February 3, 2013, - 3:34 pm
Coke Caves to HAMAS/Hezbo Arabs, Now Gays Upset @ Arab in Coke Superbowl Ad
Told ya Coke would cave to the perpetual outrage of the Arab Muslim victimhood pimps. And I was right. It was so easy to predict. But now that Coke dhimmified itself for Al-Whiners, the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and tranny community is upset over the Arab on a camel in the desert in a coke ad because it’s wrong to “pit groups against each other.” Huh? I guess they’ve never seen “Battle of the Network Stars” or, more currently, “The Biggest Loser,” “Survivor,” “The Bachelor,” and NFL football.

Last week, I noted the Arab (largely Muslim Arab) conniptions over a Coke Super Bowl ad featuring a number of movie characters, including a keffiyeh-garbed Arab on a camel in the desert, “Lawrence of Arabia” style. The characters were racing in the hot sand to reach a giant coke bottle (and presumably get a drink). Arab groups–particularly, the pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah ADC (American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee), whose President, Warren David, makes his living shaking down companies to pay for his sensitivity training baloney–were upset over an Arab in the desert on a camel because there would never ever be an Arab in the desert on a camel. Never ever ever. Also, they were upset that the video ad directs viewers to a stupid website where they can vote for one of the groups to win the race, and yet, one cannot vote for the Arab on the camel. But, now, after a lot of whining and grandstanding, Coke caved, saying the Arab on the camel will have a huge role which will be unveiled in the middle of the Super Bowl, and his character will be developed later on in TV ads and on the Internet. Alhamdillullah [praise allah]!
It’s the most ridiculous act in grievance theater yet. But it always works.
[It] drew charges of racism from the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and Muslim Institute for Interfaith Studies. But Thursday, key critics backed off their complaints after Coca-Cola explained the back story of the ad and plans to develop the character on TV and the Internet.
Coca-Cola spokeswoman Lauren Thompson says the Arab character portrays a movie star filming his latest blockbuster as the race for Coke begins. The company didn’t want to tip viewers off about his expanded role in the ads until game time.
“They explained themselves pretty well, and I would say we feel better now that we have a better understanding of the campaign and the intent,” says Abed Ayoub, legal director for the committee. “The Arab-American community has been experiencing demonization in television and the media.”
Hmmm . . . did ya ever see how Americans, Jews, and Christians are portrayed in Arab and Muslim television and the media?
Coke and the ADC will now have an “ongoing dialogue.” Cha-ching! Look for Coke to sponsor ADC’s next anti-Israel, pro-Hezbollah/HAMAS annual fundraising banquet.
But even though the Arabs are happy with their successful shakedown and dhimmification of Coke, the gays are now upset:
“The problem with the ad is that it relies on stereotypical characters to tell their story,” says Chris Lehtonen, president of Asterix Group, a San Francisco-based LGBT and multicultural marketing firm. (LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered.) “While it may not be blatantly racist, the fact that it pits these groups against each other in the ad is insensitive. It is trying to sell their product at the expense of these groups.
Hilarious. The ad features cowboys, Vegas-style showgirls, and “Mad Max” types on motorcycles and dune buggies. “Pit[ting] these groups against each other”? These are fictional characters from movies. Hellooooo . . . . ? I don’t see American cowboys or Vegas showgirls complaining about their portrayal in the ad. I would recommend that Mr. Lehtonen and the rest of his LGBT friends go to the Arab Muslim world. Then, they’ll really see how groups are pitted against them, as they are sentenced to death for their lifestyles.
This Coke cave to the jihad comes after Taco Bell was cowed (perhaps that’s the wrong word) by the food police into removing its Super Bowl ad mocking vegetables. Are you kidding me? You can’t mock vegetables anymore? Announcing PETT: People for the Ethical Treatment of Tomatoes!
When did Americans become so sensitive and thin-skinned?
When we stopped being Americans and started worshipping at the altar of multi-cultural foreign and sexual interests that aren’t operating in the best interests of America.
And, sadly, now, we’ll never recover from that. It’s the new normal in America, a country which will likely never be reclaimed from the sewer to its former glory.
Tags: Abed Ayoub, ADC, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Arabs, Asterix Group, Chris Lehtonen, Coca Cola, Coke, Coke Chase, dhimmi soft drinks, dhimmis, food police, Islam, jihadist shakedowns, Lauren Thompson, Lawrence of Arabia, LGBT, Muslim Institute for Interfaith Studies, Muslims, People for the Ethical Treatment of Tomatoes, PETT, Super Bowl, Taco Bell, video, Warren David
No more coke for me. I’ll buy the generic cola at the supermarket.
David on February 3, 2013 at 3:38 pm