February 12, 2013, - 3:19 pm
HILARIOUS: Janet Jackson African Queen Rage
Several months ago, I wrote about Janet Jackson’s conversion to Islam to marry a Qatari billionaire Wissam Al Mana, and I noted that Blacks are typically treated as slaves in the tremendously racist Muslim world (where many Blacks today are, in fact, slaves). Apparently, this spurred racist e-mails like this one from the grammatically-challenged Lilian Nnenna (“Vanna, I’d like to buy a vowel”). Are all those “N”s pronounced, or are they merely fashion accessories? The “L”s are jealous.

From: Lilian Nnenna mummycool22@yahoo.co.uk
Date: Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 5:18 AM
Subject: NOTE
To: “writedebbie@gmail.com” writedebbie@gmail.comyou are a stupid ugly hopeless unattractive white woman, to write this crap about our, Queen Janet Jackson. are u jealous because she’s marrying a handsome billionaire. shame on u bastard. you are probably an ugly white woman or an ugly black american man who cant compete with the white man in times of billionaire. writing this crap. i have only one thing to tell you. black queens will con-tune to marry billionaires weather u like it or not. look at how may billionaire white and Arabic men choosing the black queen. but no any black man billionarer choosing white trash. last but not list. you white women trash will die of loneliness. look at how your men are living u and marrying black and Asian queens. white men love black queen since ages. even the Arabic men. that’s why you white women go tanning, boot lift, lips sugary, etc to look like a black woman. continue been jealous of black queen while the black queen will be busy taking all the billionaires around the world. shame on you bitch.
I agree. I’ve never seen “no any black man billionarer choosing white trash.” In fact, I’ve never seen “no any black man billionarer,” period, though I think this may refer to Oprah, who, instead, “choosing” Gayle. On the other hand, I do believe that then-“any black man millionarer” O.J. Simpson “choosing” (and later choosing to murder) Nicole Brown-Simpson. Maybe she was a Black albino.
Tags: hate-mail, hatemail, Janet Jackson, Janet Jackson rage, Lilian NNenna
This hate e-mail was written by someone unaware multi-racial marriages are common in the US these days.
Obama is the son of a white mother and a black father.
Debbie, your poster needs to brush up on history before he rants you’re prejudiced against Janet Jackson being being married to a white Arab.
The list of idiots in this country just goes on and on… and yes, its hilarious!
NormanF on February 12, 2013 at 3:28 pm