February 4, 2013, - 4:35 pm
FUNNY VIDEO: The Iranian Space Monkey; Iran Announces Plans for Human Astronaut
As you probably know, last week, Iran claimed it sent a monkey into space. But a number of news sources say it’s a hoax, based on the photos Iran presented which obviously used more than one monkey. In any event, today, Iran announced that within the next six years, it will send the first Iranian human into space. Hopefully, they’ll send Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs and leave ’em there, though Ahmadinejad will soon be term-limited out of the Iranian Presidency (yes, they have term limits there). Ironically, today, one week after this video, below, aired, Ahmadinejad volunteered to be the first Iranian astronaut. Life imitates art . . . or something. Whether or not that will actually happen and whether or not the monkey story is a hoax, this video is pretty funny. And you gotta watch until the end for the bonus classy “CNN Headline News Segue of the Day.”
Reader Peter R.:
While they’ve demonstrated the ability to have one of their monkeys survive a trip to space allegedly, they’ve never had one survive air combat against an American.
“Bar Keep, a bunch of bananas for my bare handed ass wiping friends, and shots of Patron for the rest of us.”
Exit Question: If they actually do have real monkey astronauts, are those monkeys Iranian monkey astronauts . . . or Persian monkey astronauts? The debate of our time ensues.

Tags: CNN, CNN headline News, funny, funny video, Iran, Iran astronaut, Iran monkey in space, Iran space program, Iranian astronaut, Iranian space monkey, Iranian Space Program, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel Live, monkey, monkeys, video
Their new “stealth” fighter plane they’ve unveiled may not actually exist.
In the Middle East, its hard to distinguish fable from fact.
That said, the Iranians are always good for a laugh and endlessly entertaining!
NormanF on February 4, 2013 at 4:52 pm