October 3, 2013, - 5:07 pm
Bosnian Immigrant Does Bomb Threat @ Jacksonville Airport; Joint Terrorism Task Force Investigating
Zeljko Causevic is Exhibit A of the wonderful immigrants that Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, and the other establishment Republicans tell us should be made into instant U.S. citizens through amnesty. Causevic, an immigrant from Bosnia, became a naturalized U.S. citizen. And, now, he’s behind bars, after making a bomb threat at the Jacksonville’s airport. And the way it happened certainly makes it look like he was trying to perpetrate a “dry run” or testing the system. There’s a reason the Joint Terrorism Task Force is investigating this.

Neighbors of a man accused of making a fake bomb threat at Florida’s Jacksonville International Airport said he lived a quiet life with his wife and children and they were shocked to see him under arrest.
Zeljko Causevic remained jailed Thursday on $1 million bail on charges that he falsely told a security screener he had a bomb in his backpack as he tried to enter the airport’s passenger area Tuesday night. That caused a five-hour closure at the airport, the cancellation of dozens of flights and the stranding of passengers overnight. The 39-year-old truck driver’s backpack only contained an electronic scale, two batteries and a microchip, authorities said. . . .
Authorities and a witness say Causevic, a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Bosnia, tried to bypass the airport’s security checkpoint and then a Transportation Security Agency agent stopped him. According to a Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office arrest report, Causevic told the agent he had a device in his backpack that was “supposed to be a bomb, but it’s not.” He also told authorities he had a “detonator,” which was a remote control device.
Catherine Swan-Clark, who is seven months pregnant, was waiting to get a pat-down when she saw security agents gather around a man she believed to be Causevic. “So you’re telling me you have a bomb?” Swan-Clark heard a TSA agent ask him. “And he responded yes, ‘I have a bomb.’”
Causevic remained silent during his brief hearing before Duval County Court Judge Russell Healey on charges of making a false report about planting a bomb and possessing a hoax bomb. It was unclear whether Causevic was getting onto a flight, and authorities have not released a motive. The Joint Terrorism Task Force interviewed Causevic and the FBI, airport police and the Jacksonville sheriff’s office were investigating. . . .
Swan-Clark, of Atlanta, said she was waiting for a female TSA agent to let her through a gate for screening when the suspect came up next to her. He tried to make his way through but the TSA agent stopped him. “Excuse me sir, you have to go back,” Swan-Clark, 34, said the agent told him. . . . “He was calm the whole time,” she said. The man left and then tried to enter through another security lane, where an older body scanner was located. But he was again stopped.
As Swan-Clark was being screened, she saw more TSA agents gather around him and then heard him say he had a bomb. At that point, a call went out to stop all screening and for passengers to evacuate. Swan-Clark was stuck in the screening area and unable to leave. She watched agents handcuff the suspect before being given her bags and being allowed to leave.
There are plenty of Zeljko Causevics in our midst because we allow them to come to our country, and we grant them citizenship without doing more than five minutes of background checks.
Expect that to multiply exponentially if and when amnesty is enacted for over 20 million alien invaders in our midst.
Tags: Bomb Threats, Bosnia, Bosnians, Dry Runs, Immigration, Islam, Joint Terrorism Task Force, Zeljko Causevic
Usually family men don’t do things like this.
But there going to be exceptions to the rule when it comes to Islamic terrorists.
We’ll never know what made him decide to issue a bomb threat in the airport.
NormanF on October 3, 2013 at 5:54 pm