
In my opinion all religion Stinks!!
God bless you moderate jews total respect.

angela sharif on July 19, 2014 at 7:26 am

He’s seeking a baby incubator and she’s seeking fame (and fortune). In other words, a relationship made in the proverbial hell…as soon as the baby is born he will be in any country in which she’s not. Knowing this he probably has an iron-clad pre-nup.

Hilda on August 29, 2014 at 3:37 pm

Wow, you know everyone in her family! how impressive, you know, you met George Clooney’s fiancee in the mid-90s and are familiar with the family, and her cousin and bla bla bla, but yea, Clooney ended up choosing her and not you. Get over yourself, that’s the kind of childish behavior you exude non-stop.

Sari on August 31, 2014 at 3:21 pm

George shame on you! YOU ARE a traitor in the first degree! Your marriage to amal will not last and just as one said, you will trample that like toilet paper..your pissed off BAD, because stacy keibler broke it off with you, and your ego cant take it…now you want to get revenge in the public eye with a foreign enemy…get lost George. Your not that great an actor.

yesorno on September 9, 2014 at 11:24 pm

It’s amazing how jews cannot take any criticism from anyone. We have to see the endless parade of films out of zionwood about how evil hitler was, yet i haven’t seen ONE fucking film about stalin. jews started the naacp and hate-crime laws, you cuckold the white race with your stranglehold on the mass media and wonder why they hate your guts. You jews are unbelievable, how would you feel about a gentile controlled movie industry that slanted and shit on the image of jews CONSTANTLY?


joe really on September 26, 2014 at 3:55 pm

Good for her, hopefully she will transfer some of Clooney’s movie earnings to Palestine people and the government.

Mr. Akim on September 27, 2014 at 5:51 am

Hi Debbie,

I’d love for you to bend on your knees and look up to my eyes 🙂

Mr. Akim on September 27, 2014 at 5:52 am

What an unnecessary and bitter rant. And who gives you the right to bring her family into it too? I did not even bother to read the entire thing because the moment someone’s family is mentioned this way, whatever the argument is, to me, the conversation is over. Amal is an intelligent woman who is opinionated. What would you like her to do? Shop, drink and gossip 24/7? I think, she is a good role model compared to so many annoying and useless characters shoved down people’s throats as role models nowadays.
Besides, we all know what being “anti-Israel/America” means to people like you. No criticism whatsoever or you’re anti-this or anti-that. It is 2014. People have a right to express their views, especially if these views concern us, human beings and they are not extremist views. It does not mean that those criticise the actions of a government hate the country and its people. Pull the other one. People do not need your permission to express their views either, thank you very much and they sure do not deserve such horrible attitudes.

Sky on September 27, 2014 at 2:59 pm

    Awww, you no likey? Too bad & tough nuts for you. Truth hurts eh? What do you care anyway? Unless you have a vested interest in these libtard losers….

    cam on September 27, 2014 at 8:34 pm

    Sky, No one could have said it better than you did. I was so livid , when I saw this article, I barely knew what to say. I was speechless! I believe a picture is worth a thousand words, and Deb’s photo makes her look like an arrogant , smarmy “know it all”. It’s so pathetic , how some bloggers think they have all the answers, and have to spew hate to get noticed. I feel exactly as you do , it’s shocking how anyone could say these unnecessary things.

    Amelia on September 28, 2014 at 2:12 am

Sounds like a business deal to me and not a marriage. Interesting how Clooney swore for years he was “off” marriage forever and NO kids, and after less than one year of knowing this woman, he’s hitched, and right on the heels of all his Obama-pandering liberal loud-mouthed antics. And this chick was the lawyer for Julian Assange, worked for the United Nations in an all out vengeance against Israel campaign???

cam on September 27, 2014 at 7:57 pm

No one is “infallible”. Even God himself became angry with his chosen people when they were in the wrong…the battle has been ongoing for thousands of years. I think the world is weary of the nonsense.

Adrianna on September 27, 2014 at 7:58 pm

    Yeah, besides carpets, the Arabs only technology contribution is the recording of people s beheading. They keep their children as far as possible from education. It is a civilization of ignorant people. What else can you expect from kids which only training is killing and torturing even their own people. Their prophet is a prophet of chaos and ignorance. Brainwashed hopeless people who do not contribute at all to humanity.

    Lucy on October 30, 2014 at 10:01 pm

Deb you are a loser
sour grapes what is wrong with you

lisa on September 27, 2014 at 9:29 pm

What a lying cunt you r. This article is a joke just like you prob r.

Yugesh on September 27, 2014 at 9:43 pm

I can’t believe this childish rant about a beautiful, educated woman. I am happy for George Clooney, for marrying an accomplished , intelligent ,mature woman. Can’t say much for the writer of this nonsense though.

The media loved it, when George was with a bimbo. yet hates it when he’s with a woman of high intelligence. This is a very sad statement from a blogger. It tells a lot about this person.

Amelia on September 28, 2014 at 1:56 am

What a vile woman you are Debbie. Hideous in fact. You are a racist and a bigot plain and simple. People like you wish to lie your way through life, in order to hold on to the misguided belief that Israel is somehow the victim of the very people they have ethnically cleansed and continue to oppress and massacre. Shame on you!

Ali on September 28, 2014 at 10:40 am

Keep up the good work. George Clueless and Alah’sMujahadeen are creatures of the lowest caliber, and thank G-d that you have the courage to tell the truth about them.

112_JTF on September 28, 2014 at 6:18 pm

Deb, it’s good to know the true character of this woman.
In the 21st century it’s an excusable to still persist with the antisemitism. Besides, the way her family behaved towards you at that wedding was totally inappropriate and rude! She should have gone to learn some manners instead of law. Keep spreading the word!!

mama Roma on September 28, 2014 at 6:28 pm

Mr Akim- fuck off, you prick!

Katy Perry on September 28, 2014 at 6:33 pm

This is very interesting but to be honest with you I never met an Arab that liked Jews or Israel,, everyone I met dislike Jewish people.. Also Clooneys first wife in 1989 was Jewish.

Jen on September 28, 2014 at 8:19 pm

debbie .. when i need the utter bare bones of a story i can
always get it from you. i think you are super cool & brave to boot.
myself, i think this woman is a dog..clerked for sotamayor eh ?
clooney makes me barf. this looks like a marraige for the
trendiness of it. like i said, i wouldn’t care if clooney
married a friggin’ piano ..

bob e on September 29, 2014 at 9:30 am

Why is the author here crying about how 1 person doesn’t like Jews or Israel? Israel owns the US Armies, Media and Money of the world – who cares if she is anti-Israel.

It’s like a King complaining that a semi-sophisticated merchant is not pleased with the tax structure of the King…

As for George Clooney – Like him or hate him, I think his career is about as over as Mel Gibson’s career…Hollywood gave Clooney an inside into OUR domain. Period. That was his beginning and now we may obstruct him from getting any more leading roles in Hollywood…time to learn some Arab, Clooney. Nothing wrong with that…

Israel 4 Ever on September 29, 2014 at 5:48 pm

Amal Alamuddin is not “extremely anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian”. It would however be good if she was. It would make a change from the “extremely anti-Palestinian and pro-Israeli” mob who run Hollywood.

Incidentally Amal is a Lebanese Druze, she is not an Arab.

John Cox on September 29, 2014 at 8:22 pm


I am a Jew who was forced to flee an Arab country.

Thank you for the great article.
You are a mensch.

EgyptianJew on October 1, 2014 at 1:20 pm

excellent publish, very informative. I ponder why
the other experts of this sector do not realize this.
You should continue your writing. I am sure, you have a great readers’ base already! on October 3, 2014 at 9:14 am

i think she is very pretty and made the right choice to marry George clooney

nicky anaconda on October 5, 2014 at 7:41 am

Jeje, you stupid morons, Muslims hate Jewish, Christians, women, civilized world, technology and more. They want the whole world to live in tents and wear sandals. A race or religion that treats women like they do, do not deserve any respect, ignorant pieces of crap that sell their little daughters to old guys. They should be working on educate themselves and get out of the medieval way of living and thinking. They are cowards that don’t fight face to face like men. For god sake, it is 2014 and these bastards still believe that some virgins are waiting for them in heaven? Humans beings are suppose to grow and improve and no to “crecer hacia abajo, como la cola de las vacas” like my grandmother used to say referring to ignorant people which desire is to keep being ignorant. I am from South America and was not very aware of this matter until I came to live here, and as an outsider I can tell you, this world can survive and overcome the Englishmen stealing natural resources from entire continents, this world can survive and overcome USA putting up and down dictators everywhere in the world to pursue economic interest, this world can overcome poverty and social differences and I can tell you that this world would be much better without wannabe martyrs Muslims and liberal progressives (or should I say comunists) mother f…ers like handsome Clooney. Excuse my English, I am still learning.

Lucy on October 5, 2014 at 10:55 pm

    Muslims were the ones who introduced technology in the first place to your cowardly Spaniard rapist fathers, and spanish has many arabic words/influences too.

    Aty on October 10, 2014 at 6:42 am

      Who cares about their technological contributions when they slaughter their own people and treat women like dogs. The whole world has embrace arabs as citizens in many countries with the only purpose to turn them into civilized persons and what do they do? stub you in the back, cast the first stone and then cry the blues. Hypocrites, that’s what they are. They talk loud of their faith and loyalty to their prophet teachings but deep inside they all dream of raping western girls. Fucked up people.

      Lucy on October 30, 2014 at 11:35 pm

Hopefully, part of this information is “true” and, perhaps, I may know why many Hollywood figures did not attend the Clooney wedding – many of them are Jewish.

Lucy36 on October 24, 2014 at 2:44 pm

Well well well typical Jewish woman calling a Lebanese woman a sharmoota, just so you know not everyone in the world is siding with children murderers!!!!!
All you do is kill Palestinians, long live Hezbollah who defeated you in Lebanon and Iran will never let u win the war, you see America and other sides of the world are supporting you with your weapons, but you are still losing every time. We are winning because of God, so before you voice your filthy comments, you don’t have the class or beauty she has! Jealousy is a curse. Get out of all the Islamic countries, Israel never existed in the world map history, Britain gave you guys the right to invade SOMEONE ELSES COUNTRY!!! And you have done NOTHING BUT KILLED INNOCENT.

Hiam on December 18, 2014 at 4:24 pm

They are not anti anything but pro humanity

Israel is a terror state that has imprisoned atleast 8000 children under the age of 10

They have killed civilians in their home knowingly killing children here is your proof strait from an idf soilder him self

Heena on January 13, 2015 at 12:54 am

Thank you for exposing the Truth. He married her. Very poor choice and stupid move for an actor in Jewish run Hollywood. It is one thing to be proud of the woman you married but quite another to parade her everywhere as being superior to not only his other girlfriends, but to actors in general ; this, even though he, himself is an actor.
He had to know her anti Jewish background would be brought to light
Clooney may really believe that he has a shot as a politician. In which case his choice of marriage to a Muslim, foreigner was either an indication of low intelligence or insanity .
George Clooney is out of touch with Americans or possibly anti American. At the very least, insensitive to Jews. Yet he wants to run for office. Good Lord, he really is just another dumb actor.

Cheryl on January 17, 2015 at 11:09 am

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