February 20, 2014, - 1:47 pm
DISGUSTING Video: Prince Charles of Arabia – Dances w Muslim Sword to Jihadi Chant; Still Refuses Official Israel Trip
It’s official: Prince Charles supports the end of the West. The British Royal, in full Muslim regalia, waved a Muslim jihadi sword while dancing among Saudi Arabian Muslims during a jihadi song, while on his three day trip to the Middle East that, as always, does NOT include Israel.

It’s disgusting that this British welfare queen is dancing with the swords that represent the Muslim hopes to turn all non-Muslim lands into Muslim lands through the sword a/k/a “Dar Al-Harb” (no need for that in Great Britain since it’s basically almost at the Dar Al-Islam–Islamic land–point of critical mass). He’s dancing with the swords that stand for the beheadings of Westerners and all perceived “enemies” of Islam. The Muslims are laughing at this costumed Royal fool. Britain should be crying.
As I’ve pointed out many times on this site, Prince Charles lectured America on Islam and vowed to be Islam’s “ambassador” to the West to make us more “understanding” of these fabulously peaceful, modern people. As I’ve also noted, Charles also is extremely anti-Israel and has never in his many decades in life visited Israel on an official visit. Even when he attended a funeral of an Israeli leader–his only time in the country–he made sure that the world knew it was NOT an official visit because, G-d forbid, the British Royals should acknowledge Israel’s existence.
Don’t forget–by the way–that this is the same Royal whack job who told his then-mistress Camilla that he wished he were her tampon inside of her trousers.
You’re a classy dude, habibi. Al-Amir [Prince] Al-Dumbass.
Which Prince Charles Costume is More Suited to the Royal Welfare Case? . . .

Tags: Prince Charles, Prince Charles anti-Israel, Prince Charles Israel, Prince Charles Jihadi chant, Prince Charles jihadi song, Prince Charles Jihadi Sword, Prince Charles of Arabia, Prince Charles Qatar, Prince Charles Saudi Arabia
This video dwarfs the baba wawa ome in disgustingness.
skzion on February 20, 2014 at 2:24 pm