February 13, 2013, - 1:39 pm
Marco Rubio Did What? (Nope, Not the Drink of Water)
While everyone is talking about Marco Rubio’s conspicuous drink of water during his Republican response, last night, to Barack Obama’s State of the Union address, I noticed something else very obtrusive. Very obtrusive by its absence. Since Marco Rubio has been pimping the Senate Gangbang of Eight’s illegal alien amnesty program for over a month, it’s odd that he didn’t mention it in the Republican response. Yes, he talked a lot about being the son of immigrants and his lofty, fantasy-filled story of why all immigrants come to America. But he never mentioned the amnesty bill.
Why not?

Well, as you may have noticed, Barack Obama also laid very low on illegal alien amnesty, last night. He mentioned it very briefly and in passing, and he noted the “bi-partisan” group of Senators and Congressmen, including Rubio, who are working for amnesty and have come to agreement on it.
Rubio is taking the same tack. They know that the majority of Americans do NOT support amnesty, despite what prognosticators and other conventional wisdom fools told us was the message of the November 2012 elections. They know that Republican voters don’t support amnesty and that the average American struggling to find a job or keep one doesn’t want or need 30 million illegal aliens to be suddenly thrust on the legal job market (as they will be) to compete against them while on their “pathway to citizenship.”
And so Rubio is a fraud (which isn’t news to the Florida GOP, from which he embezzled more than $100,000). If he supports the Senate Gangbang of Eight amnesty package, and he does (he’s their pimp/kapo in the right for amnesty), then he should have embraced it like that bottle of water, last night. He’s trying to play it both ways, by citing immigrants and not mentioning what he wants to do to America with the tens of millions of illegal immigrants.
And, now, the water. Apparently, the Republicans still don’t get it with regard to TV. Lights can get hot in a studio, much more so than they are at the podium of the House of Representatives, from where the President always gets to deliver his speech. So Rubio should have been well-hydrated. But even if he was not, which was apparently the case, the bottle of water should have been level with Rubio’s arm or hand, so he could easily grab the bottle and take a quick sip, without awkwardly bending down with the camera following him, emphasizing the event. When he first bent down to reach for something, I thought it was going to be a chart or graph. When he then stood up and took a heavy drink, it was not only awkward, but a reminder that the GOP forgot the lessons of the Nixon-Kennedy debate, in which Nixon sweated, affecting the vote.
Yes, we know that humans sweat, they get heated up, and they get thirsty. It’s natural, and there’s nothing wrong with it. But that doesn’t mean you don’t make every attempt to avoid this in a major speech on live national television.
If only Marco Rubio and the GOP paid as much attention to this small set of details as they did to avoiding mentioning the amnesty they are trying to ram down our throats–an amnesty that will have disastrous effects even worse than the taxing and spending for which Rubio rightfully criticized Obama.
Tags: amnesty, Immigration, Marco Rubio, Republican response to SOTU, SOTU, State of the Union, water
I don’t see the amnesty proposal gaining steam – its enormously unpopular. If the country really wanted it, both the Prez and Rubio would have given it high profile treatment last night.
We’re not going to cure the disease but leaving it alone is better than trying to treat it – and absent immigration law enforcement, no real cure exists.
NormanF on February 13, 2013 at 1:58 pm