March 18, 2013, - 2:02 pm
That’s Your Prez Candidate? Rand Paul to Unveil Immigration Amnesty Program Tomorrow @ Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Will Rand Paul’s endorsement, tomorrow, of amnesty for illegal aliens be embraced by the so-called conservatives who’ve blindly gushed over his ACLU/far-left stand in the war against Islamic terrorists? His office just sent me a press release, below, about his “immigration reform” (that’s clear code for AMNESTY) program which he’ll unveil tomorrow at the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a group which openly endorses amnesty. The Hispanic Chamber, by the way, vehemently opposed Arizona’s immigration laws. Uh-huh, those are Rand Paul’s pals.

There was unnecessary buzz over the weekend about Rand Paul winning a straw poll for the 2016 Presidential race at CPAC–the deceptively-named Conservative Political Action Conference. But nutjobs–like Paul’s father Ron–generally win at CPAC. And that’s because CPAC is a bunch of self-appointed cliques of losers and wannabes; nerdy, old congenital political geeks; college students; and Islamo-panderers. None of these represents American conservatism. Real American conservatism is on the streets of Brighton, Michigan or Appleton, Wisconsin, and the farms of Nebraska, not with these Inside the Beltway wannabes. And so it goes with their endorsement of Rand Paul who will NEVER be President, just like dear old dad.
Sadly, though, while his fruitcake papa never caught on much beyond the tea parties and the Neo-Nazi skinheads who worked on his campaigns (and whose help he did not disavow), Rand Paul’s left-wing rant against getting rid of Islamic terrorists–he thinks Obama should have given Anwar Al-Awlaki and his son a trial on U.S. soil complete with America-hating ACLU lawyers–caught on with people who used to be of sound mind, people who supporting fighting Islamic terrorists on our own soil when President Bush was in power.
So, now, Rand Paul is manifesting exactly the monster we warned that he was when he ran for the Kentucky U.S. Senate seat. He’s his dad. Before he ran, he compared U.S. troops to Hitler, attacked Gitmo, accused the U.S. of torture, and praised Iran, applauding its anti-American sentiment and saying he didn’t blame the Iranians for hating us. He wasn’t opposed to Iranian nukes, either. But idiots like Sarah Palin and the idiots who follow her got this clown elected. Now, he’s still that guy and more. He’s the guy who supports illegal alien amnesty for 20 million lawbreaking invaders in our midst. He’s the guy who feels, like liberals and the ACLU and HAMAS CAIR, that Islamic terrorists should have trials on American soil with tax-funded lawyers to conduct circuses. He’s the guy who claims that “America is not a battlefield,” as he told Rush Limbaugh, in support of his filibuster and demands from Eric Holder to guarantee that American citizens on U.S. soil wouldn’t be targeted with drones, even if they are terrorists. America is not a battlefield? Tell it to the 13 Americans murdered at Fort Hood? Or those who were about to be blown up in Times Square. Or the 3,000 who were murdered on American soil on 9/11. His view is also at odds with longtime–since the Civil War–U.S. law that Americans on U.S. soil can be treated as enemy combatants.
So, now, here it is. So-called conservatives are embracing a guy who is to the left of or matches Obama on everything that matters: legal rights for Islamic terrorists, amnesty for illegal aliens, closing Gitmo, embracing Iran, and so on. In case you don’t know, Rand Paul is the only U.S. Senator to vote against a resolution against Iran nukes.
If Rand Paul’s amnesty program becomes law, he will for certain never be President because, after all, he’ll help solidify instant legions of liberal Democrat voters into the mix and for generations to come. And the so-called conservatives cheering him on will deserve it because they cheered on everything this libertarian-without-limits nutjob supported to their scorched earth death.
Good luck with that:
From: Lane, Jillian (Paul)
Date: Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 12:18 PM
Subject: ***MEDIA ADVISORY***TOMORROW: Sen. Paul to Discuss Vision for Immigration Reform
Cc: “Bagley, Moira (Paul)”, “May, Eleanor (Paul)”***MEDIA ADVISORY***
TOMORROW: Sen. Paul to Discuss Vision for Immigration Reform
WASHINGTON, D.C. – TOMORROW, Tuesday, March 19, Sen. Rand Paul will unveil his immigration policy and outline his platform for reform at the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Legislative Summit in Washington, D.C.
TIME: 8:00a.m. ET
LOCATION: The Capital Hilton
Presidential Ballroom
1001 16th St. NW
Washington DC 20036
So, all of you conservatives who rightfully supported Arizona’s immigration laws, now are ya gonna just throw that all away because you are blindly, dangerously in love with Rand Paul?
Good luck with that.
Ah for the days when the Republican Party was about national security (if there ever were those days). Now, it’s just about, “Hey, Liberals, Me Too! Me Too!”
Tags: amnesty, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Rand Pau U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Rand Paul, Rand Paul amnesty, Rand Paul Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Rand Paul illegal aliens, Rand Paul immigration, U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
[Debbie – So, all of you conservatives who rightfully supported Arizona’s immigration laws, now are ya gonna just throw that all away because you are blindly, dangerously in love with Rand Paul?]
I am not going to hold my breath waiting for this to happen, but I would love to see some of these conservative legislatures be forced to answer on television how they square the two.
I_AM_ME on March 18, 2013 at 2:36 pm