February 6, 2013, - 3:04 pm
Uggh – VIDEO: Rapper Who Threatened to Kill Girlfriend Raps in Michigan Court; Thanks, Judge Chmura
Meet Callius Moon, rapper and criminal (but, then, I repeat myself). Moon, age 26, who threatened to kill his girlfriend, made an appearance yesterday via jailhouse video in the suburban Detroit courtroom of Judge John Chmura. The only thing more annoying than a guy who raps instead of speaking in court has to be a judge who allows it to go on, instead of finding this clown in contempt of court and demanding respect. I guess somebody forgot that the term, “court jester,” doesn’t–and shouldn’t-apply to America’s courtrooms. Watch the video (sorry for the horrid sound, but the TV station pulled the report . . . not sure why):

Now that rapper Moon has been granted a court-appointed attorney, hopefully he’ll have someone speaking on his behalf who doesn’t rhyme. Good thing Johnny Cochran is no longer available. More info on his hip-hop arraignment session here.
Tags: 37th District Court, 37th District Court Michigan, Callius Moon, criminal rappers, Criminals, Detroit, Judge John Chmura, Michigan, rapper, rapper criminals, rapper in court, video, Warren
An annoying and unintelligible thug rapping his plea. How quaint.
DS_ROCKS! on February 6, 2013 at 3:20 pm