April 19, 2013, - 4:16 pm

Photo #2 of the Day: Halal Shishkabob w/ Tsarnaev Special Sauce

By Debbie Schlussel

**** UPDATE: Apparently, the photo is confirmed real. Hospital now in denial mode ‘cuz it’s under fire for disrespectin’ the (not so) hot bod of a dead holy jihadist, jus’ like I predicted. ****

I am not sure if the Official Rules of Political Correctness allow me–anymore–to use a negative word for a child born out of wedlock, since those same rules also don’t allow me to point out that the Boston Marathon terrorists represent the C (Islamic Crescent) in the “Co-Exist” bumper sticker which was on one of their cars, but in any event, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Rot. In. Hell. Bastard.

photooftheday copy

WARNING: GRAPHIC. And I cannot verify whether or not this is the real deal, but it sure looks like it . . .


“Talent” on Loan From allah – Loan Now Expired

By the way, if this photo is real, whoever took it should hope they don’t get caught because the photographer will be treated like “the real terrorist” for not showing the utmost respect to this Muslim jihadist scumbag who murdered or maimed over 100 Americans.

Have fun with the 72 non-existent re-virginized, Habibi.

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68 Responses

I just hope that the first round or the first piece of shrapnel to enter his body didn’t kill him.

Mark F on April 19, 2013 at 4:20 pm

    I heard his “bro” had to drive over him after he was extiguished.


    As goes Israel, so goes the World... on April 19, 2013 at 5:06 pm

The answers lie in Braintee, MA at that Whitey Bulger warehouse, home to goods smuggled to Chechnya in 2000-2001, we thought it was stuff like night vision goggles, but also was blueprints. It pains me to say this again,but the FBI have only themselves to blame for this entire Boston mess, especially the current Director who has this time REALLY REALLY earned his Sacramento monikker “Mr. Keep A Lid on It”. The jihad in Boston is to be laid squarely at his feet. The BOSTOn and WASHINGTON DC files are REPLETE with the entire nexus of Chechnia/Bosnia and the BOSTON MB at the time of 9/11, we just never did follow up the Chechnya angle, couldn’t figure out anything more than they were recipients of smuggled hi tech war stuff. This doesn’t surprise me. The Karzai link to Geneva, Switzerland to Wall Street, thence to Afganistan. Now go do something with this, the FBI deserves the incompetent mess they have unleashed on decent Americans, and that is why I could careless to bring my brain and research to the table anymore. Well, except here, now and then.

Famous But Incompetent on April 19, 2013 at 4:25 pm

Do not bury this thing for at least a month.

jake49 on April 19, 2013 at 4:26 pm

The Karzai link – means Karzai’s brother had stuff in that Braintree warehouse as well. Listen this is all well known in investigative circles in Boston, but smoking 11 years of Afhgani opium along with the income that produced has dulled the memory of all those so very brave Bostonian and Washingtonian and Arkansonian and Texan AND Chicogoan “Americans” who went to the “ends of the earth” to bring justice for 9/11 (by lining their filthy pockets with blood money). And, by specifically shutting down productive investigations again and again and again. Ad nauseam.

Famous But Incompetent on April 19, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Yep, rot in hell, Mooooslim, pig bastard! All redundant!

Skunky on April 19, 2013 at 4:36 pm

So now that it is indisputable that it was Muslims, the new spin of the press is to quote all their relatives, that they don’t see how he could have done this, blah, blah, blah.

This serves a twofold purpose: first, a prelude to blaming all of us for his actions, and second, turning attention away from what the press should be doing, that is, exploring his links with the rest of the Muslim community, mosques, imams, etc., rounding up this whole web of people, and sending them to camps.

Little Al on April 19, 2013 at 4:43 pm

    Little A1, amazingly, a relative of Tsarnaev, and I think it was his father, suggested that America should be blamed because they spent most of their lives in America. Like the “values” that children are taught from the very beginning don’t matter and don’t form “character.” Riiiiiight.

    Ralph Adamo on April 19, 2013 at 4:58 pm

    It didn’t take long for the obligatory picture of the terrorists when he was a cute crumb-cruncher. Ah, look how cute he was? I guess they couldn’t find one of the happily dead older brother?

    JeffT on April 19, 2013 at 6:30 pm

Those apology emails and tweets from Muslims who called Debbie racist/islamophobic must be pouring in right about now.

Bomb on April 19, 2013 at 4:44 pm

“Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Rot. In. Hell. Bastard.”


JeffE on April 19, 2013 at 4:45 pm

May his brother join him in due course.

Worry01 on April 19, 2013 at 4:57 pm

Sexy pic of this cock sucker. I bet he is real disappointed to find out that his 72 virgins are actually demons.

RT on April 19, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    If he doesn’t watch it he’s going to give all the girls bad ideas.

    David Lanham on April 20, 2013 at 12:17 am

My sole disappointment is he wasn’t fried crisp beyond all recognition. But I guess we’ll have to settle for this schmuck going to Hell!

NormanF on April 19, 2013 at 5:08 pm

    He would make a good meal for a kennel of dogs, if he could be kept fresh long enough.

    Worry01 on April 20, 2013 at 9:25 am

They should chop him into little pieces and spread the pieces around a few pig troughs.

Jeff on April 19, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    I acknowledge and approve of your sentiment Jeff.

    Worry01 on April 20, 2013 at 9:28 am

I doubt this is him, due to the wound in his side, and the fact that his face is bruised(bruising does not occur after death).

Jonathan E. Grant on April 19, 2013 at 5:13 pm

    Of course it’s him…his brother ran him over to escape the police. The face bruising could easily be from blunt trauma from getting hit or run over by a car and also he had a suicide-vest on too. Huge hole in the side could be from the explosives.

    hotwasabipeas on April 19, 2013 at 5:17 pm

      The bruising is from his own bomb.

      David Lanham on April 20, 2013 at 12:21 am

    Jon, there’s no love lost between brothers.

    If I took that shot, nothing would come between me and my Leica!

    Now Brooke Shields can sue me. Heh

    NormanF on April 19, 2013 at 5:24 pm

    The gaping “wound” on the side is probably a thoracotomy, a procedure employed in trauma surgery to access the heart. The bruising might have occurred when his brother ran over him. He apparently died after lying face down with his arms outstretched. perhaps when surrendering to the police. They showed the police with guns drawn observing him from a distance, perhaps not sure if he was faking death or had explosives on him.

    BethesdaDog on April 20, 2013 at 2:53 am

They were such nice boys blah blah blah

I don’t know what got into them blah blah blah

You know the drill.

THIS. IS. ISLAM. There is one in the Whitehouse who sent the message in response to Benghazi (crickets) that the paper tiger is an easy target.

I want to know who received the $50,000 payoff from the Mosque… Don’t tell you they weren’t paid for their jihad. No one works for free.

As goes Israel, so goes the World... on April 19, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Note to CNN: “JIHAD” is not a Tea Party doctrine.

Archie on April 19, 2013 at 5:38 pm

Damn, what a graphic photo, if hell exists, I hope he’s rotting there right now as we speak for what he did earlier this week!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on April 19, 2013 at 5:38 pm

From the UK Daily Mail website:

“Tamerlan Tsarnaev has a three-year-old daughter with a middle-class college student who converted to Islam, MailOnline can reveal. The 26-year-old Chechen – who was shot dead by cops last night – was regularly seen at Katherine Russell’s family home in Rhode Island, alongside their young daughter Zahara.”

Another American womb donor, as Debbie would say. The Daily Mail site is the only place I have read this story. Debbie’s website and foreign news outlets is where we need to go to find out what we are not being told by our domestic media.

Mike on April 19, 2013 at 5:48 pm

    He never apparently thought it necessary to marry the young woman(she converted). I guess Islamic morality only extended so far for this dude.

    Worry01 on April 19, 2013 at 5:54 pm

    Exactly, Mike!

    He wouldn’t even marry the girlfriend & yet she converted! Thank goodness I’m not a feminist anymore. Who wants to lead for dumb women like that? He didn’t respect her enough to marry her (yet she converted) and so much for a holy, roller Moooooslim. He had a kid out of wedlock.

    There are many reasons I hate Islam but the pure hypocrisy of the men nis one of the most offensive to me. It’s disgusting!

    Skunky on April 19, 2013 at 6:39 pm

The media spin is also that we don’t know if these two brothers had anything to do with radical Islam and we have to be very careful not to make any assumptions.

Carol on April 19, 2013 at 6:33 pm


    The pressitudes are whores shilling for Islam.

    If they had been white guys, speculation would have been welcomed. But ANY criticism of Islam is off-limits.

    NormanF on April 19, 2013 at 7:40 pm

A territory like Devils Island would be nice to have for these scum bags when they need to be deported but the receiving country can’t be trusted. Not the club gizmo they currently enjoy with the aclu lawyers, clean white clothes, and unlimited access to books and kurans.

samurai on April 19, 2013 at 6:51 pm

Someone said Boston’s Muslim community fears backlash from next week’s bombing.

Scott M on April 19, 2013 at 6:53 pm


    Name me ONE time a mythical anti-Islam backlash happened in this country.

    We are far better than our enemies.

    NormanF on April 19, 2013 at 8:00 pm

Looks like a nice pic. Very nice, can’t wait to see more of the same with his at large bro.

samurai on April 19, 2013 at 6:57 pm

I think Jihadi #2 was just caught on Franklin Street. Know it well.

He was hiding in a covered boat!

So weird to see the news all day be focused on the town I know the most. Surreal!

Skunky on April 19, 2013 at 7:20 pm


    Such “brave” jihadis are cowardly scum. They can kill innocent men, women and children but they hide like rats from our law enforcement.

    As I said, why wasn’t he killed?

    NormanF on April 20, 2013 at 1:33 am

Feel-good photo of the day.

skzion on April 19, 2013 at 7:21 pm

Hey, where is Chief Cochise?

skzion on April 19, 2013 at 7:22 pm

I still strongly doubt that this is the person, given the nature of the wounds on the side of the body, and excessive bruising of the face.

Jonathan E. Grant on April 19, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    Debbie now confirms it was indeed him.

    I love it when our Islamo cock-su*king media soils itself whining that he wasn’t “respected” in death.

    Brother, we need a lot more insults like this one to avenge our injured and dead, G-d bless ’em!

    NormanF on April 19, 2013 at 7:59 pm

If it is him, it is a Kodak moment. Kodak makes your pictures count!!!

Jonathan E. Grant on April 19, 2013 at 7:36 pm


    A priceless Leica moment.

    NormanF on April 19, 2013 at 7:41 pm

I only wish he had been alive and got dragged a few blocks when his brother ran over him.

Where are all those mutants who kept tweeting Ms. Debbie saying this had nothing to do with Muslims until these creeps were identified?

Jeff_W on April 19, 2013 at 8:50 pm

From the Muslim Student Association president at Darmouth

“His views on Islam were far from normal. I am the president of the Muslim Student Association here at UMassD and I approached him several times to join our group and learn and partake. He didn’t want to join, nor be associated with us. We played soccer together weekly and I knew him fairly well. If there’s one thing I can assure you it’s that this kid was NOT a Muslim. He did drugs, he drank alcohol, he didn’t want to help us when we were carrying out humanitarian relief efforts… he knew nothing of Islam.”

But you don’t care about comments like this. Only ones that promote your hatred towards Islam. Get a life Debbie. It’s sad your entire life is devouted to hating Muslims.

Sara Kindergarten on April 19, 2013 at 9:32 pm

    Sara In Kindergarten…it’s so funny. You just don’t get it. What you posted actually BOLSTERS what we have learned here about the hypocrisy of Islam.

    So cute. What you posted makes us even more resolved. And don’t forget we knew they were Moooooslim from the get go. It’s so great to be right! 😉

    Skunky on April 19, 2013 at 11:14 pm

    He and his friends were on FBI terror watch lists. You “Sara”, and all of you, knew that. I agree to some extent, in some cases, that extremism being met with extremism doesn’t solve everything, but this case is not one of them. YOU Sara are as guilty as these 2, this is the point, YOU had an opportunity and a choice to stop his terrorism, these 2 brothers, and the others you are protecting by your silence, and you didn’t. You have to understand this puts you in no position to tell others not to be really really pissed off and paint you with the same brush these two monsters are painted. I mean, he put the bomb down next to two little kids. In your “backyard” – And you ALL knew he was capable of that. What does that make you? COMPLICIT.

    Really Tired Of This Boston Sara on April 20, 2013 at 12:19 am


    They’re engaging in taquiyyah and kitman. Nowhere in the statement do the Muslim students actually condemn jihad and Islamic terrorism. Your long quote of them show you’re a gullible dhimmi fool, easily taken advantage of. Islam is a genocidal death cult.

    It has no place in our country and no place on our planet.

    NormanF on April 20, 2013 at 1:37 am

    If you look at the facts of how the Koran was assembled, by whom and when, and recognizing just how Islam is maintained in ad hoc interpretation and by the emams or so-called lawyers, if you accept as fact that, Islam does not consist in a body of beliefs which are open to inquiry, but in enforced patterns of behavior—and as with training even children to kill themselves in suicide, the disregard for human life, extending against even the young and otherwise innocent among Moslems—and noticing the plain effects of Islam, the world round—as Churchill so famously stated the case in description of degraded peoples—to say that, Islam is not a religion at all, but rather, is a criminal ideology, put together by bad men, for the utility of bad men, should appear as a straightforward observation.

    So, . . . as “a rose by any other name” etcetera, by all sign in evidence, Islam is a criminal ideology, . . . at the core, Islam is not a religion—mere religious trappings, notwithstanding, . . .

    PhillipGaley on April 20, 2013 at 11:11 am

So just a run of the mill muslim terrorist we get a kill photo. The most wanted man in the world and all we get is obama’s promise that he is dead.

ender on April 19, 2013 at 10:05 pm

Was that before or after the bombings?
Not much good now is it?
Anyway perhaps their Imam could enlighten us further.

Frankz on April 19, 2013 at 10:09 pm

The collective liberal media is crying their eyes out that it wasn’t lily white Tea Party activists that did the bombing.
Watch them now go into full “We can’t blame all the Muslims” mode.
But you know if it had been a Tea Party guy they would be blaming all conservatives for the bombing.
Look how they tried their best to blame Sarah Palin for the Giffords shooting.
To this day most liberals still think that somehow Giffords’ shooter was inspired by Palin to do the shooting.

Look for the media to call the Marathon bombers “fundamentalist” Muslims and say they were very “conservative”.
Just doing their best to at least put some blame on fundamentalist Christians and conservative Republicans.

Steve G. on April 19, 2013 at 11:47 pm

    The radicals in the TeaParty and the Jihadists in Boston are joined at the hip and always were. Some Americans really need to grow bigger brains and learn to read, so they might wrap their one-dimensional heads around facts, so perhaps little Bostonian kids won’t be blown to bits.

    Why does GteveG want to hid the connection on April 20, 2013 at 12:31 am

Tis the sport to see the engineer hoisted with his own petard lol

David Lanham on April 19, 2013 at 11:59 pm

Rot in pieces, douchebag! I’ll be guessing this putz isn’t anywhere NEAR 42 virgins.

Now, anyone got an “over/under” on the number of dsys it’ll take for THIS incident to become a RENEWED push for gun control. We ALL know thst, foriegn funded/influenced/logistically supported/ OR NOT, great focus will be made on the types of weapons these putzes used during their rampage. I’d be willing to bet my next 2 paychecks that’ll happen!

All I know is that if this had happened in a place like Nashville, “Bubba the Homeowner” woulda come outta his house, after almost 24 of wondering if Jihad Joe was gonna burst through his door, & asuming he WASN’T ALREADY carrying his 12 gagaue on his shoulder INTITIALLY, he sure as hell woulda got it when he saw the trail leading to his boat! And then another “martyr” could be sent on his useless way.

Personally, I hope they wrap BOTH of their fetid bodies in bacon.

Cicero's Ghost (NB) on April 20, 2013 at 1:22 am

I cannot believe to know the fact that many coldhearted person commenting in this site, this make me sick as human being. How can you guys happy to see a human dying in terrible condition. Regardless what he did, its really hard to me to joking or making fun a human corpse even he was confirmed as the suspect. Happy to see someone dying badly indicated that you guys is no better than him : Terorist!!

No matter what you religion is, bear in your mind that WE ARE ONE BIG GOD’S FAMILY.


Bestori Gultom on April 20, 2013 at 5:26 am

    BG, save it for someone else. Those who pity the truly evil are evil themselves. You also need to work on your basic literacy. Finally, your attempt to imitate a Jew is laughable.

    Worry01 on April 20, 2013 at 9:22 am

    Those who pity the truly evil are themselves, evil.

    Inthat, Moslems deny that, G0D has a Son—much less, a Son of Salvation—concerning your, “ONE BIG GOD’S FAMILY”, what Moslem will agree with you?

    But beside this, if you look at the facts of how the Koran was assembled—by whom and when—and recognizing just how Islam is maintained—in ad hoc interpretation—and by the emams or so-called lawyers—if you accept as fact that, Islam does not consist in a body of beliefs which are open to inquiry, but in enforced doctrines which are recognizable patterns of behavior—and as with training even children to kill themselves in suicide, the disregard for human life, extending against even the young and otherwise innocent among Moslems—and noticing the plain effects of Islam, the world round—as Churchill so well stated the case in description of the degradation of Islamic peoples—to say that, to anyone of whole mind, Islam is not a religion at all, but rather, is a criminal ideology, put together by bad men, for the utility of bad men, should stand as a straightforward observation.

    So, . . . as “a rose by any other name” etcetera, by all sign in evidence, Islam is a criminal ideology, . . . at the core, Islam is not a religion—its mere religious trappings, notwithstanding, . . .

    PhillipGaley on April 20, 2013 at 11:28 am


    When someone tries to murder me or my family, I want to see them dead.

    My milk of human kindness runs out when they seek to harm those I love. That is the most natural and appropriate human reaction in the world in the face of evil.

    We must hate those who do evil and take our satisfaction when they get what they deserve coming to them. The Tsarnaev brothers do not get a gram of human compassion from me. I’m more concerned about the lives they stole and the survivors left behind who are not the lucky ones in the wake of their evil carnage.

    The people who died and suffered greatly are a part of G-d’s family. A shame you can’t recognize whom G-d dearly loves and whom G-d hates. If you were truly a religious person, you wouldn’t write as you do!

    NormanF on April 20, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Bullet from an M-16 tumbles, and causes big wounds, which could easily account for the tear on the left side of his chest. Not sure about the EEG patches, the blue fitting on his right forearm, or the 2 yellow tipped needles in his chest. As was reported, his brother drove over his body, which might account for all the bruising.

Dale Zalaoras on April 20, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Muslim Students Association established in America in 1964 by da moooooslim bro’hood.(?) Middle Eastern “studies” programs on college campuses receive major $$$$$$$$$ from Saudi “families”, and other oil rich moooooslims.

MSA rep has “contaminated” one of my favorite sites! Excuse me,I need to go shower!

chewinmule on April 20, 2013 at 12:48 pm

To “Peaceful” Muslims:

When confronted with a “radical” muslim hell-bent on killing non-muslims and a “peaceful” muslim and I can’t tell the difference, what do you think is going to happen?

Answer: I’m gonna…


Doemboth on April 20, 2013 at 1:32 pm


Why are there EKG tabs on the body? Did they take an EKG reading on a body that is already dead? It may be general operating procedure for the Medical Examiner, but I was just curious.

DB on April 20, 2013 at 7:18 pm


I’m not pity to what he did, I respect him as human being, so his corpse should be respected . You can disagree to what he did but to making fun his corpse is definitely inappropriate behavior. BTW I’m not imitating Jew, Shalom is mean Peace which is used both by Jew and Christians(especially in the East)its equivalent of saying “Hi” and say “Goodbye” in good manner, so you the one who laughable and guess what?,,,evil too….

Bestori Gultom on April 22, 2013 at 2:44 am


You said : “We must hate those who do evil and take our satisfaction when they get what they deserve coming to them.”

I don’t know what your faith is but I believe is Good.but I don’t think u understand them. I know a lot of Dzokhar’s peoples hate your peoples( I’m just assuming you was a Jew, correct me if I’m wrong) but they did this because of the Politic in Israel/Palestine not because they are evil or something. Human was created with kindness nature, it was the peoples who contaminated this young men . so if you wanna blame someone for this heinous act, blame who the one radicalized them.

P.s : sorry for my bad grammar

Bestori Gultom on April 22, 2013 at 2:56 am


Please read the history of Islam, you will find that Islam and Judaism actually is sisters and had many similarities: Monotheistic, pray ritual, fasting, Tzedekah, circumcision, Dhimmi-system. Infact there is kind a duty for each Jew to do something resemble to what in Islam called “Jihad”.

So tell me, is it OK for you if I say Judaism is not religion but criminal ideology just like you said to Islam?

Bestori Gultom on April 22, 2013 at 3:06 am

Bestori, compassion is at the root of Christianity and its tenets so I agree with you that we children of God (not Allah) should always be compassionate. That is not to say we should not protect ourselves and call out evil. The Bible states we are not to indulge in, approve of, or overlook evil. With that said, I have studied the Koran and it is satan inspired EVIL and anyone who subscribes to it is opening their hear and souls to evil. The earlier portion of the Koran (the beautiful verses) are replaced by the evil ones. If you do not know this, you have not read it. Jesus will save your soul if you ask and believe in him.

CJ on April 22, 2013 at 12:59 pm


First of all Allah (ilahi) is Arabic word for God, it was originally came from Hebrew word “Elohim” mean exactly the same. BTW Allah is used not only by Muslims, in Eastern World (Arab Continent, Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia) the Christians also used this word in their weekly mass. so for ur info Allah mean God anyway.

I had studied Koran too and I thinks its nothing different from what I saw in Bible (especially in Old Testament). So I don’t think Islam is bad just like thought. But unfortunately I have to agree with some peoples that there are Muslims out there who taking their religion too far. However you cannot judging a whole religion because some of it peoples did heinous act. This also applied to Muslim who hate Jew and Christians because what happen in Middle East, they cannot hate them because Israel/American army and government kill their peoples.

Generalization is the worst human criminal in the world because its tend to be holocaust for the next step just like Hitler did in the past.


Bestori Gultom on April 23, 2013 at 12:22 am

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