May 22, 2013, - 3:51 pm
London Muslims Hack, Behead UK Soldier to Death, Shout “Allahu Akbar,” Asked Passersby to Film It – Bleeping Animals
Nothing unique about London’s Muslims that keeps American Muslims from doing this same savage attack here and hacking to death our soldiers. Heck, Nidal Malik Hasan anyone? Absolutely horrific, and all because the man was a non-Muslim wearing a “Help for Heroes” t-shirt. Uh-huh, more “workplace violence.” Absolutely savage and absolutely Islam. Remember:
THIS. IS. ISLAM. . . .

A dramatic video tonight emerged of a man with bloodied hands, carrying knives and ranting ‘We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you’, after a serving soldier was hacked to death by two men just 200 yards from an Army barracks. The man can be seen and heard talking to the camera. The video came as terrified eyewitnesses saw two men shot by police marksmen after the machete attack in Woolwich, south-east London.
The two men are thought to have waited around for 20 minutes until Metropolitan Police officers arrived and then tried to attack them – but were swiftly shot by armed policemen, including a woman.They apparently shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’, which means ‘God is great’ in Arabic [DS: NO, it means “(our) god is greater (than yours)”], and tried to film the attack, the BBC’s political editor Nick Robinson said.
Theresa May tonight called a meeting of the Government’s emergency Cobra committee in response to the machete and knife attack on the man who was wearing a Help for Heroes t-shirt. The Home Secretary said she had been briefed on the killing by the head of MI5 and police later confirmed they were treating the incident as a possible terror attack.
“Possible”? These are savages, and they all have one thing in common: the love for Mohammed and allah.
Before the dramatic video of the bloodied man was obtained by ITV News, eyewitnesses said the ‘crazed’ men in their 20s launched a ferocious attack and were ‘hacking, chopping and cutting him.’
More (and note that onlookers did NOTHING to stop them — NOTHING to stop vicious jihadist savaging of an innocent man):
Two attackers armed with meat cleavers filmed their deadly assault on a man in London, according to Sky sources. A man reported to be a serving soldier died and the two attackers were then shot by the police following the terrorist attack in Woolwich. Senior Whitehall sources said the two attackers, who are in hospital, asked passers-by to film them, and they shouted “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is great).
In footage that has emerged, one of the attackers wields a bloodied meat cleaver and says: “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you.” The black man, dressed in a grey hooded jacket and black woolly hat, apologises to members of the public who witnessed the horrific scenes before making a number of political statements.
In the footage, he is heard to say: “We must fight them as they fight us. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I apologise that women have had to witness this today, but in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don’t care about you.
Witnesses also described seeing the “crazed” Woolwich attackers “hacking” at their victim and posing for pictures before charging at police wielding meat cleavers. One onlooker, identified as James, said he saw two black men chopping at a man in his 20s like he was “a piece of meat. They were hacking at this poor guy, literally. They were hacking at him, chopping him, cutting him,” he told LBC.
Say a prayer for this innocent soldier who met a tragic, brutal end at the hands of jihadists. And say a prayer for his family, who are the latest victims of Islam.
Tags: Allahu Akbar, Cobra committee, Drummer Lee Rigby, Help for Heroes, Help for Heroes t-shirt, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Jihad, Lee Rigby, London, Theresa May, United Kingdom, Woolwich, Woolwich attack, Woolwich jihad, Woolwich jihadists, Woolwich terrorists
Its taqiyyah – do you really expect Muslim apologists to say amything else? Islam after all, is the Religion Of Peace and is pure driven as the snow.
There is no such thing as Islamic terrorism, period.
NormanF on May 23, 2013 at 11:52 am