December 4, 2013, - 3:16 pm
UPDATED – EXCLUSIVE: Obama Kept Family of Murdered Soldier in Dark That Muslim Murderers Were in US, Got Citizenship
The family of murdered Pennsylvania National Guard officer Gennaro “Jerry” Pellegrini, Jr. is outraged that the Obama Administration and its Justice Department kept them in the dark about the fact that their son/brother’s Iraqi Muslim killer was not only given U.S. citizenship but that they were not notified when the government indicted him. Dana Shearon, Army Spc. Pellegrini’s sister, contacted and spoke exclusively with, as Mrs. Shearon’s husband is a regular reader of this site.
Gennaro Pellegrini at Home and In Iraq . . .

As longtime readers may recall, back in June 2011, we first wrote about Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, the Iraqi Muslim terrorists who were granted entry into the United States and then granted citizenship, despite the fact that the United States had already caught them, years earlier, and they admitted at that time that they were involved in terrorist attacks against Americans on behalf of Al-Qaeda. But they were not only let go, they were allowed into the United States as “refugees” who successfully sought asylum in America. The U.S. government had even taken their fingerprints, at least one of which matched a fingerprint on an IED–the IED they used to murder Jerry Pellegrini, but this information was never checked until later on when Alwan and Hammadi, living in Bowling Green, Kentucky (one of them in public housing), attempted to help Al-Qaeda murder more Americans. The FBI was involved in the investigation and the two were indicted.
Dana Shearon, in e-mails and telephone conversations, told that no one from either the Obama Administration’s Justice Department or from the FBI ever contacted her, her father or anyone else in Pfc. Pellegrini’s family to inform them that her brother’s killers were allowed into America, that they had been given U.S. citizenship, or that they were caught trying to help Al-Qaeda from their new tax-subsidized homes in Kentucky. The Pellegrini Family was never invited to attend the trial or speak as victims about the impact their dear brother/son’s murder has had on them. Instead, they learned about the indictment from and the conviction from ABC News. You would think that given that their brother and son made the ultimate sacrifice in service to America, contacting and informing them about this is the least the Obama Administration could do. But Obama and his minions, while usually only doing the least, didn’t even do that in this case. The Pellegrinis still have yet to hear from anyone in the FBI or the Justice Administration.
The Islamic Schmucks Who Murdered Jerry Pellegrini . . .

Waad Alwan & Mohanad Hammadi: Al Qaeda Terrorists Who Murdered Jerry Pellegrini & Were Given U.S. Citizenship By Obama Even After We Caught Them
And in connection with the story, I told you, back in July 2011, that the U.S. government finally discovered America and realized it hadn’t properly screened any of the 58,000 immigrants it let into the U.S. from Iraq and to whom it gave citizenship, like Alwan and Hammadi, and the government scrambled to find and re-screen them all (do you believe they actually did? I don’t).
Two weeks ago, ABC’s Brian Ross and Matt Drudge finally caught on to this story you read about on this site, nearly 2.5 years ago, and Ross noted that the U.S. government began re-checking (or rather, checking for the first time) the tens of thousands of Iraqi “refugees” we allowed into the U.S. and to whom we gave citizenship. But, as I noted back in 2011 when I first wrote about this, Alwan and Hammadi highlight what already is a massive problem with our immigration system–which will be amplified geometrically tens of thousands of times cubed under amnesty.
Currently, the U.S. government spends less than six minutes checking each immigrant seeking citizenship. And that doesn’t even account for the bathroom and smoking breaks the immigration benefits adjudicators (who “check”–very quickly–the backgrounds and essentially rubber stamp most citizenship applications) at Homeland Security’s Citizenship and Immigration Services take, which means the time spent check these immigrants is even less. Alwan and Hammadi are not the only ones who slipped through the giant sieve that is the system, despite what Brian Ross reported on ABC News. There many Islamic terrorists like them in our midst who’ve gotten through and are now citizens because we barely check them out and even if we did, the immigration applicants can make up any name and say they are whoever they want to say they are. We have no way of proving otherwise. I’ve written about Mr. X a/k/a Noureddine Malki a/k/a Almaliki Nour a/k/a Abu Hakim a/k/a Abdulhakeem Nour, a Muslim translator for the U.S. military, who was also an Al-Qaeda operative who got U.S. citizenship. We still don’t know his real name and who he really is (he gave a false name). And he gave Al-Qaeda our troops movements and plans, allowing the terrorist group to kill many Americans in Iraq.
Dana Shearon, Jerry Pellegrini’s sister, is disgusted by this whole thing because they had Alwan and Hammadi in Iraq, and, yet, America released them. They had their fingerprints, and yet America allowed them into the country. That America allowed the Muslim terrorists who murdered her brother into the country and gave them citizenship and public housing is insult on top of injury with regard to the murder of her brother. “How does this happen?!” she asked in a telephone conversation we had this week. Mrs. Shearon says that she is worried for her son, who is currently a U.S. Marine. She says he can even be attacked on U.S. soil because Islamic terrorists, like her brother’s killers, are allowed into the U.S. without much of a cursory check. The men who murdered her brother were only caught on American soil after they initiated plans to help Al-Qaeda again. And we were lucky that plot was intercepted.
Moreover, Mrs. Shearon worked for a U.S. contractor that does the fingerprinting of immigration applicants. “I don’t understand how they had these guys in custody over there and how they had their fingerprints from the IED that killed my brother, and yet they get to come to the U.S. and live free in public housing without anyone checking who these guys are. How does this happen?!” And, again, she asks why her dear father, Jerry Pellegrini’s only living parent has never heard anything about his son’s murderers, except through what she tells him about reports she’s read online. Where is the Obama Administration on this? No common courtesy for relatives of those who gave their lives for America. Just crickets chirping . . . . If the Pellegrinis were Muslim, perhaps Obama would be right over and bowing down to them or inviting them to Ramadan dinners at the White House.
Jerry Pellegrini, may he rest in peace, sounds like he was a really terrific guy–the kind you used to see in the movies but rarely get the chance to meet in real life anymore. He was a real American hero and a complete mensch. When he died at age 31 in Bayji, Iraq, he had just begun his winning career as a professional Welterweight boxer and was a Philadelphia police officer, just like his retired father (he even took his father’s badge number). He was a Golden Gloves star and was known as “One Punch Jerry” by the Philadelphia police because he once knocked out a violent suspect with one punch. Despite the way Muslims ultimately treated him, he collected hundreds of pairs of flip-flops from American schoolchildren to donate to Iraqi kids. This guy was one of the good guys. “There’s a kid that never gave up,” said Frank Talent, of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission, who watched Pellegrini, an amateur welterweight, win his first professional fight . . . . “He had heart to the end.”
How disgusting it is the way America has treated his family in response, while it treated his murderers with kid gloves.
More from Dana Shearon, Jerry Pellegrini’s sister:
From: DANA
Date: Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 10:43 PM
Subject: Sister to murdered National Guardsman Gennaro Pellegrini
To: writedebbie@gmail.comDear Ms. Schlussel,
My name is Dana Shearon. My brother Gennaro (Jerry) Pellegrini was a soldier in the Pennsylvania National Guard and was killed in action in Bayji, Iraq on August 9, 2005. My husband is a reader of your website, and when he told me about you I thought you would understand how I was feeling.
My family and I just learned today from an ABC News article and from a past article on that our government had brought Jerry’s killers here to the United States as refugees in 2009 even after one was captured in Iraq in 2006 where he admitted to be an “insurgent”. We did learn about the FBI’s findings the same way we learned about this article and that was by seeing and reading it. No one has ever contacted us.
Neither I nor any member of our family were notified at any time by any agency of the United States that my brothers killers were (1) apprehended, (2) were in the United States, (3) were on trial and (4) were convicted.
Our mother passed away in 2008 after fighting cancer for a second time. I truly believe that the cancer which was in remission came back due to the stress she incurred at the loss of her youngest child and only son. Both my and my family’s lives were and will always be horribly affected by the loss of Jerry and now we have to cope with the fact that Jerry’s killers were brought to the U.S. and allowed to plot further acts of terrorism with the assistance of this administration. I truly feel violated once again.
I’m going to contact my Representatives in Washington, DC and express my outrage at the emotional duress my family and I are forced to endure due to this administration’s negligence, ineptitude and total disregard for the safety and security of our country.
I do want to thank the various law enforcement agencies who discovered these terrorists and tied them to the murder of my brother. I know from personal experience that these and most agents and officers have to constantly battle with the political appointees in Washington in order to protect us from the vile human beings and policies Mr. Obama and his appointees have thrust upon them and the citizens they should be taking care of.
Please feel free to contact me should you want to investigate this further.
Dana (Pellegrini) Shearon
May Jerry Pellegrini rest in peace. And may the Islamic terrorists who murdered him–and the Obama U.S. government officials who let them in and kept the whole set of incidents a secret from the Pellegrini family–rot in hell.
**** UPDATE, 12/05/13: I received this e-mail from Kelly, who worked with Gennaro Pellegrini in the Philadelphia Police Department.
From: Kelly
Date: Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 8:34 PM
Subject: Jerry Pellegrini
To: writedebbie@gmail.comThank you so much for writing this article..I was a coworker and friend of Jerry and my son was born the day he died…so I have so many reminders of that day…I dont know how something like this can happen in the place we call home…what happen to our great America that I used to be so proud of..Jerry was one hell of a guy and all the things you wrote were so very true..I was the police officer who helped him collect the flip flops for the Iraq children…he made me so proud how he help over there…just wanted to thank you for writing this story. Although it broke my heart…
Former Phila Police Officer
Tags: boxers, boxing, Dana Shearon, Frank Talent, Gennaro "Jerry" Pellegrini, Gennaro Pellegrini, Immigration, Iraq, Islam, Islamic immigrants, Islamic immigration, Jerry Pellegrini, Jihad, Mohanad Hammadi, Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, Muslim immigrants, Muslim immigration, One Punch Gerry, One Punch Jerry, Waad Alwan, Waad Ramadan Alwan, War in Iraq
@Darrell L.Hicks
Well mister I am comming for you soon.December 17 at 11:31.Feel the fear…
friendly 999 reaper on December 4, 2013 at 3:28 pm