April 7, 2013, - 6:08 pm
Hmmm . . . Coincidence That Anonymous Picks Holocaust Memorial Day to Hack Israeli Sites, Holocaust Museum?
As you may know, it’s Holocaust Memorial Day/Holocaust Remembrance Day. And it cannot possibly be a coincidence that the Anonymous hackers also tried, today, to take down Israeli sites, especially and specifically Yad VaShem, the Israeli Holocaust Memorial Museum. There are no coincidences. Not on stuff like this. As if we needed more evidence that the far-left is infested with anti-Semitism. Six million Jews murdered by the Nazis . . . and Anonymous dances on their graves. Thing is, some targeted Israeli sites like Ha’aretz are so anti-Israel that you’d hardly notice the change had the hacking been successful.

That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .

A weekend cyber attack campaign targeting Israeli government websites failed to cause serious disruption, officials said Sunday. The attacks followed warnings in the name of the hacking group Anonymous that it was launching a massive attack. Yitzhak Ben Yisrael, of the government’s National Cyber Bureau, said hackers had mostly failed to shut down key sites.
“So far it is as was expected, there is hardly any real damage,” Ben Yisrael said. “Anonymous doesn’t have the skills to damage the country’s vital infrastructure. And if that was its intention, then it wouldn’t have announced the attack ahead of time. It wants to create noise in the media about issues that are close to its heart,” he said.
Posters using the name of the hacking group Anonymous had warned they would launch a massive attack on Israeli sites in a strike they called OpIsrael starting April 7. Israeli media said small businesses had been targeted, and some websites’ homepages were replaced by anti-Israel slogans. In retaliation, Israeli activists hacked sites of radical Islamist groups and splashed them with pro-Israel messages, media said.
Shlomi Dolev, an expert on network security and cryptography at Ben Gurion University, said attacks of this kind will likely become more common. “It is a good test for our defense systems and we will know better how to deal with more serious threats in the future,” he said.
The anti-Semites who dominate the far-left may be too smart by half, but still not smart enough to hurt Israel, as much as they might try.
Instead of thinking about the Anonymous hackers, remember the six million who perished at the hands of their ilk. And the millions of survivors and their progeny who are around today. We won, they lost . . . again.

“The Nation of Israel Lives”: From Six Million Murdered in the Holocaust to Six Million Thriving in Israel
*** UPDATE: Everyone, check out Anonymous’ “OpIsrael” site, which has been hacked, er . . . corrected and edited by Israeli hacker “EhIsR.” (Thanks to reader Lilibellt.)
Tags: Anonymous, Anonymous hackers, Anonymous hackers Israel, Anonymous hacks Israel, Anonymous Israel, Ben Gurion University, Holocaust, Holocaust Memorial Day, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel, OpIsrael, Shlomi Dolev, Yitzhak Viflic
Thanks for exposing Anon’s true agenda Debbie.
Pathetic c try hard terrorists….bunch of kids playing on Daddy’s computer by the looks of it.
Alan on April 7, 2013 at 6:25 pm